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Quo Vadis (Where to From Here?)

Quo Vadis (Where to From Here?). A Presentation to the MMAA 2006 Conference “ Reflections – A Strong Past, A Promising Future” George B. Cuff, CMC. Reflections: The Past (1 of 2). Uncertain funding for municipal services Tight controls by Provincial Governments

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Quo Vadis (Where to From Here?)

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  1. Quo Vadis(Where to From Here?) A Presentation to the MMAA 2006 Conference “Reflections – A Strong Past, A Promising Future” George B. Cuff, CMC

  2. Reflections: The Past (1 of 2) • Uncertain funding for municipal services • Tight controls by Provincial Governments • Municipal objectives driven by Government priorities and funding • Ill-trained staff occupying poorly defined positions for ill-fitting pay • Council members elected as a part of their civic duty; politics a low priority A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

  3. Reflections: The Past (2 of 2) • Limited respect for municipal governments by federal and provincial politicians • Municipal associations trying to gain recognition; tendency to do all things for all people • Federal presence in municipalities largely limited to central and eastern Canada • Old municipal structures limited capacity for growth in professionalism • Voice of municipalities largely muted; civic issues not championed A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

  4. The Situation Today (The Positives)(1 of 2) • Funding more certain but not necessarily more • Greater respect for municipal governments by federal and provincial politicians • Municipal associations coming of age; developing much greater focus • Federal presence now witnessed across Canada A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

  5. The Situation Today (The Positives)(2 of 2) • New municipal structures focused on accountability and role clarity • Increase seen in professionalism among administrators • Voice of municipalities being raised on the national stage; issues (e.g. infrastructure, environment) gaining visibility A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

  6. The Situation Today (The Negatives)(1 of 2) • Provinces still finding it difficult to accept new realities • Grant funding still driving local priorities • “Politics” is much more prevalent in civic government than ever before • Role clarity still under siege; some Councillors still see themselves rowing-not steering • Concern that municipal issues could easily be relegated A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

  7. The Situation Today (The Negatives)(2 of 2) • Quality leaders still difficult to find • Ignorant behaviour on Councils still tolerated • No national standards yet for training municipal administrators • Orientations for Councils still woefully inept A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

  8. The Situation Tomorrow (The Challenges) • Role of municipal associations highlighted • Provinces as partners, not purveyors • Community goals =local priorities • Attracting quality elected officials to local government • Keeping municipal issues at the forefront • Important role of CAO highlighted; national standards recognized; professionalism heightened; salary bar raised • Local Governance Institute for training local elected and appointed officials A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

  9. Tempus Fugit (Time Flies) • Change requires leadership • Local government needs to grow the leaders of tomorrow • Your profession is important A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

  10. Carpe Diem (Seize the Day) • MMAA can make a difference; what will it be? • Set out some bold directions for the next 25 years; be innovative, courageous and optimistic A Seminar by George B. Cuff, CMC (2006)

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