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This document provides an overview of the current status, WMO requirements, and the implementation strategy for the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) in relation to the Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) and the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). It highlights key collaborations and global initiatives proposed by CAgM to meet WMO requirements and enhance service capabilities.
Implementation Strategy of CAgMfor WIGOS IP under GFCS umbrella- Approach & Progress - 2014 Federica Rossi Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ICG-WIGOS 3 Meeting, 10-14 Feb. 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
CONTENTS • Current Status • WMO Requirements • WIGOS Implementation • CAgM Collaborations • GFCS Implementation Annex : References
CAgM Legacy Service Framework CAgM Monitoring GFCS Communications Capacity Building Products/Applications User Interface
WAMIS – CAgM Service Platform ◎ uWAMIS - RS/GIS, Global Climate/weather info, NWPS, GISC/(DCPC), CAMI, DSSAT, JAWF, E/T, GFCS ◎ kWAMIS - IT/GIS, IT Resource, NWPs, Downscaling, GISC/(DCPC), Russia/FSU-DM, Interface, E/T, GFCS ◎ iWAMIS - Model/GIS, INSAM, Reg. projects, Phenology GISC/(DCPC)(DWD), COST, Education/Training ◎ bWAMIS - *Region-specific Information” INMET? GISC/(DCPC) Argentina/Peru for Spanish ? ◎ aWAMIS – “Region-specific Information” - USQ / BoM ◎ sWAMIS - 3+ subregions ?, maybe remote servers ?
Global Initiatives proposed by CAgM In order to meet impending WMO requirements including strategic plans and implementations on GFCS, WIS, WIGOS, etc. in terms of resource mobilization and allocationfor human, financial, infrastructure & governance aspects Five Global Initiatives of AgMet by CAgM(GIAM) Global Federation of AgMet Society (GFAMS) Global Center of Research, Excellency in AM (GCREAM) Global AgMet Pilot Projects (GAMPP) Global AgMet Outlook System (GAMOS) WAMIS next phase (WAMIS II)
WMO Requirements to TC CAgM Strategic Plan : Enhanced Capability for Better Service • Enhanced Capabilities for High Quality resources , Risk Management, • better information service, earth system monitoring, ST developments, • for emerging members through better partnerships and cooperations WMO Reform : Application oriented Service • a. Improved Documentation & communication between TCs and Ras • b. Orientate the constituent bodies of WMO to deliver the Strategic Plan • c. Reduce the intergovernmental part of constituent body sessions GFCS Implementation : 5 Components a. Internal working methods, …deciding on implementation priorities, b. Mechanisms to strengthen the global cooperative system c. Projects for the needs of developing countries d. External communications, resource mobilisation and capacity development WIS Implementation : DCPC, metadata - Agronomy data sharing beyond WMO WIGOS Implementation : Function/Manual/Metadata -LDAS, NASNET, Carbon Tracker supports, Ground truth, Phenology
GFCS – implemenation priority • Capacity building in developing countries (CD) • Linking climate service users and providers. • Building national capacity for climate services. • Strengthening the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) • Standardizing products; promoting WIS; facilitating access to, use of GPC products • Strengthening regional climate capabilities through establishing and promoting RCCs and RCOFs • Building capacity to implement the User Interface Platform (UIP) • Improving climate observations in data sparse areas (OBS) • Building the capacity of the climate research sector (RES)
WIGOSRequirements to TC/CAgM the approach and progress within the TCs responding to WIPA special attention will be given to collaboration of TCs and CBS and CIMO. Condisering the WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan (WIP), including the development of the WIGOS Communication and Outreach Strategy, the Functional Requirements of the WIGOS Operational Information Resource (WIR), WIGOS Regulatory Material, etc. A special attention will be given to Collaboration with Partner Organizations (GCOS/GTOS, GEO, others), with focus on implementation of GFCS.
