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The SAF Network Concept and Status Juha-Pekka Luntama, EUMETSAT GRAS Mission Scientist luntama@eumetsat.de. 1. The SAF Concept 2. SAF Developments 3. Overall SAF Network Implementation Status 4. Transition to operations for EPS SAFs 5. User Interaction with SAF Projects
The SAF Network Concept and Status Juha-Pekka Luntama, EUMETSAT GRAS Mission Scientist luntama@eumetsat.de
1. The SAF Concept 2. SAF Developments 3. Overall SAF Network Implementation Status 4. Transition to operations for EPS SAFs 5. User Interaction with SAF Projects 6. SAF Services and Products Topics
1. The SAF Concept1.1 The SAFs within the EUMETSAT Application Ground Segment1.2 The SAF Network << The concept adopted for SAF developments to set-up a SAF Network>>
1.1 The SAFs within the EUMETSAT Application Ground Segment Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs) are specialised development and processing centres within the EUMETSAT Applications Ground Segment. SAFs will use inputs from meteorological satellites in both geostationary and polar orbits. Until data becomes available from systems such as Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) and the EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS), information from current satellites will be used for development. Other relevant data will be obtained from the World Meteorological Organisation’s (WMO) Global Telecommunication System (GTS). EUMETSAT SAF products will be distributed by satellite, via the GTS/RMDCN or by other means.
1.1 The SAFs within the EUMETSAT Application Ground Segment [2] Theoverall objectiveof a SAF is theprovision of operational services, in the context of a cost-effective and synergetic balance between the central and distributed services. The SAF services will be an integral part of the overall EUMETSAT operational services.
EPS/Metop MSG Data Acquisition and Control Data Processing EUMETSAT HQ Applications Ground Segment Meteorological Products Extraction Facility (MPEF) EUMETSAT HQ Unified Meteorological Archive & Retrieval Facility (U-MARF) EUMETSAT HQ Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs) Centralised processing and generation of products Decentralised processing and generation of products USERS
1.1 The SAFs within the EUMETSAT Application Ground Segment [3] • Establishing of a SAF is to undertake on adistributed basis such necessary research, development and operational activities that can be carried out in a more effective way than at the EUMETSAT central facility. • The primary role for the SAFs is todevelop and deliver services and products aimed at enhancing the value and use of data for applications considered to be a common need of all, or the least a majority, of Member States.
1.2 The SAF Network • The SAF Network embraces the whole set of SAFs, as distributed elements of the EUMETSAT Application Ground Segment. • The Secretariat of EUMETSAT coordinates and monitors the development and operations of the entire SAF Network, based on the EUMETSAT standards and procedures. • The EUMETSAT STG (Scientific & Technical Group) and AFG (Administrative & Financial Group) review as appropriate the progress of the SAF development and operational phases.
2.1 Approved SAF Projects Seven SAFs Projects were approved, related Cooperation Agreements established, and development activities initiated in the period 1997-1999. Two SAF Projects - The SAF on Nowcasting & Very Short Range Forecasting - The SAF on Ocean & Sea Ice already completed in the first part of 2002 their development phase and started the “so called” Initial Operations Phase, aiming at validating their MSG related products using the MSG-1 real data and completing their developments for EPS related products up to their validation using Metop-1 data. The SAFs on NWP and Climate Monitoring will start their Initial Operations in early 2004, following approval of their Detailed Operations Proposals. An 8th SAF Theme in Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management has been approved by the Council in November 2002, thus creating a new SAF opportunity.
2.1 Approved SAF Projects Acronym Development Projects Kick-off NWC & VSRFSupport to Nowcasting & Very Short-Range 02/97 Forecasting (Development Phase completed) O&SIOcean and Sea Ice (Development Phase completed) 04/97 O3M Ozone Monitoring 10/97 GRM GRAS Meteorology 04/99 NWP Numerical Weather Prediction 02/99 CLM Climate Monitoring 12/98 LSA Land Surface Analysis 09/99
3. Overall SAF Network Implementation Status << The overall schedule and status of the 7 approved SAF Projects >>
SAF Project 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 SAF in support to Nowcasting & Very Short Range Forecasting Development Phase (completed) IOP (running)) SAF on Ocean and Sea Ice Development Phase (completed) IOP (running) SAF on Ozone Monitoring Development Phase Development Extension (running) SAF on Numerical Weather Prediction Development Phase IOP (planned) SAF on Climate Monitoring Development Phase IOP (planned) SAF on GRAS Meteorology Development Phase Development Extension (planned) SAF on Land Surface Analysis Development Phase IOP (planned) SAF Network Overall Planning
4.3 Transition from Development to Operations for EPS related SAFs (O3M,GRM) Development Logic reconciled with Metop-1 schedule and Core Ground Segment IV&V plans Metop-1 Launch Extension of the Development Phase I-RR IVVRR CDR RADR MTR ORR Development for EPS 5-years Development Phase The Development Extension (to 2006) for the O3M SAF was approved in June 2002. The same approach is taken for the GRM SAF. The related proposal has been submitted and positively evaluated. Expected to be approved by Council in June 2003. Full Operations (following EPS Products Validation)
5. User Interaction with SAF Projects << Opportunities for continuos User Interactions with SAFs >>
5. Users Interaction with SAF Projects EUMETSAT Support Steering Group Directives SAF Workshops and Training Sessions SAF Project Team Visiting Scientist Programme Users can be effectively involved in VS Tasks, as Beta-Testers, and actively participate to SAF Workshops. Approved VS Tasks Beta-testing (Potential) Users
5. Users Interaction with SAF Projects [2] … during (Initial) Operations …... Users Users feedback essential to assess the adequacy and quality of provided services and disseminated products, and to prepare for products upgrades. Operational SAF Leading Entity ... Beta-Users, Operational feedback, Workshops, Training sessions Cooperating Entities
6. SAF Services and Products 6.1 The Provision of SAF Services 6.2 SAF Deliverables << The typology of SAF deliverables >>
6.1 The Provision of SAF Services Authorised Users Distribution of Software Applications Satellite Data Near-Real-Time Products (via GTS/RMDCN or other means) Operational SAF Infrastructure Off-line Products Retrieval Other data User Support Services U-MARF Hot-line Calls Order Requests
The EUMETSAT SAF Web pages The SAF Network Web Pages were recently upgraded and improved, to provide more information on the SAF Network, SAF Projects, Targeted Products, and running SAF Demonstrators. The SAF public documentation is available on the EUMETSAT Web. The SAF Web pages can be seen at the following address: http://www.eumetsat.de/saf/ Further Improvements are planned in the short-term.