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Update: SAGE Flexibility

Update: SAGE Flexibility . Act 95 of 2011. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction . Act 95. Allows flexibility for districts and schools with current SAGE contracts MUST maintain 18:1 or 30:2 in K and 1

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Update: SAGE Flexibility

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  1. Update: SAGE Flexibility Act 95 of 2011 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

  2. Act 95 • Allows flexibility for districts and schools with current SAGE contracts • MUST maintain 18:1 or 30:2 in K and 1 • Choose to maintain 18:1 or 30:2 in grades 2, 3, both, or neither in one or more years of the contract • No SAGE aid for grade levels not implementing 18:1 or 30:2 class size ratios • NOTE: Class size ratios are based on classroom configurations on third Friday in September

  3. Compliance in K-1 • Kindergarten and 1st Grade MUST adhere to 18:1 or 30:2 • No waivers allowed • Failure to maintain SAGE class size requirements in K-1 could result in loss of contract

  4. Grades 2-3 Flexibility • Schools can choose to participate in either grade 2, 3, both, or neither on an annual basis • To receive aid for a grade level, all classrooms or sections at that grade level must adhere to the 18:1 or 30:2 class size ratios • Example: In second grade, class sizes are 18:1, 18:1, and 19:1; school does NOT receive aid for any students in second grade.

  5. Reporting • Schools and districts do not need to inform DPI of decisions related to grades 2-3 prior to the reporting of class sizes on the SAGE Entitlement Form (ENT) • More details on how to report decisions related to SAGE class size ratios in grades 2-3 on the ENT will be provided at a later date

  6. Impact on SAGE Aid • DPI will not be able to assess the impact on SAGE aid or the per pupil amount until after ENTs have been submitted in Fall 2012 • If additional funding is available, schools and districts will have the opportunity to apply via the ENT for additional aid in January 2013

  7. Additional questions? Chelssee De Barra, SAGE Program Consultant chelssee.debarra@dpi.wi.gov (608) 266-2489 Beth McClure, SAGE Program Consultant elizabeth.mcclure@dpi.wi.gov (608) 261-6324 Sandy Ryan, Office Operations Associate sandra.ryan@dpi.wi.gov (608) 266-7283 SAGE Website http://www.dpi.wi.gov/sage/index.html

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