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CHAPTER 6 - FILE MANAGEMENT, EXECUTIVE AND CASE CONTROL SECTIONS. CONTENTS. File Management System (FMS) Commands Executive Control Commands Bulk Data Selection Analysis Control Output Control Printed Output Control Restart Control Common Problems.
CONTENTS • File Management System (FMS) Commands • Executive Control Commands • Bulk Data Selection • Analysis Control • Output Control • Printed Output Control • Restart Control • Common Problems
File Management System (FMS) COMMANDSRestart ControlRESTART Indicates this as a restart of a previous analysisRSTBEGIN Timestep number at which the restarted analysis is to beginRSTFILE Selects the Restart file to be usedIn the following example an old analysis is continued from cycle 1000 on restart file DEMO_0.RST RESTARTRSTBEGIN = 1000 RSTFILE = DEMO_0.RSTFile SelectionTYPE Defines the type of an output tileSAVE Interval between saving an output file and starting a new one
File Management System Commands (continued)User CodeUSERCODE Indicates that user written subroutines are required for the analysis and defines the filename containing the source code START USERCODE=user.f …
File Management System Commands (continued)Pre-stress Analysis ControlPRESTRESS Indicates that this is a run to pre-stress a structure before the transient analysis runNASTDISP Defines a MSC.Nastran displacement file to be used as inputBULKOUT Defines an output file to which gridpoint data is written at the end of the pre-stress analysisSOLUOUT Defines an output file to which solution data is written at the end of the pre-stress analysisNASINIT A BULKDATA entry that controls the pre-stress analysisThe following example defines a MSC.Dytran prestress analysis in which the MSC.Nastran displacement file BLADE.DIS is used and output files GRID.OUT and SOL.OUT are generated. PRESTRESS NASTDISP = BLADE.DIS BULKOUT = GRID.OUT SOLUOUT = SOL.OUT
MSC.Dytran - EXECUTIVE CONTROL COMMANDSTIME Cpu time limit for the analysisCEND Marks the end of the executive control section
Bulk Data SelectionLoad selectionInitial condition selectionConstraint selectionAnalysis ControlTermination criterionOutput ControlPrinted outputResults outputRestart definition CASE CONTROL COMMANDS
PurposeSelects constraints and loading from Bulk Data. Only the set of entries which have been selected in Case Control will be used in the analysis. All other sets will be ignoredLoad SelectionTLOAD Transient Loads (refers to TLOAD1 entries)Initial Condition SelectionTIC Transient Initial Conditions (refers to TICn entries, TICEL, TICGP and TICEUL entries)Constraint SelectionSPC Single Point Constraints (refers to SPCn entries) BULK DATA SELECTION
PurposeSelects the termination criterion of an analysis.Termination Time in Analysis Time UnitsENDTIME Defines the extent of the analysis. When the analysis reaches the time specified, the run stops. Note that the run can always be restarted, so ENDTIME is not the final time you want to reach, merely the time for this particular run.ENDTIME = 10.0E-3 Default is 0.0Step Number at which the Analysis TerminatesENDSTEP Defines the maximum timestep number at which the run stops.ENDSTEP = 10000 Default is 999999 ANALYSIS CONTROL
Output Specification (FMS + Case Control)1. Type of file - TYPE (FMS)2 How often is it saved - SAVE (FMS)3. How often data is written - STEPS/TIMES4. What elements, gridpoints, etc. are stored – ELEMENTS/GRIDS5. What results are output ELOUT, GPOUT, etc.Example Archive Specification TYPE (ARC) = ARCHIVE SAVE (ARC) = 10 STEPS (ARC) = 100, THRU, END, BY, 100 ELEMENTS (ARC) = 22 SET22 = 12, 100, THRU, 200 ELOUT (ARC) = PRESSURE, XVEL, YVEL, ZVELExample RESTART Specification TYPE (RST) = RESTART SAVE (RST) = 10 STEPS (RST) = 100, THRU, END, BY, 100Note: RESTART Specifications store all elements and grids, etc. and all necessary results so 4. and 5. are not needed. OUTPUT CONTROL
