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Working Bibliography

Working Bibliography. Davis, Michelle R. “Digital Shift.” Digital Directions , Winter 2013: 42-44.

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Working Bibliography

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  1. Working Bibliography • Davis, Michelle R. “Digital Shift.” Digital Directions, Winter 2013: 42-44. • “Empire State Information Fluency Continuum – Benchmark Skills for Grades K-12 – Assessments and Common Core Alignment.” Developed by the New York City School Library System. Published under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, 2010. http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/1A931D4E-1620-4672-ABEF-460A273D0D5F/0/EmpireStateIFC.pdf . Web. • Fineke, Jaclyn. “Media Literacy and Learning Commons in the Digital Age: Toward a Knowledge Model for Successful Integration into the 21st Century School Library.” The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults. 30 April 2012. http://www.yalsa.ala.org/jrlya/2012/04/media-literacy-and-learning-commons-in-the-digital-age-toward-a-knowledge-model-for-successful-integration-into-the-21st-century-school-library/ . Web. • Flanagan, Robin L. “Digital Storytelling.” Digital Directions, Winter 2013: 12-14. • Hay, Lyn and Dr. Ross J. Todd. “A School Libraries Futures Project: School Libraries 21C.” NSW Department of Education and Training. 2010. Web. http://www.curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au/schoollibraries/assets/pdf/21c_report.pdf • Kirkland, Anita Brooks. “Imagine your Library.” Blog: http://www.bythebrooks.ca/imagine-your-library/.YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0F0vR4WGIg&feature=player_embedded . Web. • Loertscher, David and Carol Koechlin. “The School Learning Commons Knowledge Building Center.” http://www.schoollearningcommons.info/ . Web. • “Manufacturing Maker Spaces.” American Libraries. Web. http://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/features/02062013/manufacturing-makerspaces • McLester, Susan. “Transitions to Digital Media.” District Administration, March 2013: 57-61. • Miller, Shannon McClintock. “Van Meter Library Voice.” Blog. http://vanmeterlibraryvoice.blogspot.com/ . Web. • Newman, Bobbi. “It’s about more than access.” CAL Presentation (personal notes), October 2012. • “New York State Education Department." Bringing the Common Core to Life. Nysed.gov, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2013. • “Together for Learning: School Libraries and the Emergence of the Learning Commons.” Ontario School Library Association, January 2013. http://www.accessola.com/data/6/rec_docs/677_olatogetherforlearning.pdf . Web. • "Read the Common Core Standards:." Common Core State Standards Initiative. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. • Reiss, Dawn. “Textbooks to Tablets.” District Administration. Feb. 2013: 60-63. • “Talking Common Sense About Common Core." Renaissance Learning. Web.

  2. What are the steps toward transformation? • Develop a philosophy/vision for the space (should include a focus on: “Why? How? & What?”) which involves deep involvement of school leadership. • Establish “alignment points” with existing District Curriculum models, District instructional practices, state standards, and national Common Core. • Gathering support by the creation of a building advocacy team. • Determine partnerships – total school community (parents, staff, students) • Design “how” this new focus will be communicated to the greater school community • What “data” is available that brings support for new “space” (student assessment, teacher performance & needs, student product or demonstration of learning, common core specifics, etc.”) • Determine how a “culture of inquiry” may be promoted. • Analyze the existing collection, then weed and acquire to meet state recommendations. • Conduct a “technology site review” to determine infrastructure needs. • Determine a final design for the space. • Establish timelines for technology, maintenance, FF&E completions. • Define the “skill set” for the facility management & how will staff support the ongoing promotion and development of site experiences. • Establish guidelines & timelines for staff/student training for new culture.

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