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Guidelines for Safe Social Events at Randolph-Macon College

Understand rules and requirements for hosting social events with alcohol on campus. Follow registration procedures, guest list guidelines, BYOB rules, and event management protocols for a safe and compliant gathering. Ensure alcohol-free options and responsible behavior.

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Guidelines for Safe Social Events at Randolph-Macon College

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  1. Guidelines to stay safe Risk Management

  2. Definitions • Social event/function: any event or gathering hosted by an organization or that a reasonable observer would associate with an organization either on or off organizational premises where alcohol is present, consumed, used, or possessed by either members or non-members of an organization. • Any social event/function must be in full compliance with any and all applicable laws of the locality, state, country, as well as of Randolph-Macon College and the Risk Management Guide.

  3. Registering for events • All social functions must be registered with the Office of Student Life (organizations); or Office of Residence Life (townhouse residents) • For all organizations that will have alcohol at an event, it must be registered with the following actions by the Friday prior to the week in which the event will be held.

  4. Event Registration • Fee of $25 • Guest list • Social Event Notification form • Additional materials/forms for • BYOB • Third Party Events • Social functions cannot exceed four hours and are limited to one event per day (the only exceptions are twice a year for alumni events: Homecoming and one day to be determined by the organization with permission from the Office of Student Life) • Only two events will be approved during a given four-hour period to ensure proper security is available for all.

  5. Alcohol • No open parties; at events where alcohol is present, there must be a guest list submitted to student life during the registration, and access must be restricted to those guests. • All events must follow the BYOB or Third-Party Vendor guidelines (as seen later) • Alcohol cannot be purchased through or with organization funds, nor in the name/on behalf of the organization. • Cannot buy or use bulk quantities of alcohol, such as; kegs, handles, jugs, cases, or any other units of mass alcohol or common containers. • Seriously, no one under 21. • All Greek-letter organizations are required to host one (1) substance-free social event per semester during the school year as outlined Chapter Excellence Agreement.

  6. Co-Sponsorships • Must have approval from the Office of Student Life. • Guest list has a maximum of four times the combined membership roster of the sponsoring organizations. • Co-sponsoring, co-financing, attending, or participating in a function at which alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups, or organizations is prohibited. • College PanhellenicCouncil Bill 1-2000 states that collegiate chapters will so-sponsor functions at fraternity facilities only if those functions are alcohol-free. • If the two organizations have different policies, the more stringent policy will be used.

  7. Advertising and Signs • No on-campus advertising in allowed for closed events or any function where alcohol is permitted. • Advertising can only be done for alcohol-free events • Functions at which there is alcohol require signs to be prominently displayed, that state: • Non-alcoholic beverages are available or provided and the locations of those beverages • It is illegal for persons under 21 years old to consume or possess any alcoholic beverage • Violators will be subject to RMC policies and/or criminal action

  8. Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB) • If you have a theme, keep it clean. • There must be a single well-lit entrance controlled and secured by 2 members (cannot be new members) who check IDs and the guest list. • Students bringing alcohol must present their picture ID with a birthdate as well as their student ID card. • No purses or bags are allowed to reduce issues with outside alcohol. • Several exit-only doors must be available (no entry by them)

  9. Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB) • Invitation guest lists must have the specific names of all members and non-members who have been invited and be made for each function. • Must have each list numbered and the guest names in alphabetical order • Submit with all other paperwork at the time of event registration. • For guests and members who are 21 or over and bring alcohol to the event must wear a wristband (available by appointment with The Office of Student Life) and receive a hand-stamp on each hand. • Upon entrance the guest or member will check in their alcohol and a door monitor will check off them on the guest list and note the type of alcohol.

  10. Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB) • For all events punch cards should be created that are event specific with the following information: • Name; birthday; type and amount of alcohol; date of the event; name of theme/event. • Cards are to be presented to receive alcohol (one beer/wine at a time). • Collect the punch cards at the exits as guests leave. • Submit an example of your punch cards with the registration materials. • For each person in attendance at a typical four hour function there are the following stipulations: • All the non-alcoholic beverages one cares to consume (provided by the host organization) • Six, 12 ounce cans of beer OR four, 10 ounce wine coolers. • Left-over alcohol can be picked up the next day.

  11. Third Party Vendor Procedure • Same theme and entrance protocols as with BYOB events. • Along with the standard registration materials and paperwork, there must also be a ‘Third-Party Vender Agreement’ submitted. • As part of the above agreement the following proof must be shown; • The vendor is properly licensed by the appropriate local and state authority (i.e. liquor license and temporary licensure to sell on function premises. • $1 million in liability insurance, also stating that the vendor has “off premise liquor liability coverage and non-owned and hired auto coverage” • Also name the local chapter of the organization as well as the national organization as additional insured. • The vendor agrees to conduct only a cash bar and must divulge the price of each drink as it will cost the members and guests.

