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A New Hybrid FPGA with Nanoscale Clusters and CMOS Routing Reza M.P. Rad and Mohammad Tehranipoor University of Connecticut Design Automation Conference, 2006. Outline. Introduction/Background Motivation/Contributions CMOS Logic Cluster Architecture Nanowire-based Cluster CMOS Support
A New Hybrid FPGA with Nanoscale Clusters and CMOS RoutingReza M.P. Rad and Mohammad TehranipoorUniversity of ConnecticutDesign Automation Conference, 2006
Outline • Introduction/Background • Motivation/Contributions • CMOS Logic Cluster Architecture • Nanowire-based Cluster • CMOS Support • Experiment Setups • Results (Area/Performance) • Conclusion
Introduction • Challenges in further scaling CMOS • Various nanoscale and molecular-electronics based devices under research • Various assembly techniques experimented • Self-assembly and nano-imprint techniques provide regular array structures (crossbars) • Molecules with switching properties • Reconfigurable switches • CMOS support can provide inputs/outputs/configuration circuitry for nanoscale devices.
Background • CMOS-Nano interface based on modulated doping of nanowires [DeHon, JETC’05] • DMUX based on random deposition of gold particles on nanowire array [Kuekes, 2000] • Single bit decoder-like interface [DeHon, JETC 2005] • PLA-based FPGA architecture [DeHon, JETC’05] • Island style architecture for nanoscale devices [Goldstein, 2001] • Cell-based architecture (CMOL) [Likharev, 2005]
Background • Using nanowires as FPGAs’ interconnects were analyzed in [Gayasen, DAC 2005] • Hybrid-FPGAs with CMOS clusters and nanowire routing were considered • It was reported that using nanowire interconnects in FPGAs can reduce area up to 70% • Effects of nanowire-based implementation of logic clusters on area and delay were not reported
Motivation • Design a new hybrid FPGA • Emerging nanotechnologies require a CMOS-scale support that provides I/O and configuration circuitry • Analyze efficiency of hybrid CMOS-Nano devices • A hybrid FPGA with nanoscale clusters • Perform experimental evaluations to provide insights to benefits and challenges of such hybrid technologies
Contribution • New hybrid FPGA with nanoscale cluster andCMOS interconnects • A logic cluster architecture based on crossbars of nanowires is proposed for FPGAs • The proposed cluster has the same functionality as traditional CMOS clusters • FPGA tools are modified to model area and performance based on the proposed cluster • Results show significant area reduction forhybrid FPGA while the performance is slightly degraded.
Logic Cluster Architecture • LUTs and MUXes are the most area consuming parts of any cluster • MUXes can take up to 70% of the area • Reducing the size of LUTs and MUXes, will considerably reduce the overall area of the FPGAs K input LUT out DFF Basic Logic Element (BLE) BLE1 N Out BLE N I In Logic Cluster in FPGAs
LUTs Implemented on Crossbars • LUTs and MUXes can beimplemented onnanowire crossbars • Diodes of each columnare configured to make one of the minterms • Diodes on output lineare configured to provide sum of minterms k f = ∑Minterms(1,2,4,2−1)
Nanowire-based (Nanoscale) Cluster • A crossbar can be configured as several LUTs and MUXes • It has the same functionality as CMOS clusters used in FPGAs • (I) : cluster I/O • (II) : To DFFs • (III) : Config. Addr. I/O and Config MUXes proposed in [Kuekes,2000] or [Rad, 2006]
CMOS Support CMOS Substrate • CMOS support circuitryfor the proposed cluster • Provides inversion,latching and configuration addresses • It can be implemented on the substrate under the nanoscale crossbar to minimize the area
Experiment Setups MCNC Benchmarks (Netlist) • Area and delay for routing components and clusters should be estimated and applied to VPR • Realistic values to resistors and capacitors of switches and line segments • VPR calculatesarea based onnumber of min-size transistors SIS (FlowMap and FlowPack): Maps Netlist to K-input LUTs T-Vpack: Packs K-LUTs Into clusters of size N VPR: Performance Driven placement and routing Architecture Model For: (I) Full-CMOS FPGA (22 nm) (II) Hybrid FPGA Area and Delay Results
Results: Area 2 • Average area for implementing77 MCNC benchmarks • K : LUT size • N : Cluster size • Area ofHybrid FPGAis significantlylower thanCMOS FPGA CMOS FPGA (22 nm) N=8 Average Area um 28500 N=2 K (# of LUT Inputs) 2 Hybrid FPGA Average Area um 12500 K (# of LUT Inputs)
Results: Area (Hybrid FPGA) • The increase in area of LUT and MUXeswill be small when K increases (nanowire crossbars) • Inter-cluster routing area decreases whenK increases • Area of hybrid FPGAwill not increasewith increase in K • Up to 75% areareduction comparedto CMOS FPGA Area Reduction % K N
Results: Delay • Average critical pathdelays for differentvalues of K and N for 77 MCNC benchmarks • K : LUT size • N : Cluster size • Delay parameters for 22 nm CMOS were estimated based on [Sylvester & Kuetzer 1998] • Nanowire RC parameters calculated based on [DeHon, JETC’05] CMOS FPGA (22 nm) Critical Path Delay (S) K (# of LUT Inputs) Hybrid FPGA N=8 Critical Path Delay (S) N=2 K (# of LUT Inputs)
CMOS FPGA (22 nm) Results: Delay • In CMOS FPGAs,delay of the cluster will increase when K increases • Increasing K will reduces the number of inter-cluster routing wires on critical path • The results show that increasing K and N will slightly reduce the critical path delay for CMOS FPGAs
N=8 Hybrid FPGA N=2 Results: Delay • In Hybrid FPGA, delay of the cluster depends on resistance and capacitance values of the nanowires • As K and N increase, the length of nanowiresused in the cluster will increase • Hence delay of the cluster considerably increases • Therefore, for hybrid FPGA, increasing K and N will increase critical path delay
Conclusions • A new hybrid FPGA was proposed • The proposed cluster was based on nanowire crossbars • The FPGA tools have been modified to implement MCNC benchmarks on the proposed hybrid FPGA • Hybrid FPGAs showed area reductions of up to 75% compared to 22 nm CMOS FPGAs • Performances of CMOS and Hybrid FPGAs are almost equal for average size clusters
Future works • Application of experimental data of nanowire based devices to the models to obtain more accurate comparison measures • Perform power analysis to evaluate power requirements of nanowire based circuits • Investigation of more efficient implementations of logic clusters based on nanowires • Reliability and fault tolerance of nanoscale components must be investigated.