EC-64/Doc. 4.3(2) Phenology Issues EC-64/Doc. 4.3(2) on Joint Expert Group on Climate, Food and Water (JEG-CFW) Joint CCl / CAgM / CHy Expert Group on Climate, Food, and Water (JEG-CFW), 7-8 November 2011, Casablanca, Morocco EC Noted: WMO should remain active in this field especially with regards to plant phenology. CAgMshould take the lead on this topic and encouraged Management Groups of CAgM and CClto monitor and report on progress. Review ToR of each of the UN Conventions that are related to the CCl, CAgM and CHy and to assist the JEG- CFW in reviewing any existing global phenologicalinitiatives
Enhanced Monitoring on Climate Change Phenology Soil Moisture GHG Flux Ground truth
Enhanced National AgMet Monitoring Core AgMet Reference Station Climate Change Monitoring Tall Tower Observation Water Cycle Monitoring Global WIGOS Reference Site Boundary Layor Monitoring GHG Background Monitoring Climate Change Landmark - Data standardization at global scale - GEOSS supporting hub - WIGOS regional center - GEOSS demonstration site NASNET New Governance for enhanced AgMet National Service - Strengthening multi-institutional governance within a nation - High level education system for next generation AgMet experts - Core AgMet Reference Station (national reference site for AgMet)
Global AgMet Monitoring System Global AgMet Observation Enhancement GAMOS(Global AgroMeteorogical Outlook System) - GDEWS(Global Drought Early Warning System)-GLUMS(Global Land Use Monitoring System) - GWHAS (Global Weather Hazard Assessment System ) - GAPON(Global Alliance of Phenology Observation Networks)
GAPON Global Alliance of Phenology Observation Networks Objectives To Identify/mobilize Experts in diverse phenology disciplines, especially in the field of agrometeorology with crop phenology To seek financial resources to provide guide/manuals and equipment for operational observations in developing countries To searching successful case studies among Members To establish data quality/policy/sharing mechanisms among Members To incorporate phenology monitoring into routine/obligatory observation in AgroMeterology/Climatology stations To strengthen outreach program to stakeholders-public/media/politicians etc. through Collaborations with ISB/PC together with CCl (Phenology2012) To open official discussions on the following subjects for future collaborations in initiating Global Phenology Monitoring Network among ISB/PC, KMA/NIMR, and CCl/CAgM 1) Establishment of Joint Steering Committee to facilitate collaborations 2) Establishment of Secretariat office for future global activities 3) Potential Financial Resources for new collaborations 4) Implementation Time Tables (tentative short/long-terms) 5) How to get synergy from collaborations at global level
Partnerships among TCs/RAs CBS CCl CHy uWAMIS RS/GIS GFCS Primary User (TC/CAgM) kWAMIS iWAMIS GISC/DCPC ICT Models WIS CAgM sWAMIS bWAMIS aWAMIS Applications CIMO JCOMM CAS GFCS Secondary User (RA/NMHS) Global Federation of AgMet Society Regional Associations (operation) Regional Federation (R & D) GFCS End User (Farming Community) Regional Pilot Projects (1~2/RA) AgModel, IT Resource, Tools, Storage, DBMS, Server, Interface Feedback Feedback (Ground Truth Information) (Land Surface Information)
AgMet Service Establishment with RA based on enhanced AgMet observations
WIGOS-WIS-GEOSS Collaborations from CAgM’s perspectives WIGOS WMO Integrated GOS In-situ Remote sensing - GEO-GLAM : crop monitoring/risk management - ISBM / CBD : vegetation/bird/insect/coral phenology - Integration of existing crop status/outlook : FAO, MARS, WAOB, etc. Weather Observation Network : e.g. WWW/GOS, AMDAR, ASAP etc. Atmospheric composition observing network : e.g. GAW etc. Radiation observing networks : e.g. BSRN Standardization Integration Marine meteorological networks and arrays : e.g. VOS, ARGO, etc. Hydrological observing networks : e.g. components of WHYCOS Climate components of atmos-, oceano-, terres- observing systems : Flux GEOSS WMO Information System WIS GEONETCast WIS
