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GEA Centro d’ascolto Antiviolenza. Associazion E (NGO) „ Gea “ Bolzano. Two separate structures. ANTIVIOLENCE CENTER. SHELTER ( protected housing ) Secret adress. EMERGENCY HELPLINE 0 - 24. Funding and managing the entire project.
AssociazionE (NGO) „Gea“ Bolzano Two separate structures ANTIVIOLENCE CENTER SHELTER (protectedhousing) Secret adress EMERGENCY HELPLINE 0 - 24
Funding and managing the entireproject • The fundingissubject to a 3-5 years tender • Global (100%) public funding (according to a local law of 1989) • Building/refugeis a public property • The NGO Gea runsthat service since 2000 and will partecipate thisyear 2013 in the tender for the forth time
Employed staff • TEAM: 6 full time (38h weekly) positions divided by 8 women (6 responsablefor women- 1 for minor and 1 coordinatingrefuge) plus 1 secretary/administrator • Team for the night: 14 semi-volunteers (€ = 55 per night) • Volonteers (variableamount) for severaltasks • Externalcooperations by womenlawyers, supervisors, cultural mediatiors
phone emergency helpline (local) 24h at free number 800276433 phone emergency helpline (national) 24h at free number 1522
Help andconsultancy 0-24 • Emergency intervention0-24 • Shelter 0-24
ANTIVIOLENCE CENTER Open forthepublic: • Forwomenthreatenedby IPV (intimatepartnershipviolence ) • For all interested in thisproblem
servicesoffered • Personal orphonecontact/consultancy • Socio-psicologicalconsultancy (shortandlongterm) • Socialhelp • Self-helpgroups • Legal advice • Information on all servicesoftheterritory • Cooperation/networkingwithother territorial services • Information andconsultancyto „thirdparty“
More offers • Training (health and social workers, policeforces, schools – students and teachers) • Offer of trainings for universitystudents • Training of volunteers for the night team • Awarenessrising in the comunity • Networking and cooperating to projects and/or to servicesinvolved in the protection of women and childrenvictims of violence
SHELTER (Casa delle donne) • Housingforwomenandtheirchildrenescapingviolence (secretaddress)
Offers • Emergency shelter • Programmedshelter • Psyco-socialconsultancy • Self-helpgroups • Specifichelpforchildren • Promotingnetworking in ordertohelpwomenandtheirchildren • Help (throughtheConsulenceCentre) after theexitfromtheshelter • Networking/cooperationwithotherservices
Criteria for being hosted in the SHELTER • Being a victim (or being in danger to become a victim) of physical, psycological, sexual or economic violence, with no discrimination on language, ethical-religious- cultural beliefs, class and race; • Only on request of victim herself; • No women under 18 years (minors); • No undocumented migrant women;
No untreated addiction problems • or psychiatric disorder; • Respect of the Housing Rules in the Refuge • Stay no longer then 6 months (Law • L.P. 10/89).
Antiviolence networking of the Town of Bolzano A comunity networking against gender violence
Actors • Leadpartner : Town of Bolzano • Partner: Social Services and threeNGOs (Gea, Donne Nissà, La Strada) • Coordinating and externalexpertscommittee Local servicesinvolved: • Health • Social Services • School • NGO in social private sector • Police forces and justice Thisprojectwasfinanced for 2 years by the nationalGovernmentmoney (by tender) from the EqualityDepartment
Goals • Fight gender violenceas a complex and widespreadphenomenon – allservices must deal with it in an appropriate professional way • Create a common language and sense – sharedinterventionpractices • Integration of the interculturalaspects
Activities • Training and refreshinginterdisciplinarycourses (with local and externalexperts) • Workingtables – networking (knowingeachothers and workingbettertogether in the interest of the victim: protocols) • Creating an observatory for data collection • Vademecum: general for the comunity and one for professionals • Closingcongress • Definition of a bindingEthicCharta for allinvolvedservices
D.i.Re Donne in Rete contro la violenza- D.i.ReItaliannational NGO of 60 Centers/Shelters D.i.Rewasfound in 2008, after 20 years of informal network and activity of manyItalianwomen’s centers/sheltersrooted in the femministmovement. Itis the first and uniqueumbrellaassociationof currently 60 women’s Centers (with about 30shelters) all over Italy, run by women’s NGOs.
D.i.Re acts politically with the aim to bring a cultural change on the problem of violence against women which D.i.Re sees as an expression of the inequality of power between man and women in a typical patriarcal system. D.i.Re has not direct services for women but supports its members NGOs.
D.i.Reraises awareness on and prevents gender violence, organizing all sorts of campaigns, participating at local networks, training all sorts of private/public professionals in the social-, health-, judicial- and educational sector and police forces. Allactivities of D.i.Re are on a volontarybasis : DiReis fund only by memberships!
ITALIAN SITUATION ON VAW • Till 2008 Italy had no NAP and the only one is not effective! • For the first time in 2007 Italy quantified with a serious national survey the phenomenon of violence against women • In Italy every 2,5-3 days 1 woman gets killed by an IP or an ex-IP. • Only very few Shelters manage to offer refuge (ca. 500 places, 1 for 140.000 instead of the 1:10.000 recommended by the C.o.E.) . • Central Government has never guaranteed any financial support to Centers/Shelters fighting VAW.
ITALIAN SITUATION ON VAW • Therefore members of D.i.Re vary in their dimension and financial strength: from shelters (ca. 30) working only on a voluntary basis, to others (few) with up to 10/more paid workers, but always “on time”, depending on local government sensitiveness to the problem. • With Italian crisis funds to local Governments are cut, so many Shelters risk to close down.
Centers/Shelters in Italy In Italythere are 130 Antiviolenza Centers (about 40 with Shelter) 99 are run by women’s NGO The others are run by public institution or other private bodies In total only 500 places in Shelters (on 60 million)
Women helped by Shelters D.i.Re in 2011 - 13.337 women - 68% Italian - 89,8% victim of DV - 20,8% victims of former partner
Women and children helped by CentersD.i.Re in 2011 871is the total amount of women hosted in the Shelters
Funds for Centers/Shelters of D.i.Re Onlyveryfewhaveenough public funds. The main part of D.i.Remembershas no secure funds, only some private sponsors or unstablelocalgovernment funds on specificprojects .
UNITED NATIONS on ITALY The UN Special Rapporteur RashidaManjoo, called in 2011 upon the Italian State to respect, fulfill and implement the Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, such as to exercise its due diligence obligations with regard to violence against women, to prevent, investigate, prosecute, punish and compensate for violence against women as well as provide services for women survivors of VAW including shelters.
D.i.Re is member of Global Network of Women's shelters http://gnws.org/en/ WAVE: Women against violence Europe http://www.wave-network.org/ European Women's Lobby http://www.womenlobby.org/