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Energy balances and energy related GHG emission inventories in France Works initiated by EUROSTAT to reconcile both data sets. Richard LAVERGNE – Louis MEURIC. Jean-Pierre FONTELLE. Direction générale de l’énergie et des matières premières Observatoire de l’Energie.
Energy balances and energy related GHG emission inventories in FranceWorks initiated by EUROSTAT to reconcile both data sets Richard LAVERGNE – Louis MEURIC Jean-Pierre FONTELLE Direction générale de l’énergie et des matières premières Observatoire de l’Energie Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d’Etudes de la Pollution Atmosphérique www.citepa.org www.industrie.gouv.fr/energie EC GHG MM - EEA – Copenhagen – 24 & 25 June 2003
National institutions responsible for Energy and GHG emissions Energy Ministry of Industry Steering Committee (Ministries, statiscal bodies, etc.) Ministry of Agriculture Energy Office (Observatoire de l’Energie) Stat. Office on Industry (SESSI) Statist. Office on Agriculture (SCEES) Joint International Questionnaire National Energy Balance Annual survey on Energy for Industry SA Other administrations and non public organisations (other data) USERS, Including CITEPA responsible for GHG inventory compilation RA SA EUROSTAT, IEA, etc.
National institutions responsible for Energy and GHG emissions GHG Emissions (and non GHG) Several different public and private organisations, including Energy Office (Observatoire de l’Energie) CITEPA inventory compilation of CRF and NIR reports (NFR, LCP, NEC, CAFE, … projections) Ministry of Environment MIES (Interministerial Task Force on Climate Change) GHG only VALIDATION other applic. Other ministries and MIES UNFCCC, EC UNECE, EC, …
National procedures and (legal) basis Energy 1. Administrative Collection of Data • Oil Law of 31 December 1992 • Electricity Law of 10 February 2000 + Decree of 18 June 2002 for Statistics on Electricity • Gas Law of 3 January 2003 + Decree in preparation for Statistics on Gas 2. Statistical Surveys • Mandatory surveys (Statistical Law of 1951) on Electricity, Gas, District Heating, Energy Consumption in Industry • Volontary Syndicate Surveys on Energy Consumption in Transport, Services, Domestic and on Renewables 3. International Commitments on Energy • IEA, EU Questionnaires (Energy Balances, Monthly Questionaires,…)
National procedures and (legal) basis GHG emissions • National regulations • Environment Code – book II, title II, chapter I, art. L221-6 on emission inventories in general, to be produced every year • Emission balances (especially on GHGs every year), registers • International commitments • EC GHG MM decision : GHG inventory on the basis of UNFCCC requirements • EC directives (IPPC / EPER and CO2) • UNFCCC : GHG inventory requirements • UNECE : relevant for indirect GHG gases (SO2, NOx, NMVOCs, CO) • Procedure : a unique emission inventory system for almost all substances (GHGs and others substances for all applications)
National procedures and (legal) basis Energy 1. Administrative Collection of Data • Oil Law of 31 December 1992 • Electricity Law of 10 February 2000 + Decree of 18 June 2002 for Statistics on Electricity • Gas Law of 3 January 2003 + Decree in preparation for Statistics on Gas 2. Statistical Surveys • Mandatory surveys (Statistical Law of 1951) on Electricity, Gas, District Heating, Energy Consumption in Industry • Volontary Syndicate Surveys on Energy Consumption in Transport, Services, Domestic and on Renewables 3. International Commitments on Energy • IEA, EU Questionnaires (Energy Balances, Monthly Questionaires,…)
Storage of all data and infor- mation Simplified flow chart of the National Inventory System for GHGs Specifications from demands (UNFCCC, EC, UNECE, national authorities,…) National Inventory System specifications Definition of reference nomenclatures, methods, type of data, data providers, etc. Several different sources and providers including energy statistics organisations Data collection Data treatment (validation, verification, calculation, confidentiality, …) Ministry of Environment, Industry, Transport, Agriculture, MIES, … Reporting (preparation of data sets and reports) National Commitee Public dissemination www.citepa.org Validation / verification Final report and CRF Submission to relevant national and international bodies
Experience with quality, consistency and timeliness Energy data • Quality : globally good but structure not appropriate for estimating GHG emission, as requested by the UNFCCC guidelines • Consistency : regarding CRF classification, contribution to total emissions by sector and fuel needs to be improved using various sources and external assumptions • Timeliness : very good for global figures but sectoral data and figures for reference approach are not available in time
3 6 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 1 B E B D A A C D C E !!! Deadlines for EC and UNFCCC UN EC UN EC Delivery of provisional national energy balance for the year N Delivery of consolidated national energy balance for the year N Sectoral energy balance for industry (except food industry) for the year N Sectoral energy balance of food industry for the year N Availability of validated IEA figures to CITEPA (data used for the RA) GHG / CRF emissions and main reporting elements (draft) Delivery of revised national enegy balance for the year N Validation of GHG emissions GHG inv. report delivered to national authorities GHG emission report submitted to international bodies (EC and UNFCCC) GHG report and data available on Internet (www.citepa.org) Timeliness (energy and emission data availability) Year N+1 Year N+2 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Energy data GHG emiss. data collection and treatment
Lessons and concrete actions from EUROSTAT project • Study commissioned by the Energy Office on EUROSTAT’s initiative and carried out by CEPII (Nina Kousnetzoff and Sophie Chauvin), independant body with the collaboration of Observatoire de l’Energie (Richard Lavergne) and CITEPA (Jean-Pierre Fontelle) CEPII : Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales (Centre for Forward Studies and International Information) • Work is finalised and the report will be available soon • Very useful study for all participants. Very fruitful exchanges of information. • Identification of problems and areas of progress. Points raised concern both the national level and the international level (eg. discussion with IEA on energy data)
Lessons and concrete actions from EUROSTAT project (cont’d) Main results • The Reference Approach yields non relevant results due to inconsistencies in IEA figures : • Instructions to fill in or use the common questionnaire is not sufficiently clear • Oil data are based on import quantity and differ from oil consumption (statistical problem : import < consumption) • National data submitted to IEA are not consistent with national energy balance used for GHG inventories (before 2000) • Emissions resulting from the sectoral approach are not directly affected by this study. However, some improvements in energy statistics could affect GHG emissions (probably limited in terms of total GHG emissions but possibly more significant by sector or energy type) and therefore could have an effect on the level of uncertainty.
Lessons and concrete actions from EUROSTAT project (cont’d) Concrete actions • Recommendation to the energy statistics to encourage provision of more appropriate data for GHG inventory (especially data split according to GHG inventory classification) • Improve the exchange between the energy data provider (Observatoire de l’Energie – Energy office) and the inventory provider (CITEPA), possibly by developping a more official concertation • Develop technical guidance information to collect, to compile and to use correctly energy statistics at the national and international levels Current limits • Changes in energy statistics for all years retrospectively to 1990 seems to be not possible at this time