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PROVINCIA DI BERGAMO. Education , Training and Employment Department Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 106 – Bergamo, Italy. Provincia di Bergamo. The province of Bergamo is situated in Centre-Northern Italy, in the Lombardia Region.
PROVINCIA DI BERGAMO Education, Training and EmploymentDepartment Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 106 – Bergamo, Italy
Provincia di Bergamo The province of Bergamo issituated in Centre-Northern Italy, in the Lombardia Region.
Ithasan area ofalmost2,700 km2, a populationof1,027,162 inhabitants and 244 municipalities. Provincia di Bergamo
Focus on the Institution • The Province is a public local authority. Itinteractswith the Regionthroughagreements and coordinatesall the municipalitiesofitsterritory. • Itissituated at the thirdlevelof the Italianadministrative system. • Italy has in fact a multi-leveladministrativeorganization: 1.State 2.Region (20 regions), 3.Province, 4.Municipality, the smallestadministrativeunit.
Province activities: coordination and management in differentsectors: social affairs, culture and sport, territory, environment, agriculture, hunting and fishing, province policedepartment. Province manages: road network, tourism, job and professional training issues. Focus on the Institution
Education, Training and Emp. Dep. • The Education, Training and Job departmentmonitors job centres and information points, usefulhelpstoresearchavailable training courses, traineeships and employmentopportunities. • Itprovidesprofessional training foryoung, adult and personswithdisabilityaccordingto the needsof the provincialterritory.
Education, Training and Emp. Dep. • The departmentisresponsibleformanagingworkers' mobilityamongfirms and forsupportingeconomicsectorstorecoverfromcrisisperiod. • In 2005 the Province creates the ABF (Azienda Bergamasca Formazione), anindependent company whichmanages public localservicesconcerningprofessionaleducation.
“Shared Enhancement for Cooperation to Transform and Restructure” (S.E.C.T.O.R.) Article 6 - EU Commission Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG -Total Amount of the project: € 838.304,00. “Textile Innovative Restructuring” (T.I.R.) – ID VS/2007/0517 Progress - EU Commission Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG -Total Amount of the project: € 212.436,52. Projectscarried out
“Orobie – “Mountain socio - economic Integration” FESR – Objective 2 Total Budget 313.500,00 € Immibridge Bridges for Immigrants European Found for integration of citizens of third countries2007-2013 Budget: 102.106,00 Activities in running Projectscarried out
Brezovo project Operation 4.2 inter- regional Cooperation Bulgaria Renouvable energies investments in Brezovo and Maritsa municipalities Activities in running Zilina project EEA European Economic Area Grants and financial mechanism New public services in Zilina region Activities in running Projects carried out
Bridge Full capacity for non national workers insertion Leonardo Multilateral project 2009 Activities in running Intercultural Language Learning for Illiterate Adults Leonardo Multilateral project 2009 Activies in running
Highly scalable deployment model of Inclusive E - Gov ICT PSP Obj. 3.3 inclusive egovernance 2009 Activities in running “ Lavoriamoci “ AzioneProvincieGiovani 2010 Activities in running
Application of GPP in the Province of Bergamo • Working Group Agenda 21 • Working Group inter-sectoral
GPP Province of Bergamo: what has been done • Establishment of the manual "Guidelines for the implementation of GPP in public organizations "(2005) • Publication on the website of the Province of Bergamo (2006) • Application of GPP in different sectors Entity (2006) • Seminars to present, in all public bodies of the Province concerned, • Manual "Guidelines for the implementation of GPP in public bodies" (March 2006 and December 2007) • Publication and dissemination of the handbook "Good practices green" (October 2008 and November 2009) • Establishment of new waste reduction and GPP Ag21 WG (2008) _ Establishment of new cross-sector working group (2009
GPP Province of Bergamo • Guidelines for the implementation of GPP in Public bodies " published in March 2006 • Identification of the operating instructions necessary to include the " ecological criteria "into procurement of products / services
In the manual • Operating Instructions : Item greening , environmental criteria in • specifications , selection of candidates , mode of award , the implementing rules. • Cards : containing the minimum environmental criteria that can be • included in invitations to tender for the purchase of some of the most • commonly required by government . • Examples of calls of proposals : including environmental requirements related to the purchase of furniture, purchase of paper and provision of maintenance services of public green .
Application in the areas of Provincial public authority • Having identified the areas where to apply GPP; • On a specific comparison with representatives of the sectors; • Identified: - road sector management , budget and bursar , General affairs; • analyzed calls of proposals published regularly by the sectors; • Provide indications of possible interventions to draw up green calls (eg, inclusion of specific technical products with a lower impact environmental); • Published "calls green" purchases made through agreements; • CONSIP "green“.
Application in Province departments • Traffic Management Sector : service maintenance; • Sector budget : service budget and treasurer's; • General Business Sector : Information Services; • With each of the representatives of the various services were are analyzed more calls of proposals; • Roads: call on roads maintenance; • Administration: Call Card purchase and service cleaning; • Information services: hardware acquisition announcement.
Other initiatives within the Province of Bergamo • Publication of the guide "The good green practices" for all employees of the public; • Establishment of an inter-sectoral group for the implementation of GPP Outside the Province of Bergamo; • Organization of seminars and accompanying comparison to the local authorities of the territory (March 2006 and December 2007); • Information about funding for initiatives to prevent the production of waste; • Incentive of the collections of waste and GPP implementation (October 2006).
