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Gwneud synnwyr o’r FfEY, Systemau a CDP ar gyfer y 21ain ganrif

Gwneud synnwyr o’r FfEY, Systemau a CDP ar gyfer y 21ain ganrif Making sense of the SEF, Systems and PLCs for the 21 st Century. ‘Ymddiriedaeth a deialog – gweithio gyda’n gilydd i wella dysgu a chodi safonau yn Sir G âr ’. ‘ Trust and dialogue –

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Gwneud synnwyr o’r FfEY, Systemau a CDP ar gyfer y 21ain ganrif

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  1. Gwneud synnwyr o’r FfEY, Systemau a CDP ar gyfer y 21ain ganrif Making sense of the SEF, Systems and PLCs for the 21st Century

  2. ‘Ymddiriedaeth a deialog – gweithio gyda’n gilydd i wella dysgu a chodi safonau yn Sir Gâr’ ‘Trust and dialogue – working together to improve learning and raise standards in Carmarthenshire’ Ffocws ein gweithio heno …The focus of our work this evening…

  3. Communication across the curriculum: literacy, numeracy, bilingualism, IT and wellbeing Assessment for Learning – raising expectations and consistency to drive out variation System leadership and increased collaboration Blaenoriaethau Sir GârCarmarthenshire priorities • Cyfathrebu ar draws y cwricwlwm: llythrennedd, • rhifedd, dwyieithrwydd, TG a lles • Asesu ar gyfer Dysgu – codi disgwyliadau a chysondeb er mwyn cael gwared ar amrywiaeth • Arweinyddiaeth System a chynyddu cydweithredu

  4. Variation between classrooms Variation between schools Variation between local authorities Taclo’r agenda amrywiaethTackling the Variation Agenda • Amrywiaeth rhwng • dosbarthiadau • Amrywiaeth rhwng • ysgolion • Amrywiaeth rhwng • awdurdodau lleol

  5. Nid cystadleuaeth ond cydweithredu Not competition but collaboration Taclo’r Agenda AmrywiaethTackling the Variation Agenda

  6. Common: Vocabulary and Understanding Consistency: Approach - Application Collaboration: ‘in the way we work’ Cwtsh! • Cyffredin: geirfa a • dealltwriaeth • Cyson: ymagwedd ac ymroddiad • Cydweithredu: • ‘yn ein ffordd o weithio’

  7. Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion (FfEY)The School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) • ‘Pigo lan pizza’ • ‘Pick up a pizza’

  8. Systems Thinking Bilingual Equality and Interdependent High Performance Supportive Culture

  9. Systems Thinking LEADERSHIP Visionary and strategic Resource deployment Collaboration z Bilingual Equality WORKING WITH OTHERS Citizen-centred Community focused Joined-up Inclusive CURRICULUM AND TEACHING Outcomes focus Engaging pedagogy High expectations Children and Young People’s Improved Learning and Wellbeing CLASS- ROOM CLASS- ROOM LOCAL AUTHORITY LOCAL AUTHORITY WAG WAG SCHOOL SCHOOL INTERVENTION AND SUPPORT Early and strategic Differentiated Accelerated development NETWORKS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Shared beliefs and understandings Inquiry driven Collective professionalism and Interdependent IMPROVEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY Evidence based Ambitious targets Transparent processes High Performance Supportive Culture

  10. Themau ac ElfennauThemes and Elements • Pum Thema Graidd • Chwe Elfen Allweddol • Five Core Themes • Six Key Elements

  11. Systems Thinking Equality Supportive and interdependent High performance culture Bilingual Themau - Themes • Meddwl ar ffurf System • Cydraddoldeb • Cefnogol a chyd- • ddibynol • Diwylliant perfformiad • uchel • Dwyieithrwydd

  12. Leadership Working with Others Networks of professional practice Intervention and Support Improvement and Accountability Curriculum and Teaching Elfennau - Elements • Arweinyddiaeth • Gweithio gydag Eraill • Rhwydweithiau • ymarfer proffesiynol • Ymyrraeth a • chefnogaeth • Gwelliant ac • Atebolrwydd • Cwricwlwm ac • Addysgu

  13. Ble ydych chi’n ffitio i mewn ?Where do you fit in? • Dewis sleisen … • ‘Arweinyddiaeth’ • Choose a slice … ‘Leadership’

  14. Activity 1: Key messages ? Governor input ? Ble ydych chi’n ffitio i mewn?Where do you fit in? • Gweithgaredd 1: • Prif Negeseuon ? • Mewnbwn • llywodraethwyr ?

