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Objectives. Review the appearance of common benign dermatological findings in neonatesDescribe the assessment and management of less common but significant dermatological disorders in neonatesProvide a framework for classifying and identifying neonatal skin findings. Part 1. What's the common
1. Neonatal Dermatology:Part I Mikelle Key-Solle MD
2. Objectives
Review the appearance of common benign dermatological findings in neonates
Describe the assessment and management of less common but significant dermatological disorders in neonates
Provide a framework for classifying and identifying neonatal skin findings
3. Part 1
What’s the common link?
5. Desquamation Normal when develops 24-48 hours after birth and abates up to 2 weeks
If present at birth, then consider postmaturity or icthyotic conditions
6. These infants were born with this shiny membrane covering the entire body.
7. Icthyosis Congenita AKA Collodion baby
Infant covered by thick, taut, shiny, red, translucent membrane that cracks with inspiration, then sheds in large sheets
May have “O mouth” deformity
Complications include significant insensible water losses with hypernatremia, hypothermia, infection, aspiration of shedding squamous tissue
May evolve to icthyosis, Gaucher disease, or no skin disease
Supportive treatment with careful fluid management, high humidity incubator to minimize water loss, wound care with non-occlusive lubrication
9. Harlequin Fetus Rare keratinizing disorder with thickened ridged, cracked skin forming plates over the entire body at birth
Disfigures facial features and constricts digits
Hair and nails may be absent
Respiratory difficulty, poor suck, usually death in days
Rare survivors have severe ichthyosis and neurologic impairment
11. Contact Dermatitis AKA diaper dermatitis, irritant dermatitis
Erythema and scale in response to chemical irritation (urine/feces/soaps/topical preparations); betadine used at time of circumcision for our example
Patchy or confluent, sparing skin folds
Tx with frequent diaper changes, gentle cleansing with water qod, barrier creams, air drying
If persistent, light application of 0.5-1% topical hydrocortisone cream after each diaper change
If severe with vesicles/bullae/fissures/erosions, add Burow’s solution to regimen
13. Candidal Diaper Dermatitis Intensely erythematous, confluent plaque with scalloped/sharply demarcated border
Satellite pustules are hallmark
Contact, seborrheic, atopic dermatitis serves as portal of entry
Erosive balanitis in males
Tx with anti-fungal ointment (nystatin, clotrimazole) qid until rash cleared for 2 days; zinc oxide paste or thick barrier cream
Consider short course of topical hydrocortisone if inflammation severe
Tendency to recur due to GI colonization
15. Seborrheic Dermatitis AKA Cradle cap
Chronic inflammation of scalp, face, intertriginous areas
Greasy yellow crusting with underlying erythema resulting from overproduction of sebum
Treat with lubrication, anti-seborrheic shampoo, and gentle scraping
Differentiate from psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis, candidiasis
17. Psoriasis Erythematous papules coalescing to plaques, sharply demarcated irregular borders, thick silvery yellow/white scale
Auspitz sign--pinpoint bleeding with removal of scale
Koebner response--new lesions at sites of trauma
Scalp, elbows, umbilicus, diaper areas common
May mimic seborrhea, eczema, Candidosis, or perianal strep
Tx with tar preparations, UV light, topical corticosteroids, keratinolytic agents
19. Langerhan Cell Histiocytosis AKA Letterer-Siwe syndrome, Histiocytosis X
X-linked proliferation of histiocytes in viscera/bones
Progressive diaper dermatitis initially resembling seborrheic dermatitis, then becoming hemorrhagic and erosive; similar rash on scalp/trunk/limbs
Can similarly infiltrate multiple organ systems with organ dysfunction and possibly death; eosinophilic granulomas of bone common
Hallmark is Langerhan cell Birbeck granule seen on electron microscopy (tennis racket-shaped intracellular bilamellar granule)
21. Congenital Syphilis Results from transplacental transmission of spirochetes during primary, secondary, or early latent syphilis
Risk factors include inadequate prenatal care and cocaine abuse
Fetal/perinatal death in up to 40%
Early signs (first 2 years of life): multi-organ system involvement
Mucocutaneous, erythematous, maculopapular to vesiculobullous eruption present at birth, which desquamates on hands/feet
Coombs negative hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, HSM
CNS and ocular abnormalities (chorioretinitis)
Osteochondritis of joints, periostitis of long bones/skull produces irritability +/- decreased movement of limbs
22. Part 1
What’s the common link?
23. Part 1: Papulosquamous Eruptions
24. Neonatal Dermatology:Part 2
What’s the common link?
