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Samarium. General details. Name : Samarium Symbol: Sm Atomic Number : 62 Atomic Mass: 150.4 Family : Lanthanide ( rare earth metal) Appearance : Silvery White Electron (s) per shell : 2, 8, 18, 24, 8, 2. Physical Properties. Phase : Solid Boiling Point: 2067K (1794C, 3261F)

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  1. Samarium

  2. General details • Name: Samarium • Symbol: Sm • AtomicNumber: 62 • Atomic Mass: 150.4 • Family: Lanthanide (rareearth metal) • Appearance: Silvery White • Electron(s) per shell: 2, 8, 18, 24, 8, 2.

  3. PhysicalProperties • Phase: Solid • Boiling Point: 2067K (1794C, 3261F) • Melting Point: 1345K (1072C, 1962F) • Itisstablein a roomtemperature of dry air Didyouknow? Samariumisthehardest and brittle of therareelements.

  4. I havetwoBirthdays H I S T O R Y • ‘Samarium’ was takenfrom a mineral, samarskite. • So in return, itcomesfromthelastname of a Russianmineofficial. There was a chemist, Paul Lecoq, and he was studyingdidymium, and hediscoveredthattwonewelementscould be foundindidymium (1853). Atthe same time, anotherchemist, Jean-charles, foundthatdidymiumcould be dividedintotwo parts (1879). Later, theynameditSamarium and Europium. Naming

  5. Uses of Samarium • Samariumcan be added to glass for colororspeciallightproperties. • Usedinverypowerfulmagnets. (Samariumcobalt) • Usedintelevisiontubes • Alsoused to make lasers. • Headphones • Some musical instruments Wow! Usedat high temperatures and can’treacteasilywithothersubstances.

  6. Isotopes:‘Any differentforms of an element, eachhavingdifferentatomic mass’ • Samariumhas five stableisotopes • And Tworadioisotopes

  7. SamariuminNature? • Neverfoundfreelyinnature (Thereare no concernsdue to thisuse) • Containedin many minerals, monazite, Bastnasite, Samarskite, Cerite, Orthite

  8. Compounds • Flourides • Chlorides • Bromides • Iodides • Oxides • Sulfides • Selenides • Tellurides

  9. Sources (Bibliography) • http://images.google.pl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.chemistryexplained.com/elements/images/chel_0001_0003_0_img0380.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.chemistryexplained.com/elements/P-T/Ruthenium.html&h=260&w=304&sz=40&hl=pl&start=17&um=1&tbnid=h8Ta5tiFL-SrQM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsamarium%2Bphysical%2Bproperties%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dpl%26lr%3D%26sa%3DX -ChemistryExplainedSamarium • http://www.lenntech.com/periodic-chart-elements/sm-en.htm -LennTechSamarium Sm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samarium -FromWikipedia. (Samarium)

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