  15. Ymwreiddio’r FfEYEmbedding the SEF • Arweinyddiaeth System • Cymunedau Dysgu Proffesiynol • System Leadership • Professional Learning Communities

  16. Arweinyddiaeth System Leadership • Siarad Sir Gâr! • Carmarthenshire Speak!

  17. a move away from thinking only about your own situation towards a collective responsibility for all learners a strategy for school improvement building on what is already in place a challenge to the mindset of the current teaching force Beth yw Arweinyddiaeth System?What is System Leadership? • cefnu ar feddwl dim ond ar eich sefyllfa chi eich hun i gyfrifoldeb ar y cyd i bob dysgwr • strategaeth ar gyfer gwella ysgolion sy’n adeiladu ar yr hyn sydd eisoes ar waith • her effeithiol i feddylfryd athrawon presennol

  18. Diffinio Arweinwyr SystemDefining System Leaders • ‘System leaders’ care about and work for the success of other schools as well as their own. • (Prof. David Hopkins) • ‘Leaders working within and beyond their individual organisations; sharing and harnessing the best resources that the system can offer to bring about improvement in their own and other organisations.’

  19. Mentor/specialist support in a range of areas and contexts Curriculum innovators – supporting the key areas of literacy, numeracy, IT etc Innovate and lead PLC activity ‘swamwac System Leader roles’ Sut mae hynny’n edrych?What does that look like? • Cefnogaeth mentor/arbenigwr ar draws ystod o gyd-destunau • Arloeswyr Cwricwlwm – cefnogi • meysydd allweddol megis rhifedd, • llythrennedd, TG ac ati • Arloesi ac arwain gweithgareddau • CDP • ‘rolau Arweinwyr System swamwac’

  20. Developing practitioners as System Leaders Developing learners as System Leaders Developing governors as System Leaders Developing all partners as System Leaders Sut mae hynny’n edrych?What does that look like? • Datblygu ymarferwyr fel • Arweinwyr System • Datblygu dysgwyr fel • Arweinwyr System • Datblygu llywodraethwyr fel • Arweinwyr System • Datblygu holl bartneriaid fel • Arweinwyr System

  21. System Leadership at School level Local level National level = Sensible SEF and Systems Thinking Y Neges Fwyaf Pwysig yw…The Most Important Message is … • Mae Arweinyddiaeth System ar • Lefel ysgol • Lefel lleol • Lefel cenedlaethol • = Systemau a FfEY synhwyrol

  22. Ymwreiddio’r FfEYEmbedding the SEF • Arweinyddiaeth System • Cymunedau Dysgu Proffesiynol • System Leadership • Professional Learning Communities

  23. PLCs for people and perfecting practice ‘Don’t miss the opportunity’ Cymunedau Dysgu ProffesiynolProfessional Learning Communities • CDP i bobl a pherffeithio arfer • ‘Paid colli’r cyfle’

  24. Why PLCs ? Professional development Improved learning for all Increased capacity Greater success and enjoyment … for all Cymunedau Dysgu ProffesiynolProfessional Learning Communities • Pam CPD ? • Datblygiad proffesiynol • Gwell dysgu i bawb • Gallu cynyddol • Mwy o lwyddiant a • mwynhad … i bawb

  25. PLCs …how ? Within school Between schools Cymunedau Dysgu ProffesiynolProfessional Learning Communities • CPD … sut? • Tu fewn ysgol • Rhwng ysgolion

  26. Activity 2: PLCs unpacked Ychydig o Heulwen y SeminarSome Seminar Sunshine • Gweithgaredd 2: • Dad-bacio CDP

  27. Rhannu gweledigaeth, cyd-ymddiriedaeth, parch a chefnogaeth ar gyfer y 21ain GanrifShared vision, mutual trust, respect and support for the 21st Century

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