26. Acne neonatorum Hypertrophic sebaceous glands causing closed comedones on cheeks, forehead, and face in first month of life; occasional open comedones
Unknown etiology, but thought secondary to maternal androgen stimulation
Associated with maternal use of hydantoin and lithium
Resolves over months without treatment
28. Sebaceous Gland Hyperplasia Profuse superficial yellow-white 1-2 mm papules over cheeks and nose representative of hyperplastic glands
Often superficial and can be wiped off
Can take months to resolve
30. Milia 1-2 mm, firm inclusion/retention cysts most commonly on nose/chin
Filled with keratinaceous material in the pilosebaceous follicle
Up to 50% of neonates
Cannot be wiped off and not associated with sweat retention
32. Epstein’s Pearls
AKA Bohn’s nodules
Associated with milia and represent similar keratinaceous material-filled inclusion cysts
Resolve without treatment or symptoms
34. Miliaria Crystallina Sudden eruption of pinpoint clear vesicles over large body surface area
Occluded eccrine sweat ducts by keratinaceous plug in duct
Noninflammatory, asymptomatic, superficial
Associated with hot/humid weather, fever, or excessive bundling
Secondary to the relative immaturity and delayed patency of sweat duct
Often desquamation upon healing
36. Miliaria Rubra Erythematous, papulovesicular, extrafollicular eruption deeper than crystallina
Localized to site of occlusion or flexural areas (neck, groin, axillae) subject to friction
May become eroded/macerated, so confused with candidosis and folliculitis
Swelling of ductal epidermal cells?duct obstruction?keratinaceous plug and surrounding erythema
Responds to cooling/defervescence
Repeated episodes may lead to miliaria profunda, with deep rupture of sweat gland and disturbance of heat regulation
37. Miliaria Profunda
39. Erythema Toxicum AKA Urticaria Neonatorum
Benign, transient 2-3 cm erythematous maculopapular rash scattered over trunk/face/limbs sparing palms and soles
Affects about 50% of infants
May have central papule/vesicle/pustule
First appears 24-48 hrs of life, last 2-3 weeks
Eosinophils on Wright’s stain
41. Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis Three phases:
Early evanescent superficial pustules 2-3 d
Pustules rupture with collarette of fine scale
Late hyperpigmentation resolving by 3 months
Occurs on neck, forehead, lower back followed by trunk
No bacteria or eosinophils on smear
43. Sucking Blisters Superficial bullae on upper limbs/hands present at birth
Diagnose by observing infant sucking area
45. Neonatal/Perinatal Herpes Simplex Active primary maternal infection at delivery has 33-50% infant attack rate, but only 25% of mothers have symptoms
40% of infections occur during first week of life
3 major catagories of disease
Localized skin, eye, mouth: avg 5-6 days of life, 70% progress if untreated
CNS infections: avg 8-12 days of life
Disseminated infection: avg 5-6 days of life
Typical grouped vesicular ulcerative lesions only present in 30-40%
Tzanck smear of unroofed lesion, conjunctival/nasal/oral/rectal/skin swabs, DNA PCR on CSF may all aid in diagnosis
Tx with IV acyclovir +/- cephalosporin for bacterial superinfection
47. Neonatal Varicella Crops of intensely pruritic erythematous macules evolving to papular then vesicular lesions
Vesicles become cloudy, umbilicate, then rupture with crusting
Particularly high mortality when contracted less than 1 week prior to delivery due to inadequate maternal antibody transfer
May present with prodrome of fever, irritability, abd pain, anorexia 24-48 hours before rash
Complications include pneumonitis, encephalitis, hepatitis, corneal ulceration
Tx with VZIG if maternal symptoms develop 5 days prior thru 2 days after delivery +/- IV acyclovir if infant has severe symptoms
Congenital infection during 1-2nd trimester characterized by cicatricial skin lesions, microcephaly, microphthalmia, cataracts, and shortened malformed limbs
49. Infantile Acropustulosis Cyclic crops of intensely pruritic papules evolving into vesiculopustular lesions within 24 hours
Located on palms, soles, sides of feet
Lesions then crust over and resolve in 1-2 weeks
Cycles every 3-4 weeks for up to 2 years
PMNs +/- eosinophils on smear
Differentiate from scabies
Treat with topical steroids +/- oral antihistamines for itching
51. Congenital Cutaneous Candidosis Rare condition with vesiculopustular lesions anywhere on body in otherwise well infant at birth or within 12 hours of birth
Presumed ascending infection from heavily colonized mother
May become disseminated with intermittently positive blood/CSF cultures
CSF cx positive in one third
Treat with topical antifungal; ampho B for disseminated disease
53. Staphylococcal Pustulosis AKA bullous impetigo, Staph scalded skin
Disease ranging from localized bullae to generalized cutaneous involvement with systemic illness/fever/irritability
Sterile bullae rupture 2-5 days later with crusting
Tender erythroderma of flexural/peri-orificial areas with denudation in large sheets (+Nikolsky sign) indicative of scalded skin syndrome
Mediated by hematogenous spread of exfoliative/epidermolytic toxins secondary to decreased renal clearance
Treat with penicillin +/- clindamycin for decreased toxin production
