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The Scarlet Letter Chapter 6 Presentation

The Scarlet Letter Chapter 6 Presentation. Chapter 6 Characters. Pearl – We are finally introduced to a full depiction of Pearl. We learn so much about her character that connects her to Hester and the way society views her. Chapter 6 Pearl - Summary.

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The Scarlet Letter Chapter 6 Presentation

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  1. The Scarlet Letter Chapter 6 Presentation

  2. Chapter 6 Characters • Pearl – We are finally introduced to a full depiction of Pearl. We learn so much about her character that connects her to Hester and the way society views her.

  3. Chapter 6 Pearl - Summary • As we read in chapter 5, Hester is very alone. Her only joy in life is Pearl. This chapter goes into great detail describing her. • Why did Hester name her Pearl? “purchased with all [Hester] had – her mother’s onlt treasure!” • Mother like Daughter – the reader is shown that Pearl has all the same characteristics as Hester: moody, passionate, and defiant. • Pearl is seen by the community has a product of sin • Pearl is very aware of her difference from others • Hester still tries to teach Pearl about God – Pearl rejects • How Pearl is treated by others? • Fascinated by the scarlet letter • “Child, what art thou?” • Pearl’s response at 3 years old would cause any mother to think what Hester thinks about her…

  4. Chapter 6 - Analysis • Pearl is a consistent reminder of the life Hester has chosen • Both shame and treasure • Because Pearl is an outcast, Hester is reminded of hers • However, Pearl is also a sign that from sin comes what? • Pearl and her fascination with the letter – fitting because society view the two the same • The true feelings of the Puritans are revealed in the children’s play. • The change from Puritan to “romance” – the forest and Pearl

  5. Chapter 6 – Quotations • “God, as a direct consequence of the sin which man thus punished, had given her a lovely child, whose place was on the same dishonored bosom, to connect her parent forever with the race and descent of mortals…” (92) • Hester is surprised by the fact that while man has punished her sin – God has blessed her with the gift of Pearl

  6. Chapter 6 - Quotations • “He did not send me!” cried she, positively. “I have no Heavenly Father!” • Pearl has begun to reject the idea of God. She has adapted this notion by the way the townspeople and children have treated her and her mother.

  7. 2 Themes • Hester’s sin and treasure • Pearl vs. the Puritans

  8. Questions 1) What does Pearl seem to want to know from her mother? What would any child want to know if they were Pearl? 2) What is the purpose of the children playing? What would they represent?

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