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KSC Ground Operations Timeline. KSC CGSE TIM. A Technical Interchange Meeting regarding the Cryo Ground Support Equipment was held at KSC November 1 st through 3 rd , 2006 Numerous items were discussed and clarified including:
KSC CGSE TIM • A Technical Interchange Meeting regarding the Cryo Ground Support Equipment was held at KSC November 1st through 3rd, 2006 • Numerous items were discussed and clarified including: • Both Off-line and On-line activities will be performed in the SSPF • Generation of preliminary timeline for KSC Ground Operations
Off-line Processing • Overview of Off-line processing: • Unpack, • Mate upper/lower USS • Install EVA Interface Panel • Attach grapple fixtures and EVA handrails • Install Umbilical Mechanism Assembly (UMA) • Install Remotely Operated Electrical Umbilical (ROEU) and foldable arm • Cryo top-off (Restricted access/no integration activities) • Magnet Checkout • Avionics Systems checkout • Perform EBCS alignment w/ Lower USS
On-line Processing • Overview of On-line processing (ISS Interfaces): • Installation into Cargo Element Work Station (CEWS) with 12 degree tilt • Mate ACASS to Payload Attach System (PAS) UMA active half to passive UMA (verify alignment) • Validate interfaces (command, telemetry, power) with Payload Rack Checkout Unit (PRCU)
STS Interfaces • Shuttle Interface verification will need to be performed during the End to End test on the Pad • Facilities for checkout in SSPF have been being disassembled for some time • This includes all verification through ROEU
Initial Processing Off-line Processing On-line Processing On-Dock at SSPF (L-14 weeks) L-10 weeks L-7 weeks Canister loading Move to Canister w/ other Cargo Move to Vertical Processing Facility L-49 days L-32 days
Processing Flow Vertical Processing Facility (VPF)
Pre-launch Activity AMS in canister at VPF, Rotate Vertically, and Transfer to PCR AMS Power-down AMS Install Into PLB AMS Nominal Ground Ops (2000W via PDS, 500-1000W to Vent Pump 1553 (C&C) + RS422) AMS Power-up AMS Nominal Ground Ops STS Rollout to PAD and verification S0024 Hazardous Prop Load Weekend Weekend Weekend L-24 days L-9 days Ordinance Install (AMS powered) L-30 days L-27 days L-20 days L-13 days L-32 days AMS End to End Test AMS to minimum Power (Monitor SFHe Status only, Cryocoolers/ Vacuum Pump off) L-80 hrs Cryo GSE Disconnected And removed (Clear PCR for PLBD Close) AMS Power-off SFHe Top-off L/O Weekend AMS Nominal Ground Ops L-9 min L-88 hours L-30 min L-6 days SFHe Top-off Complete
Scrub Turnaround AMS to minimum Power (Monitor SFHe Status only, Cryocoolers/ Vacuum Pump off) T0 Power On AMS Power-off AMS Nominal Ground Ops Vacuum Pump and Cryocoolers On L/O L1+24 hr Planned Launch (L1) L-9 min L-30 min L1 + 23.5 hr (estimated) L+1 hour (we may do Better) This scenario can be repeated up to 96 hours from first launch attempt (L1) Typically, a maximum of four launch attempts are made prior to re-servicing, so one day may be maintained At AMS Nominal Ops without attempting a launch.
Scrub Turnaround (Recycle) De-Tank the Shuttle PLBD Open L-88 hours AMS Power Cryocoolers and Vacuum Pump on PCR Access, Attach Cryo GSE And perform Top-off Return to Pre-launch Activity Timeline TS TS + 2 days 8 hr TS + 1 hr TS + 9 days TS + 2 days