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Mrs. Rozar’s and Mrs. Davis’ Kindergarten Class. Welcome, parents and students!. Welcome to Kindergarten!. I will introduce you to Kindergarten and to our classroom. If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on. All About Me. My background
Mrs. Rozar’s and Mrs. Davis’ Kindergarten Class Welcome, parents and students!
Welcome to Kindergarten! • I will introduce you to Kindergarten and to our classroom. • If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
All About Me • My background • I am 36 years old. • I attended Middle Georgia College, Georgia College, and Walden University. • My experience • I’ve been teaching for 14 years. • I have always taught first grade until this year. • I have a Master’s in Reading and Literacy. Your child’s success is our success!
My Family • My husband • Kevin • My daughters • Meredith, 9 • Aidan, 5. • Our pets • cat, Marley • dog, Otis
My Goals for My Students • To give my students the academic and social skills they need to progress to first grade. • To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. • To help you make new friends and discover new interests.
Class Subjects • The subjects we cover during Kindergarten are: • Reading • Writing • Math • Science • Social studies **Class Schedule- List of our subjects and times they are taught. Lunch and CAMPE times included.
Mrs. Rozar’s and Mrs. Davis’ Class Schedule • 7:35 Homeroom • Morning Work • 8:00 Tardy Bell • Announcements • 8:05 Calendar • 8:30 Morning News • 9:00 Jack and Jilly Whole Group • 9:15 Jack and Jilly Small Groups • 10:00 Jack and Jilly Journal • 10:45 Lunch • 11:15 Math • 12:00 Social Studies & Science • 12:30 CAMPE • 1:00 Storytime • 1:30 Nap • 2:00 Recess • 2:30 Snack and Pack Up • 2:40 Dismissals to Bus • 3:00 Planning
1st Six Weeks Skills ListPlease leave list in homework folder for your reference. • Finds and spells first name orally. • States first and last name orally. • Recognizes letters: Aa, Bb, Cc, Mm, Rr, Tt (ELAK3b) • Identifies eight colors: • Blue, black, brown, red, purple, yellow, orange, and green. • Cuts on the lines. • Names six basic shapes: • Square, triangle, rectangle, circle, diamond, & oval (MKG1b) • Names spheres (balls) and cubes (blocks). (MKG1b) • Identifies basic positions: • Beside, above, below, between (MKG2a) • Identifies basic positions: • Behind, in front of, outside, inside (MKG2b)
Reading • Kindergarten Dolch Words: There are 220 Dolch Words. Almost all of them will be introduced during Morning News in Kindergarten. The more words that your child knows (can read-not spell), the better prepared for 1st grade he / she will be. The words introduced each day will be highlighted in the Homework folder on the Dolch Word List page. Please leave list in the homework folder. Please make flash cards (index cards) of these and practice each night. Your child does not have to know how to spell these words. These are sight words (vocabulary). • Jack and Jilly: Presented by Dr. Cindy Cupp.
Writing • Writing: Zaner Bloser (Ball and Stick) and creative/journal writing which is a new Georgia Performance Standard. Creative/ Journal writing promotes increased vocabulary, sentence structure, and spelling.
Math • Houghton-Mifflin Math: Math Lesson- Completed at school together. Check your child’s folder each night for daily work in Math. This keeps you aware of what your child is learning and helps you reinforce the skills being taught. The skills they practice during the week are the skills that they are assessed on. They will have Math assessments over the skills practiced at the middle and end of each six weeks. • Calendar/Meeting Board – includes money, weather, days of the week, and months of the year, seasons, am/pm, counting, and place value. They will be assessed over the items discussed during the meeting board/calendar time to check for listening skills (midterm, end of six weeks).
Science • Science will be implemented through read-aloud stories and Smartboard assignments. • We will also use hands-on activities to experience science.
Social Studies • Social Studies standards will be implemented through read-aloud stories and Smartboard Assignments.
Assessment and Attendance • Assessments: Assessments are given orally and individually at this time. Eventually we will work on paper and pencil assessments later. • Six Weeks Skills: A list of the skills we are working on will be given at the beginning of each six weeks. (Please leave in folder for your reference.) • Dolch Sight Words: Every other Friday, your child will be assessed on the words introduced at the beginning of each week. If your child knows all words, he/she will get a prize from our treasure box and visit Mr. Floyd and / or Mrs. Williams for a treat. • Report Cards: Because of the new reading curriculum, the report card is changing. Changes have not been finalized, so I do not have information for you at this time. Refer to the six weeks skills. • It is important that students are at school everyday. Please make doctor or dentist appointments after 1:00 if you can, because we are still working with curriculum until 1:00 every day. • We learn something new everyday in Kindergarten. The pace is fast, therefore it is important to be at school to learn new skills.
Classroom Community • Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. • Our Behavior System: We use the stick frogs and a traffic signal. We all begin on green, happy face. On yellow, straight face, we need to make better choices. On red, frown face, we really need to make better choices. Yellow, the student looses five points off their conduct grade for the week for each yellow face. Red, the student looses ten points off their conduct grade for the week for each red face. Three red faces in a row incurs the consequence of a visit to the office or discipline from the teacher, which could possibly include corporal punishment. A behavior sheet will be sent home monthly in their homework folder to keep you aware of their status. Please initial and return it back to school the next school day. • Our class rules are: • Be respectful and responsible with everyone. • Be organized and follow directions. • Be on time. • Be prepared.
Homework • Homework is listed on their calendar in their homework folder, which at this time is Dolch Sight Words. Please leave calendar in the homework folder. • If you review your sight words once or twice a day at home, that should be enough practice. (Flash cards, power point) • If you find it is taking longer than 20 minutes, please let me know. Tutoring is an option offered through childcare at our school.
Tardiness • School starts at 8:00 A.M. • If you aren’t in the classroom by the time the bell rings, please check in at the school office before coming to class. • If you plan to eat breakfast at school, you must be here before 8:00 and with ample time to eat breakfast and return to the classroom by 8:00.
We are at the end of our presentation. • A few last minute tidbits: • Please write separate checks for lunch money, child care, t-shirts, annuals, pictures, etc. Place money in envelope or write a note to let me know what it is to be used for. The children sometimes forget. • Folders: Please check folder everyday. Look carefully at daily papers for notes and messages from me. (Hand over hand means I had to place my hand on the child’s hand to help them write or color. Practice means to review the skill they are having trouble with which is evident on the paper it is written. Could not follow directions means they were unable to complete the assignment on their own with the teacher modeling the answers on the board.) Remove daily papers, review any mistakes the kids have made. Also, consistently incomplete work at school could affect their success in Kindergarten. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility complete their work in class, not the parents’, but parents may be asked to intervene if it becomes an issue. • C.A.M.P.E.. is every other day this year. Students need to wear tennis shoes these days. Girls need to wear shorts under dresses on these days. I will put the P.E. days on the calendar in their folder.
Remember, you’re child’s ultimate success depends on your help at home and their attendance at school. We are partners. That’s what this meeting is all about, your child’s success and happiness in Kindergarten. Thank you for all your support. JohnnaRozarLet’s Have a Great Year!