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Jan 13th - Jan 17 th . Ms.Newman’s Classroom News. The PVN network updates: Contact email: TheNetwork@ urbandiscoveryacademy.com Lunch Forms due by January 8, 2014
Jan 13th- Jan 17th Ms.Newman’s Classroom News The PVN network updates: Contact email: TheNetwork@urbandiscoveryacademy.com Lunch Forms due by January 8, 2014 Lunch is provided Monday-Friday now. A lunch form has been sent out, please fill it out and return it to the office by January 8, 2014. Spelling Bee on January 24th The Annual UDA Spelling Bee will take place on Friday, January 24th, 2014. All students in grades 1-8 are welcome to participate and will be given an entry form and information packet this week. If you would like your child to participate in this year's Spelling Bee, please indicate this by signing an entry form and placing it in Mrs. Brehmer's mailbox in the front office. Electronic copies of this packet can be found under the Spelling Bee tab on Mrs. Brehmer's website. Math : (hw bookpages 71-76 ): 5-15 Hundred Chart Patterns, 5-18 Even and Odd, 5-19 Count by 5’s and 2’s Writing: Old Black Fly Book: students are writing their own version of the story. Martin Luther King Jr. Connection: students will say how they connect to MLK Jr. Timed Writing: your child will be given three words, boy and furry dog, then they will write as many sentences as they can in 15-20 minutes relating to the words. Word Study: Long /a/ spelled a, a_e , ai_ and _ay Spelling :Spelling List 11: ate, late, take, make, pay, play, stay, mail, rail, trail. Challenge List: hesitate, obtain, delay, display, emigrate. Check these lists out on Spelling City.com! Video of the week:Goods and Services Project! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHuDj80b8SI Social Studies/Science: Social Studies: Our community Book Science: Continue learning about animal coverings and adaptations. 1/8 Lunch Forms Due! 1/10 Spelling Bee Forms Due! 1/20 No School in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. 1/21 Jamba Juice 1/23 Mad Science visits our classroom! 1/24 Spelling Bee 1/31 Half Day Pick up at 12pm 2/12 100th Day of School! 2/13 Valentines Day celebration (in class) 2/14 No School 2/17 No School 2/28 Half Day Pick up at 12pm and Art Night!
Ms. Newman’s Classroom Newsletter Hello Parents! Thank you so much to all parents who have replied with suggestions on how to improve the readership of our class newsletter! Thank you so much for being involved in your students education! <3 Intent to Re-Enroll forms have been sent home with your student today. They are due by February 3rdat the absolute latest. It is extremely important that these be returned promptly so that we are able to calculate the spaces available for our student lottery. If forms are not returned by then we will not be able to guarantee a spot for your child in the next school year and they will have to re-enter the lottery. Also going home with your kiddo is our next project! In Social Studies, we have been learning about the Marketplace and the businesses in our communities that provide both goods and services. This project will reflect on these characteristics and has always been a fun one for our kiddos! The guidelines are going home today with your child on a pink paper. The video of the week is also dedicated to this project if you need further guidance. (Due Feb.3rd) Rule Reminder Tickets In order to remind students of the rules at school and to keep them accountable for their actions first grade will be starting Rule Reminder Tickets. If your child is breaking the rules and is going home with any color below green, they will also be taking home a Rule Reminder Ticket. The tickets will have which rule your student broke and how many times they broke it during the day. This ticket does not need to be returned to me. Our class rules are: 1. Follow directions quickly. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak. 3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. 4. Make smart choices. 5. Keep your dear teacher happy. Thank you so much for your support in this! Don’t forget our Scholastics orders have a close date of January 17th. This is so that any Valentines Day books that are ordered can arrive in time before the break. Thank you so much for keeping yourself updated on your child’s education and please shoot me an email to confirm that you have received this newsletter! Love, Ms. Newman