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BELIEF-EELA e-Infrastructures Conference Rio De Janeiro, Brazil June 25-28, 2007

BELIEF-EELA e-Infrastructures Conference Rio De Janeiro, Brazil June 25-28, 2007. The DRIVER Project D igital R epositories I nfrastructure V ision for E uropean R esearch Natalia Manola University of Athens, Greece. Facts. IST programme FP6 Test bed infrastructure

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BELIEF-EELA e-Infrastructures Conference Rio De Janeiro, Brazil June 25-28, 2007

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  1. BELIEF-EELA e-Infrastructures ConferenceRio De Janeiro, BrazilJune 25-28, 2007 The DRIVER Project Digital Repositories Infrastructure Vision for European Research Natalia Manola University of Athens, Greece

  2. Facts • IST programme FP6 • Test bed infrastructure • 18 months (June 2006 – November 2007) • Two public releases: • End of July • End of Nov • Project website • www.driver-repository.eu

  3. Partners • Univ. of Athens (Greece) – administrative coordinator • Univ. of Göttingen Library (Germany) – scientific coordinator • CNR-ISTI (Italy) – technical coordinator • SURF (the Netherlands) • Univ. of Nottingham – SHERPA (UK) • CNRS (France) • UKOLN (UK) • ICM (Poland) • Univ. of Ghent Library(Belgium) • Univ. of Bielefeld Library (Germany)

  4. Objectives • Develop a test-bed for integrating existing national or regional repositories • Create a production-quality European DR infrastructure • Identify and promote the use of a relevant set of standards • Prepare the future expansion and upgrade of the DR infrastructure across Europe • Raise awareness among user communities

  5. Challenges Organisation Data Software Large Number of Providers and Users Create a European Repository Infrastructure Testbed Emphasis on Content Hosting Hardware and Software Operational infrastructure Open for experimentation

  6. DRIVER Activities 1 Planning Focussed Studies Content Organisation & Provision Technology Infrastructure Development DR Testbed Service Outreach Advocacy & Awareness Pan-European DR Infrastructure

  7. Content (Rich) Media sound, film, language recordings, 3D images from artifacts, computer-generated images, etc. Sciences Life Sciences Medicine Arts Humanities Social Sciences Other... Engineering Agriculture Primary Data Observational, experimental, demographic, census, patient records etc. Textual Materials (Documents) Maps Software, Simulations Images, Photographs Complex Objects, Living/Dynamic Documents Open Access

  8. Networking • Focus on Institutional Repositories • Rapid progress over the last years • Inherent sustainability (e.g. libraries) • Adequate technical homogeneity (OAI-PMH) • Selection of IRs based on • Maturity • Policies • Technologies used

  9. Network of content providers • Germany (DINI) • National Policies • Model for quality assurance • France (CCSD) • Centralized Scheme • Model for centralized network • The Netherlands (SURF) • National Federation/Aggregated Network • Model for Distributed Network • United Kingdom (SHERPA) • National Federation • Model for advocacy • Belgium (Ghent Lib) • Model for network construction

  10. Current DRIVER repository status > 100,000 documents

  11. DRIVER Activities Content Organisation & Provision Technology Infrastructure Development DR Testbed Service 2 Outreach Advocacy & Awareness Planning Focussed Studies Pan-European DR Infrastructure

  12. Infrastructure Technology • DRIVER envisions the notion of European Repository Infrastructure enabling for • The construction of Repository Systems in an easy, standard and sustainable way • Integrating content and functionality of the existing Repository Systems by respecting their autonomy • Provides a distributedenvironment for the construction, maintenance, and coexistence of Service-based Repository Systems

  13. Technological features } • Repositories • Users • Communities • … • Services • Scalability depending on the data provided or the usage • Extensibility of functionalities provided • Services are implemented as Web Services • Open source technology System Resources

  14. Driver Infrastructure Architecture UI Service Recommendation Service Community Service A&A Service Enabling Layer User Service Search Service Functionality Layer Information Service Index Service OAI-Publisher Service Collection Service Repositories Manager Service Aggregator Service Store Service DRIVER Objects Data Layer

  15. Enabling Layer Functionality Layer Data Layer Information Service Manager Service Authz&Authn Service Enabling Layer • Infrastructure management • Resource/Service Registration (P2P-like) • Discovery (by functionalities and capabilities) • Orchestration of Services: coordination of Service interactions • Authentication and Authorization of all resources

  16. Data Layer Functionality Layer OAI-PMH Service Index Service Collection Service Repositories Enabling Layer Store Service Aggregator Service DRIVER Objects Data Layer • DRIVER Information Space Management • Harvesting from external repositories • Aggregating: cleaning & enriching (provenance data) • Storage, indexing • Virtualization of the Information Space: collections • OAI-Publishing of harvested data

  17. Functionality Layer Functionality Layer User Interface Service Recomm. Service Community Service Search Service User Service Enabling Layer Data Layer • User-oriented functionalities • User Interfaces: Information Space Search • User and Communities profiling • User recommendations & alerts

  18. Infrastructure Network MDStore Index Aggregator MS IS A&A RS User Profile Search RS Collection UI Community Enabling Layer Data Layer Functionality Layer

  19. DRIVER Activities Content Organisation & Provision Technology Infrastructure Development DR Testbed Service Outreach Advocacy & Awareness Planning Focussed Studies 3 Pan-European DR Infrastructure

  20. Repository Inventory in Europe • Results from ~120 institutions with DRs • General status on national level infrastructure • Coverage/visibility of academic output • Textual vs. other material • Open access (88%) • Repository technologies used • User services provided

  21. Technical Standards • Analyzes current implementations of interoperability standards in DR's. • Identifies limitations of the standards currently used, and looks into the necessary future development of existing or new standards to resolve difficulties • Describes other standards that are used (or being developed) in different environments • Anticipates new challenges: • Guidelines for OAI-PMH implementations • Multiple interfaces to repositories • Challenge of relating entities from multiple domains • Content based-services

  22. DRIVER activities Content Organisation & Provision Technology Infrastructure Development DR Testbed Service Planning Focussed Studies Outreach Advocacy & Awareness 4 Pan-European DR Infrastructure

  23. DRIVER outreach • Produce advocacy materials • Publish study results • Presentations at Conferences • Establish `European Repository Awareness Point’ (E-RAP) as community resource • www.driver-support.eu • Up-coming public releases

  24. DRIVER Live Demo Thank you!

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