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Chapter 7 Object-Oriented Programing(2)

Chapter 7 Object-Oriented Programing(2). Leturer: Ty Rasmey Email: rasmeyt2@gmail.com. Overview. Using Classes from Java Library Static Variable, Constant and Methods Visibility Modifier Data Field Encapsulation Immutable Objects and Classes Passing Object to Variables.

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Chapter 7 Object-Oriented Programing(2)

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  1. Chapter 7Object-Oriented Programing(2) Leturer: Ty Rasmey Email: rasmeyt2@gmail.com

  2. Overview • Using Classes from Java Library • Static Variable, Constant and Methods • Visibility Modifier • Data Field Encapsulation • Immutable Objects and Classes • Passing Object to Variables

  3. Using Classes from Java Library(1) The Date Class • Java provides a system-independent encapsulation of date and time in java.util.Date class. Constructs Date object for the current date time. Constructs a Date object for a given time in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, GTM. Returns a string representing the date and time. Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1970, GMT. Sets a new elapse time in the object The sign + indicates public modifier

  4. Using Classes from Java Library(2) public class TestDate { public static void main(String[] args){ java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); System.out.println(“The elapsed time since Jan 1, 1970 is” + date.getTime() + “milliseconds”); System.out.println(date.toString()); }

  5. Using Classes from Java Library(3) • The Random Class

  6. Static Variables, Constants, and Methods(1) • Java member variable can be static or non-static. • Static variable belong to Java Class while non-static variable belong to object. • Static variable will keep same value for every object while the value of non-static variable varies from object to object. • An instance variable is tried to a specific instance of the class; it is not share among objects of the same class.

  7. Static Variables, Constants, and Methods(2) • E.g. Suppose that you create the following objects: Circle circle1 = new Circle(); Circle circle1 = new Circle(5); • The radius in circle1 is independent of the radius in circle2 • Is stored in different memory location • Changes made to circle1’s radius do not affect circle2’s radius and vice versa

  8. Static Variables, Constants, and Methods(3) • If you want all instances of a class share data use static variables • Static variables store the values for variables in common memory • Because of common memory location, all object of the same class are affected if one object change the value of a static variable.

  9. Static Variables, Constants, and Methods(4) public class Circle2{ double radius; static int numberOfObjects = 0; Circle2(){ radius = 1; numberOfObjects++; } Circle2(double newRadius){ radius = newRadius; numberOfObjects++; } static int getNumberOfObjects(){ return numberOfObjects; } double getArea(){ return radius * radius * Math.PI; } }

  10. Static Variables, Constants, and Methods(5) • Java support static methods as well as static variable. Static methods can be called without creating an instance of the class. • Method not marked with static keyword is an instance method • In order to call an instance method, you must first have an instance of class within which the method you want to call is defined. • Suppose we want to call an instance method named “method1” defined in class “ClassA”. ClassA x = new ClassA(); x.method1(); • if method 1 were instead static, then we would call the method by referring directly to the class itself: ClassA.method1();

  11. Static Variables, Constants, and Methods(7) • Constants in class are shared by all object of the class. Thus, constants should be declared final static. • For Example constants PI in Math Class is defined as: final static double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;

  12. Static Variables, Constants, and Methods(8) • Caution: public class Foo { int i = 5; static int k = 2; public static void main(String[] args) { int j = i; // Wrong because i is an instance variable m1(); // Wrong because m1() is an instance method } public void m1() { // Correct since instance and static variables and methods // can be used in an instance method i = i + k + m2(i, k); } public static int m2(int i, int j) { return (int)(Math.pow(i, j)); } }

  13. Visbility Modifiers(1) • Java Provides several modifiers that control access to data field, methods, and classes: • public makes classes, constructor method, and data fields accessible from any class in any package • private makes methods and data field accessible only from within its own class. • If public orprivate is not used, then by default classes, methods, and data field are accessible by any class in the same package. This is known as package-private or package-access. • protected make constructor, methods or data field accessible in this package and in subclasses of this class in any package.

  14. Visibilty Modifiers(2) • The private modifier restricts access to its defining a class, the default modifier restricts access to a package, and the public modifier enables unrestricted access.

  15. Visibility Modifiers(3) • Non-public class has package-access • An object can access its private members if it is declared in its own class.

  16. Data Field Encapsulation(1) • The data field radius and numberOfObjects in Circle2 class can be modified directly (myCircle.radius = 5 or Circle2.numberOfObjects = 10). This is not a good practice for two reasons: • Data may be tampered. For Example, numberOfObjects is to count the number of object created, but it may be set to an arbitrary value • It makes the class difficult to maintain and vulnerable to bug. To prevent direct modifications of properties, you should declare the field private, using the private modifier • Private data field cannot be accessed by object through a direct reference outside the class that defines the private field

  17. Data Field Encapsulation(2) • But often a client needs to retrieve and modify a data field. • To make a private data field accessible, provide a get method to return the value of data field. public returnType getPropertyName(); • To enable a private data field to be updated, provide a set method to set new value public void setPropertyName(dataType propertyValue) Note: • If the returnType is boolean, the get method should be defined as public boolean isPropertyName().