Other initiatives within the Province of Bergamo • Establishment of a work group on GPP and waste reduction (July 2008); • dissemination of the handbook "Good practices green" at the European Week for Waste Reduction (November 2009)
Award The Province of Bergamo in October of 2009 winned the award for BEST CompraVerde GPP policy - SECTION LOMBARDY. Motivation: It is a well-structured policy, continues over time and fully integrated with the environmental management system of the institution
Working Group on Agenda 21 Purpose of the WG • Dialectic confrontation of needs, expectations and proposals for the work plan of the group Ag21; • Identifying the barriers that local authorities meet with the introduction of GPP; • Indicating which transformations allow to overcome the barriers identified; • Determining on which products to build a green purchase contract; • Defining what are the expectations of the participants on the objectives proposed.
Perspectives Minimum scenario • Identification of product categories on which intervene in accordance with PAN; • Preparation of calls for tender type. Advanced scenario • Identification of product categories on which intervene in accordance with PAN; • Definition of a memorandum of understanding to purchase "in common" _ articulation of a purchase procedure "common" by of members in the Memorandum of Understanding signed.
What has been done in last years • Update the latest EU regulations and national GPP; • Analysis of minimum environmental criteria published by the Ministry of environment and supporting the implementation of the same in procurement procedures of public entities belonging to the group; • Processing of requests for quotations shared among the members of the Group for the purchase of green products (Rebuilt toner and stationery).
What has been done in last years • Support to knowledge and understanding of the main labels Ecological present on the market; • Participation in the European Week for Waste Reduction; • Diffusion with manual paper-less "The good green practices“.
Cultivating crops on city rooftops To meet the challenges of producing food in a more environmentally-friendly way, the European Environment Agency (EEA) has called on cities to develop 'living walls' of edible plants. Through vertical farming, agriculture could become a feature of urban life, lowering energy consumption, carbon emissions and resource use in food production. By shortening the distance produce has to travel from ‘farm-to-fork’, and by negating the need for heavy machinery, vertical farming can reduce CO2 emissions.
Agricultural research institute focuses on renewable energy A new UK centre of excellence for environmental and energy research could increase renewable energy in agricultural, while also investigating use of alternative bioenergy sources The Renewable Energy Centre (REC) is part of the Agri Food and Bioscience Institute (AFBI) in County Down, Northern Ireland. It will provide an agricultural setting to address practical problems regarding the production of biomass crops, use of alternative bioenergy and sustainable treatment of farm waste. The objective is to assist the agri-food industry in maximising the potential of renewable energy and support technology transfer.
Maximisinginvestment in sustainableenergy (ELENA) Many EU towns and regionslack the necessarytechnical expertise and organisationalcapacitytoimplementlargeenergyefficiency and renewablesprojects. The benefitsofcuttingenergyuse and pollution are clear, but the challenge istoguaranteevalueformoney and timeliness, aswellassecuring extra funding. ELENA (“EuropeanLocalENergyAssistance”) isthereto help. Runby the EIB, itisfundedthrough the EuropeanCommission’s IntelligentEnergy-Europeprogramme.
ELENA covers up to 90% of the technicalsupportcostneededtoprepare, implement and finance the investmentprogramme. Thiscould include feasibility and market studies, programmestructuring, energyaudits and tendering procedure preparation. Withsolid business and technicalplans in place, thiswillalso help attractfundingfrom private banks and othersources, including the EIB ( EuropeanInvestementBank). So whetheritis the retrofittingof public and private buildings, sustainable building, energy-efficientdistrictheating and coolingnetworks, environmentally-friendlytransport etc. ELENA helpslocalauthoritiesgettheirprojects on the right track.
Contacting the EIB ELENA assistance may facilitate access to EIB finance or finance from another bank. You can contact us through elena@eib.org - by telephone, fax, e-mail or letter. For a first contact we will need a brief description of the planned investment (e.g. type of investment, approach to implementation), the expected investment cost and time schedule for the programme, plus the amount, scope and main needs to be addressed by the requested technical assistance.
For additional information on EU initiatives on climate change and renewable energies, please visit the following websites: • The Climate Action and Renewable Energy Package, Europe's Climate Change Opportunityhttp://ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/climate_action.htmThe Covenant of Mayorshttp://www.eumayors.eu/Intelligent Energy Europehttp://ec.europa.eu/energy/intelligent/ http://www.veryschool.eu/index.php http://www.smartmedparks.eu/en/project
Photovoltaic in agriculture: the pilot project Cutrofiano municipality The project of solar concentrating photovoltaic presented in Cutrofiano municipality represents an experience pilot in this sense, because it wants to try to do it in a partially utilized agricultural area through a completely new technology for the Italian market : photovoltaics concentration ( CPV) . The concentrating photovoltaic systems exploiting an optical concentrator ( Fresnel lens ) to converge the solar rays on the solar cells of reduced dimensions , which convert sunlight into electricity , with a conversion efficiency of radiation Solar 44% , much better than the photovoltaic panels on the market .
Favignangisland Favignana island will be the first island zero CO2. The " Sun and stars of the Egadi ", in fact , made by AzzeroCO2 for the City of Favignana, obtained a loan of € 1,165,000 of 4 million of the total available Call “Renewable energy sources , energy saving and mobility ' sustainable in the smaller islands".
Favignanaisland The objectives of the project " Sun and stars of the Egadi " are: • encourage the spread of energy in the area from renewable sources, technologies to promote efficiency and sustainable mobility will bring to energy savings of approximately 5,700,000 kWh of electrical energy per year; • reduction of CO2 emissions , 36% from the current level.
There are energy sources that can allow a sustainable development , for an indefinite period , and held without the possibility of damaging nature except in some cases. HOWEVER: RENEWABLE≠SUSTAINABLE