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Nutrition – Disability : Same fight for sustainibility ?

Nutrition – Disability : Same fight for sustainibility ?. Reminder : Malnutrition. Severe acute malnutrition (Marasmus, Kwashiorkor) – 26M Moderate acute malnutrition – 68M Chronic malnutrition – 165M (Faim) – 852 M. Fight against malnutrition = 3 revolutions. 1990 = Therapeutic milk

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Nutrition – Disability : Same fight for sustainibility ?

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  1. Nutrition – Disability :Samefight for sustainibility?

  2. Reminder : Malnutrition • Severe acute malnutrition (Marasmus, Kwashiorkor) – 26M • Moderate acute malnutrition – 68M • Chronic malnutrition – 165M • (Faim) – 852 M

  3. Fightagainst malnutrition = 3 revolutions • 1990 = Therapeutic milk • 2000 = Ready-to-use therapeutic food (RTUF) • 2010 = Community based management of acute malnutrition

  4. Similar points between the thematics • Injustice (VA-Mines/Children) • All contexts (Emergency Reconstruction D.) • A samename for verydifferentrealities • Approximative figures • Actors (IO, privatesector) • Profession (medical, paramedical) • A double supervisory body (ministries) • Orphan / donors - underfunded • Communityinvolvement • Forgotten in the basic training courses

  5. & somedifferences • Millenium Development Goal • Targetted beneficiairies (voice/silent) • Actors (UN) • Solutions (simple – complicated / short term – long term) • Number of professional involved • Treatment costs

  6. Beginnnings of sustainability = Key steps • Focus on severe acute malnutrition • Partnerships • Alliance Int. Org. • Scientific involvment • Private sector’s support • Advocacy • Institutionnal donors • Politics (Brazil) • Public opinion (2008) • Alleviate the burden on the central services • Training

  7. QUESTIONS ? • Why such an approach would’nt be realistic for the rehabilitation sector? • Where would lay the obstacles ? Pérennité des services de réadaptation

  8. Thankingyou

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