  12. Third Party Vendor Procedure • By completing the Third Party Vendor agreement and signing it, the vendor agrees to all the responsibilities that any purveyor of alcohol would assume in the normal course of business which includes but is not limited to: • Checking Identification cards upon entry and prior to service • Serving only those proving by identification to be the legal drinking age, 21. • Refusing service to anyone who is intoxicated • Maintaining control of ALL alcohol containers present • Collecting and removing all remaining alcohol at the conclusion of the event • No excess alcohol, opened or unopened, is to be given, sold, or furnished to the organization, members, or guests. • If the event is on-campus the Office of Student Management must receive all registration materials prior to approval of venue. • If the event is off-campus then a copy of the venue contract must be presented with the registration materials; as well as transportation to and from the event must be provided for the guests and should be in the form of registered and bonded bus lines • No overnight events • No registration check is required for off-campus events

  13. Outdoor Events • Space must be reserved through the Office of Student Life along with the standard registration materials as well as paperwork for either BYOB or Third Party Event. • The Outdoor Festival application must be completed 21 days in advance of the event. This form can be picked up in the Office of Student Life or the Office of Campus Safety. The form must be signed and approved by the Senior Associate Dean of Students, the Assistant Dean of Students and the Ashland Police Department. An event is not considered approved until official notification from the town of Ashland is received. • Additionally, if amplified music will be present, a separate Ashland outdoor festival permit must be obtained, and turned in 21 days in advance. • An area within the approved space must be designated a beverage service and consumption area. This area must have some type of physical barrier by which all access is controlled. This may include a double roped area, a separate room, etc. Only individuals of legal age may enter this area. • All alcoholic beverages must be consumed by individuals in the controlled area. No alcoholic may be taken out of this area.

  14. Clean Facility and Yard Policy • Fraternities and Sororities are expected to maintain their facilities and grounds. If at any time a College official determines the level of cleanliness at the facility to be unacceptable, the organization will be found to be in violation of the Clean Facility and Yard Policy. • For First Offenses minimum sanction: a $100 fine • For Second Offenses minimum sanction: a $200 fine and the organization will be placed on Housing Warning • For Third Offenses minimum sanctions: $300 fine and the organization will be placed on Housing Probation • For Fourth Offenses minimum sanctions: loss of housing for no less than one academic year.

  15. Drugs, Hazing, Weapons, Sexual Conduct • Drugs: Official FIPG policy “The possession, sale or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances while on chapter premises or during a fraternity event or at any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity is strictly prohibited.” • Don’t do drugs • Potential legal repercussions from RMC, and local, state, and federal levels. • Hazing: “No chapter, colony, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing activities are defined as: • “Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.” • “Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol, paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shocks, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution or applicable state law.“ • Don’t haze; but rather perform official, creative, and safe personalized rituals for your organization.

  16. Drugs, Hazing, Weapons, Sexual Conduct • Weapons: RMC policy prohibitspossessing, storing, or using a firearm of any type, a destructive device, stun gun or any other potentially dangerous weapon (knives [longer than four inches, except those needed for food preparation], nun chucks, Ninja stars, swords, etc.) • Including concealed weapons for which the carrier has a legal permit. • Don’t have guns or weapons on campus. • Sexual Conduct: “No organization will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location, which are demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to verbal harassment, sexual assault by individuals or members acting together. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers, or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy is prohibited.”

  17. Drugs, Hazing, Weapons, Sexual Conduct • Sexual conduct (cont.) • Report any sexual conduct violations (e.g. sexual misconduct, sexual assault and rape). • To lack consent or be non-consensual, the acts must be committed either by or through: force, intimidation, threat, coercion, restraint, any temporary or permanent physical helplessness or incapacity, including the inability to make a reasoned decision, whether or not due to alcohol or other drug use where such use has caused incapacitation, or any temporary or permanent mental incapacity. • Several types of force are recognized, including mental intimidation which includes threats that make a victim fear for his or her life or safety, or the life and safety of a friend, family member or pet, physical intimidation such as the perpetrator‘s size and weight advantages, blows such as punches or kicks, and weapons, such as a gun or knife. • Consent can be withdrawn at any time through clear communication; at this point, the activity must stop • Nothing a person does, says, or wears gives someone else the right to commit a sexual conduct policy violation. • Sexual conduct policy violation victims and perpetrators can be of any gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity • Survivors of sexual conduct violations can report them regardless of circumstances (e.g. if under the influence) without incurring judicial sanctions or other college judicial repercussions/referrals.

  18. Fire and Health Safety • All chapter houses must meet all local fire and health codes and standards. • All chapters must post by common phones and in other locations emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and should have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room. • All chapters should comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities. • The possession and/or use of firearms or explosive or incendiary devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house is prohibited. • Candles should not be used in chapter houses or individual rooms except under controlled circumstances such as initiation.

  19. Campus and Personal Safety • R-MC Statement on Violence, Fighting & Conduct Unbecoming a Fraternity/Sorority Member: • No chapter, colony, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone acts of violence or fighting. • Any action, activity, or statement that is unbecoming of a fraternity/sorority member, or one that is deemed inappropriate, will be referred to the College Judicial Officer for investigation, the IFC Community Standards Board, or the College Panhellenic Judicial Board of Review based on whichever is best equipped to address the situation. • Official R-MC Statement on Vandalism, Destruction of Property, and Pranks: • No chapter, colony, organization, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone acts of violence, vandalism, destruction of property, or pranks, and all will support and follow all policies pertaining to appropriate student conduct as stated in the Randolph-Macon College Student Handbook. Organizations, their members, residents of facilities, etc. will be held accountable for their actions.

  20. Assessment Time

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