  18. Data Field Encapsulation(3) • The Circle class encapsulates circle properties and provides get/set and other methods. The radius of this circle(default: 1.0). The number of circle objects created. Constructs a default circle object. Constructs Circle object with the specific radius. Returns the radius of this circle. Set a new radius for this circle. Return the number of circle objects created. Return the area of this circle. The sign - indicates priivate modifier

  19. public class TestCircle3 { • public static void main(String[] args){ • Circle3 myCircle = new Circle3(5.0); • System.out.println("The radius of Circle3 is "+myCircle.getRadius()+ • "and The area of Circle3 is "+ myCircle.getArea()); • //increase the radius of Cirlce3 by 10% • myCircle.setRadius(myCircle.getRadius() * 1.1); • System.out.println("The radius of Circle3 is "+myCircle.getRadius()+ • "and The area of Circle3 is "+ myCircle.getArea()); • } • } • Output: • The radius of Circle3 is 5.0and The area of Circle3 is 78.53981633974483 • The radius of Circle3 is 5.5and The area of Circle3 is 95.03317777109125

  20. Immutable Objects and Classes(1) • If contents of an object cannot be changed once the object is created, the object is called an immutable object and its class is called an immutable class. public class Student { private int id; private BirthDate birthDate; public Student(int ssn, int year, int month, int day){ id = ssn; birthDate = new BirthDate(year, month, day); }public int getId(){ return id; } public BirthDate getBirthDate(){ return birthDate } }

  21. Immutable Objects and Classes(2) public class BirthDate { private int year; private int month; private int day; public BirthDate(int newYear, int newMonth, int newDay) { year = newYear; month = newMonth; day = newDay; } public void setYear(int newYear) { year = newYear; } }

  22. Immutable Objects and Classes(3) public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Student student = new Student(111223333, 1970, 5, 3); BirthDate date = student.getBirthDate(); date.setYear(2010); //Now the student birth year is changed! } } For a class to be immutable, it must mark all data fields private and provide no mutator methods and no accessor methods that would return a reference to a mutable data field object.

  23. Passing Object to Method • So far, you have learned how to pass arguments of primitive types to methods. • You also pass object to methods. public class TestPassObject { public static void main(String[] args) { Circle3 myCircle = new Circle3(5.0); printCircle(myCircle); } public static void printCircle(Circle3 c) { System.out.println("The area of the circle of radius "+ c.getRadius() + " is " + c.getArea()); } }

  24. public class TestPassObject { ** Main method */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a Circle object with radius 1 Circle3 myCircle = new Circle3(1); // Print areas for radius 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. int n = 5; printAreas(myCircle, n); // See myCircle.radius and times System.out.println("\n" + "Radius is " + myCircle.getRadius()); System.out.println("n is " + n); } /** Print a table of areas for radius */ public static void printAreas(Circle3 c, int times) { System.out.println("Radius \t\t Area"); while (times >= 1) { System.out.println(c.getRadius() + "\t\t" + c.getArea()); c.setRadius(c.getRadius() + 1); times--; } } }

  25. Summary • A class is a template for objects. It defines the generic properties of objects, and provides constructors for creating objects and methods for manipulating them. • A class is also a data type. You can use it to declare object reference variables. • An object is an instance of a class. You use the new operator to create an Object, and the dot(.) operator to access members of that object through its reference variable. • An instance variable or method belongs to an instance of a class. Its use is associated with individual instances. A static variable is a variable shared by all instances of the same class. A static method is a method that can be invoked without using instances.

  26. Summary • Every instance of a class can access the class's static variables and methods. However, it is better to invoke static variables and methods using ClassName.variable and ClassName.method for clarity. • Modifiers specify how the class, method, and data are accessed. A public class, method, or data is accessible to all clients. A private method or data is only accessible inside the class. • You can provide a get method or a set method to enable clients to see or modify the data. Colloquially, a get method is referred to as a getter (or accessor), and a set method is referred to as a setter(or mutator).

  27. Summary • A get method has the signature public returnType getPropertyName(). If the returnType is boolean, the get method should be defined as public boolean isPropertyName(). A set method has the signature public void setPropertyName(dataType propertyValue). • All parameters are passed to methods using pass-by-value. For a parameter of a primitive type, the actual value is passed; for a parameter of a reference type, the reference for the object is passed. • The scope of instance and static variables is the entire class, regardless of where the variables are declared. Instance and static variables can be declared anywhere in the class.

  28. Summary • A Java array is an object that can contain primitive type values or object type values. When an array is created, its elements are assigned the default value of 0 for the numeric primitive data types, ‘\u0000' for char types, false for boolean types, and null for object types. THE END

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