55. Epidermolysis Bullosa Heterogeneous group of congenital, hereditary blistering disorders, but all characterized by blisters induced by trauma and exacerbated by warm weather
Blisters present at birth in most forms with + Nikolsky sign
Treatment primarily wound care, monitoring for superinfection, genetic counseling
Prognosis extremely variable depending on type
57. Aplasia Cutis Congenita Congenital absence of skin layers
Most often on scalp but can occur anywhere
Usually isolated anomaly, but can be associated with syndromes/anomalies
If found with blisters/nail dystrophy, consider EB
Complications include hemorrhage, local infection, meningitis
59. Mastocytosis Spectrum of disorders from solitary cutaneous nodules to diffuse cutaneous/systemic involvement
Urticaria pigmentosa is most common form
Crops of lesions, usually in kids <2 years
Dermatographism of normal intervening skin common
Characterized by dermal aggregates of mast cells
Intense pruritis, + Darier sign, often blisters which become hyperpigmented orange-peel plaques with pebbly appearance
Systemic involvement characterized by intermittent flushing, tachycardia, hypotension, wheezing, syncope, diarrhea (histamine release)
Most spontaneously involute by adulthood
61. Incontinentia Pigmenti AKA Bloch-Sulzberger Disease
X-linked dominant syndrome with four phases:
Erythematous linear streaks/plaques of vesicles on limbs and circumferentially around trunk; birth to 4 months (pictured on left); eosinophils predominant in vesicles
Verrucous plaques on limbs
Pigmented whorls following Blaschko lines (pictured below)
Hypopigmented, hairless, anhidrotic streaks
Associated with alopecia/wiry hair, dental abnormalities, MR, CNS and ocular abnormalities, dystrophic nails
Lethal in male embryo, so only expressed by heterozygous females
Presentation at birth may be in any of first three phases; not all phases apparent in a given patient
62. Lines of Blaschko
63. Part 2
What’s the common link?
64. Part 2: Vesiculopustular Eruptions
65. Neonatal Dermatology:Part 3
What’s the common link?
67. Nevus Vasculosis AKA Common Hemangioma, Strawberry Nevus
Benign, bright red to red-blue vascular malformations
Congenital present at birth and usually rapidly involute in first year
Infantile appears first few weeks of life and usually grow, stabilize around 9 months, then involute (50% at 5y, 70% at 7y, 90% at 9y)
Refer if affects vital structures
Eyelid?astigmatism and amblyopia
“Beard” distribution assd w/ upper airway lesions?stridor
Fingers, eyes, lips, nasal tip, ears or face assd w/ psychological distress
Midline back assd w/ spinal dysraphism (tethered cord)
Numerous hemangiomas may indicate visceral involvement, which can cause high output heart failure or Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (consumptive coagulopathy) if cavernous
If tx needed, oral/intralesional steroids, interferon, vincristine, laser, excision
69. Subcutaneous Fat Necrosis Inflammatory disorder of adipose tissue that occurs in first 4 weeks of life
May have history of birth asphyxia or difficult labor
Asymptomatic, rubbery, erythematous to violaceous plaques/nodules on cheeks, buttocks, back, thighs, upper arms
Resolve without scarring in weeks to months, but may have calcium deposits
First 6 months, monitor for signs of hypercalcemia (unknown mechanism) including lethargy, poor feeding, FTT, irritability, vomiting, ARF, short QT
71. Dermal Erythropoiesis AKA Blueberry muffin rash
Red to blue-red diffuse nodules
Ddx extensive:
Intrauterine viral infections, esp CMV, rubella
Intrauterine toxo
Congenital leukemia
Rh hemolytic disease
73. Nevus Sebaceous AKA Nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn
Yellow-orange plaque on head/neck without hair
Becomes verrucous and nodular during teens with 10-15% risk of malignant transformation
Complete excision prior to teens recommended
75. Juvenile Xanthogranuloma Firm, dome-shaped, yellow/pink/orange papules/nodules up to 4 cm diameter usually present at birth
10 times more common in white infants
Scalp, face, upper trunk most common
Most regress spontaneously during first few years with residual pigmentation and atrophy
Monitor for intraocular infiltration
77. Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Hyperpigmented macules affecting 1% of infants
Classified as small <2 cm, intermediate 2-20 cm, giant >20 cm
Increased risk malignant melanoma if on head/midline or giant
50% of melanomas which arise from giant nevi do so by 5y with around 50% mortality
79. Polythelia AKA Accessory Nipples
Brown macule located along the milk line, often confused with congenital nevus
Usually darken at puberty/pregnancy
Associated with urinary and cardiovascular anomalies
No treatment necessary
81. Epidermal Nevus Hamartomatous lesions with focal hyperplasia of epidermis/adnexal structures often visible at birth
May be discolored, slightly scaly patch that becomes more linear, thickened, verrucous, and hyperpigmented
May resemble verrucous stage of incontinentia pigmenti or nevus sebaceous
83. Smooth Muscle Hamartoma Focal hyperplasia of smooth muscle associated with arrector pili in hair follicles
Creates a flesh-colored plaque with hypertrichosis
No treatment necessary
84. Part 3
What’s the common link?