GISC METASERVER RDF/OWL DCPC Data/Production RDF/OWL G/R-Server WAMIS Grid Portal Web Service WCRP-WIS-WAMIS–WIGOS -GEOSS WIGOS WMO Integrated GOS Impact Assessment Emergence Response User Applications GEO Center DCPC-WAMIS WIS WIS GISC- Seoul CAgM Pilot Project WAMIS
External Partnerships beyond WMO ESSP IHDP DIVERSITA IGBP WCRP FAO GCP GEON GEOSSIPCCTHORPEX TIGGIE CEOP GAMOS(Global AgroMeteorogical Outlook System) GDEWS(Global Drought Early Warning System) GLUMS(Global Land Use Monitoring System) : GEO-GLAM GWHAS (Global Weather Hazard Assessment System ) GAPON(Global Alliance of Phenology Observation Network) Monitoring with CAgM Other Collaborations beyond WMO : - INFITA : Informatics in Agriculture - FluxNet : GHG/Energy flux monitoring, Caron tracker, LDAS - Geant/Tein2/APAN/Gloriad : high performance global networks - CSA : Climate Smart Agriculture
CAgM WIS GFCS GIS-OnLine : ESRI Cloud Computing – KISTI/PKNU GISC-Seoul AgMIP Crop Models WAMIS DCPC AGMP WMO WAMIS II 3+3+? AgModels DSSAT/AMBER NWP models WMO CSIS UIP GPC LC LRMME CD GAMPP 6+? GFAMS 11+? GCREAM 9+? Candidates : 1~3 regional pilot projects in each RA RMP K-NWP : KMA/NIMR WISE : Urban/rual met.. SSPM : CAS/KMA GAMOS Phenoloy GHG Flux Soil moisture OBS NASNET Phenology Monitoring Ground truth information ISB/CP, KMA/NIMR Fluxnet/AsiaFlux FAO, IRI, EU, USA NASA -NEX WIGOS GLAM GTOS
Data Grid GTS/WIS Cloud Computing GRID Computing • Data • Access WAMIS Service Framework of WAMIS II GISC DCPC NCAR NCDC TIGGE Computation • Research KMA/KISTI UNIDAT (Joint)GISC Data Broker GDS WAMIS Grid Portal User Interface GridSphere OpenWIS Climate Projection SIP GDAPS / GME RDAPS / GME : WRF Mesoscale model Nowcasting Historical (Legacy) data Non-Meteorological Data END-USERS LAS MME ICT Infrastructure Pilot Projects WAMIS . . . . AMBER DSSAT GIS RS NWP Outputs LDAS/LIS Flux, GHG Surface Flux Vegetation Soil Profile AgModels Applied Meteorology Services WAMIS next phase WMO Information System WMO Integrated GOS GEOSS-GLAM
Governance Structure : GIAM with GENRI GIAM GCEER Global Center of Excellency in Education and Research (GCEER)
WIGOS related pending Issues • Establishment of Core AgMet Station in member countries • reference site for ground truth information for RS, Flux, LSM, QC/QA, phenology, crop yields, biomass production, ecosystem services, etc. • Strengthening of ReAnalysis Data for land surface information to support AgModel’s calibration and validation • In situ observation is limited, thus reanalysis data are essential for model developments • Identification/Demonstration of case-studies/pilot projects at national/regional level on the integrated surface observation networks in agriculture • Integration over diverse disciplines/entities for one stop service, eg. Meteorological vs agronomical observations through new governance • Enhancement of NWP-based AgMet forecast services in parallel with observation based now-casting service • Better use of Seasonal to inter-annual predictions in Agriculture • Diverse forecasts using models will reduce uncertainties in predition under high climate variability condition. • * Land Surface Model, Numerical Weather Prediction Model, Agricultural Models
Challenges with Suggestions? • Limits in Resources • Human resources : Experts, Secretariat, Project office • Financial resources : pilot projects, outreach, secretariat support • Multi-disciplinary Aspects • non-NMHS experts : poor collaboration with NMHSs, limited support • Domestic collaborations without governance • Diverse partners with poor communication networks : FAO, UNCCD, CBD, GEOSS • More Demands WMO Requirements Reform : restructuring of CAgM OPAG GFCS : Agriculture & Food security WIGOS : new observation elements, integration/standardization, service provision WIS : DCPC, user-interface, ICT resources, GIS-online Collaborations with Partners TCs & RAs : GEOSS / FAO / ISBM / UNCCD : no consistutional own network
The better observations, the better outlooks,for better Life & Earth!(BOBO-ble?) Thank for Your Attention!