Only One Gridpoint/Element Type on an Archive FileAvailable are: 1-D elements Lagrangian solid elements Quadrilateral shell elements C0-tria shell elements Sublayer variables Triangular membrane elements Dummy Shell Elements Euler solid element (hydrodynamic) Euler solid element (with shear strength) Euler solid element (multi-material) Rigid bodies Rigid ellipsoids Materials Contact Surfaces Coupling Surfaces Gasbag Surfaces Surfaces Subsurfaces Sections Euler BoundariesFor each gridpoint/element type different variables can be archivedA List of variables are given in the User Manual section 3.9. ARCHIVE/TIME HISTORY FILE
TYPE OF FILES (FMS) • Select among the following file types • ARCHIVE – Archive File Binary File for storing deformation and fringe results • TIMEHIS – Timehistory File Binary File for XY-plotting • RESTART – Restart File Binary File for Restart Analysis • STEPSUM – Summary of steps ASCII format in the OUT-file • MATSUM – Summary of materials ASCII format in the OUT-file • EBDSUM – Summary of Euler Boundaries ASCII format in the OUT-file • MRSUM – Summary of Rigid Materials ASCII format in the OUT-file
SAVE - Interval between saving fileSelects the number of times the file is written to before it is closed and saved and a new file is opened e.g. SAVE (OUT1) = 10If a negative value for save is used for RESTART edit, then the file is overwritten for every restart save. SAVE (RST) = -1 SAVING FILES (FMS + CASE CONTROL)
TIMES - Times for OutputSelects the times at which output is required. This consists of a list of times. For example:TIMES (OUT1) = 0.2E3, 0.6E-3, 0.8E - 3THRU and BY specifiers can be used.TIMES (OUT1) = 0.2E-3, THRU, 1.0E-3, BY,0.1E-3 The word END indicates the time given on the ENDTIME Case Control command or the ENDSTEP Case Control command.TIMES (OUT1) = 0, THRU, END, BY, 0.1E-3STEPS - Steps for outputSelects the timesteps at which output is required. This consists of a list of step numbers. THRU and BY specifiers can be used as well. STEPS (OUT1) = 1, THRU, END, BY, 100 OUTPUT FREQUENCY
OUTPUT REQUESTS GridpointsGRIDS (OUT1) = 10SET 10 = 1 THRU 2000GPOUT (OUT1) = XDIS, YDIS, ZDISElementsELEMENTS (OUT1) = 20SET 20 = ALLELEMENTSELOUT(OUT1) = TXX01, EFFSTSRigidsRIGIDS (OUT1) = 30 SET 30 = 40, MR200, FR300RBOUT(OUT1) = XPOS, ZVELRigid EllipsoidsRELS(OUT1) = 40SETC 40 = HEAD, NECK, UTRELOUT(OUT1) = ZPOSMaterials MATS(OUT1) = 50 SET 50 = 200, 300 MATOUT(OUT1) = SIE
OUTPUT REQUESTS ContactsCONTS (OUT1) = 70SET 70 = 1 CONTOUT(OUT1) = XFORCE Coupling SurfacesCPLSURFS (OUT1) = 80SET 80 = 25 CPLSOUT(OUT1) = PRESSURE GasbagsGBAGS (OUT1) = 90SET 90 = 10 GBAGOUT(OUT1) = PRESSURE SurfacesSURFACES (OUT1) = 100SET 100 = 25 SURFOUT(OUT1) = PRESSURE SubsurfacesSUBSURF (OUT1) = 110SET 110 = 787 SURFOUT(OUT1) = MFLR-POR
Specify only TYPE and TIMES/STEPSTo write restart files the TYPE FMS statements should indicate that it is a restart file. Only the TIMES and STEPS case control commands are required to specify when restart data is to be written.Example: TYPE (RESTART) = RESTART TIMES (RESTART) = 0, THRU, END, BY, 1.0E-3 SAVE (RESTART) = -1 RESTART CONTROL
Common Problems when defining the control section • Using TAB characters in the input deck • Requesting too much data • Specifying both TIME and STEP for output frequencyin same output request • Incomplete definition (not all 6 parts) • Duplicate SET or SETC number • Empty Sets • Error message: • %E-P1008101-NAS_CONVERT_TOK_TO_INT,,, • INPUT DECK: water_jet.dat • LINE #16 : SAVE,EULER,10O00 • MESSAGE : Error converting token into integer • Token = 10O00 • Istat = -1Typed letter O inside 10O00!!!