85. Part 3: Plaques/Nodules
86. Neonatal Dermatology:Part 4
What’s the common link?
88. Nevus Simplex AKA Salmon patch
Symmetric localized vascular ectasia most commonly on the glabella, eyelids, upper lip, nuchal area
Relatively transient and will usually fade with time (Just say no to grandma!)
90. Acrocyanosis Cyanosis of hands, feet, +/- lips with exposure/chilling
Autonomic immaturity?sluggish flow through capillaries?greater oxygen extraction by tissues?higher reduced hemoglobin in capillaries
Wrap him up!
92. Harlequin Phenomenon Dramatic, distinct color change involving redness of dependent areas and paleness of upper areas
Represents temporarily imbalanced autonomic regulation
More common in low birthweight infants
94. Cutis Marmorata Evanescent, lacy, reticulated red/blue diffuse vascular pattern in response to exposure/chilling
Represents an accentuated vasomotor response
More pronounced CM occurs in Cornelia de Lange, Menke’s, Trisomies 21 and 18
Again, wrap him up!
96. Nevus Flammeus AKA Port-wine stain, stork’s beak mark, capillary hemangioma
Permanent vascular malformation of mature dilated dermal capillaries; thicken/darken w/time
Macular, sharply circumscribed, various sizes, usually unilateral on head/neck
Associated with many syndromes
Sturge-Weber (involvement of first branch of trigeminal nerve): glaucoma, leptomeningeal venous angioma, seizures, contralateral hemiparesis, intracranial calcification
Also Beckwith-Wiedemann, Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber
Complications include traumatic bleeding, poor self-image, hypertrophy of underlying structures
Best treatment is pulsed-dye laser
98. Dermal Melanosis AKA Mongolian Spots
Homogeneous hyperpigmented round/ovoid macules present at birth
Failure of spindle-shaped melanocytes to migrate from deep dermis to epidermis
90% occur in dark-skinned infants over sacrococcygeal, gluteal, and lumbar areas
Become less apparent as child ages as the cells eventually migrate to epidermis
Differentiate from bruising, abuse, congenital nevi
100. Café-au-Lait Macules Uniformly hyperpigmented, sharply demarcated macular lesions with variable size
One to three spots in up to 10% infants, considered normal
Seen in many disorders
Neurofibromatosis I: smooth borders (“Coast of California”)
McCune-Albright: irregular borders (“Coast of Maine”)
Also Tuberous sclerosis, Russell-Silver, Ataxia-telangectasia, among others
102. Lentigines Small (<3 cm), round dark brown macules anywhere on the body
Dense epidermal deposits of melanin
Lentiginosis profusa has innumerable small pigmented macules at birth without other abnormalities
In children, associated with many syndromes: LEOPARD, Peutz-Jeghers, Gardners
In adults, associated with sun damage
104. Ash Leaf Macule Found primarily in tuberous sclerosis, an autosomal dominant disorder with multisystemic involvement
Cardiac rhabdomyomas present in 50% at birth, but usually regress without symptoms
Other characteristic findings apparent by adolescence including adenoma sebaceum, Shagreen patches, periungual fibromas, epilepsy, renal angiomyolipomas
Usually death by third decade
105. Part 4
What’s the common link?
106. Part 4: Isolated changes in color
107. References http://dermatlas.med.jhmi.edu/derm
Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 17th edition. Philadelphia, Elsevier Science, 2004.