CAgM Structure ET/EG TT/ICG • each ET consists of 6-8 experts considering RAs/Expertise • MG selects Experts recommended by NMHSs • currently about 70 experts have been volunteered to serve
Joint Expert Group on Climate, Food, Water [CCl, CHy] Climate, Food, Water + CBS involvement necessary CAgM representatives: Mr Byong-Lyol Lee, Korea (president of CAgM) (Ray will be a Proxy for me) Mr Simone Orlandini, Italy (Co-chair of OPAG 3 of CAgM) [Issues from CAgM] CAgM is not listed in observation & modeling of GFCS components Primary user of GFCS Own GFCS implementation strategy Scope of CCl as climate service provider (SIPP prediction/CC projection) CC monitoring such as phenology monitoring Feedbacks/interactions from Agroecosystem to climate system Energy/GHG flux monitoring Collaboration with CBS-WIS, WIGOS, GEOSS, IPCC, IGBP => ESSP CCl representatives: Mr Rodney Martinez, CIIFEN, Ecuador (Co-Chair of CCl OPACE 4) and, Mr Roger Pulwarthy, USA CHy representatives: Ms Ann Calver, UK (Chair of CHy OPACH 4) Mr D. Jayasurya, Australia
Legacy System of CAgM Monitoring Communications Capacity Building Products/Applications User Interface
CAgM Missions with GIs & GFCS Pillars CAgM(135 member countries) provides guidance in the field of agricultural meteorology by studying and reviewing the available science and technology; (RES) [GAMPP] proposes international standards for methods, procedures; (OBS) [GAMOS] provides a forum for the examination and resolution of relevant scientific and technical issues; (UIP) [WAMIS] promotes the training and the transfer of knowledge and methodologies, including the results of research, between WMO Members; and (CD) [GCREAM] promotes international cooperation and maintains close cooperation in scientific and technical matters with other international organizations. (CSIS) [GFAMS]
DCPC-WAMIS supported by GISC-Seoul and KISTI IT resources from PLSI Project for WAMIS next phase
Outreach & New Governance Education/Training/Outreach - Strengthening current ET system - Accommodation of emerging user requirements - Collaborations among centers now/future (global center of excellency in AgMet) New Governance for enhanced AgMet National Service - Strengthening multi-institutional governance within a nation - Establishment of regional governance against Climate Change - High level education system for next generation AgMet experts through global collaborations including graduate courses => Core AgMet Station (national reference site for AgMet) * National Center for AgroMeteorology in Korea (NCAM) - established jointly by KMA, RDA, KFS in Korea in 2009 together with SNU including Graduate Course in AgMet
Partnership of GENRI with GIAM (1)GENRI– Global Environment & Natural Resources Institute (TIGERS) Trans-disciplinary Implementing Governance for Environment and Resource Sustainability
Partnership of GENRI with GIAM(2) WMO CAgM WMO CAgM
There are some examples of TCs securing additional resources, but typically these funds are only for an initial demonstration project. It is important that the PTC have open discussions on future role of TCs giving emphasis on most efficient way of future collaborations within TCs and with RAs due to current limited resources in terms of human/finance/infrastructure/governance aspects. CAgM proposes the following options; Resource Mobilization/Allocation Re-Allocation of Resources to meet impending requirements New Resource Exploration to meet emerging requirements Re-Organization of CAgM Structures to meet future requirements
Backgrounds TCs are provided with financial resources for the basic number of expert meetings during the intersessional period. Feedback from several members of WMO expert teams have indicated that this is insufficient to be effective. Also, there are no funds available from the WMO budget for TCs to develop and organize projects. Therefore, if projects are to be developed, members of the TC must take the time raise funds. This is time-consuming task for all but the most dedicated TC member. Without additional funds, WMO TCs can only contribute in a limited way and the lack of funds also lead to a perception that the TCs are not effective. In addition, due to the global financial crisis, one cannot expect additional funds from the wealthier countries.
Objectives & Rationale To invite suggestions/recommendations from PTC for efficient CAgM management under limited resource availability in order to meet impending WMO requirements including strategic plan. Continuous Improvement Initiative, as well as impending issues for implementations on GFCS, WIS, WIGOS, etc. in terms of resource mobilization and allocations for human, financial, infrastructure & governance aspects To share and learn lessons from know-hows, experiences on successful/failed cases, future strategies from TCs and RAs on efficient utilization/mobilization of resources. To propose feasible options for re-structuring of CAgM for better management and operation in order to meet user requirements through efficient implementation on WMO requirements
Re-Allocation of Resources to meet impending requirements Through ToR modification/update - for emerging requirements (OPAG) - Operational service oriented (ET) - re-assignment of new missions (ICT) • OPAG : multi-missions (new initiatives) • ICT : new assignments (TT, TF, ..) • ET : minimum modification/update WMO PTC Meeting, 30 January-1 February 2012, Geneva.
New Resource Explorationto meet emerging requirements • Financial resource - Trust funds (WAMIS, GFCS, ..) e.g. KMA • Human resource - Scientific society e.g. AgMet Soc. at National/Regional/Global levels • Infrastructures - Institutions (government, private, …) e.g. KMA/KISTI, ESRI, NASA-MEX
Re-Organization of CAgM Structuresto meet future requirements • MG : OPAG Chairs / Coordinators - OPAG chairs as coordinators with RAs - Coordinators/OPAG chairs also chair new TTs/TFs • ICT : mobilized to meet new demands on experts - converted to TT members for GFCS, WIGOS, WIS - assign new missions as rapporteur, task force, etc. (e.g. sub-sectors : crop, animal, forestry, fishery ..) • TT for GFCS : 5 members with a chairperson - OBS/RMP/CSIS/UIP/CB - each member has a role of coordinator with TCs/RAs (e.g. OBS for GEO/WIGOS, CSIS for WIS, etc.)