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Yellow Files for ELL Service: NLPS. How to build your yellow file from referral to end of year. Why yellow files? Ministry Language.
Yellow Files for ELL Service: NLPS How to build your yellow file from referral to end of year.
Why yellow files? Ministry Language • Students need to be receiving ELL service that is clearly identifiable and distinct from classroom adaptations that would normally be provided to address student differences. • In order for a school to claim funding from the Ministry the school submitting the funding claim (1701) must prepare and maintain: • a description of the student’s current English language proficiency (based on an assessment carried out in the year for which funding is claimed) • an instruction plan (individual or group) designed to meet the student’s needs (AIP) • a list of the additional, specialized ELL services being provided to the student (these services may include pull-out services, and/or services provided in a regular classroom environment) (Overview of service) • evidence of the student’s reported progress in acquiring English. (Reports) • These programs are subject to audit and if compliance pieces are not present, funding will be removed.
Starting a Yellow File • The label on the front of the ELL file is for organizational purposes. Each element on the label must be present in the yellow file to pass audit Referrals • All students on your ELL list need a referral form as the first piece in building their yellow ELL file. It is good practice to staple this piece to the front inside of the yellow folder. • student registration information stapled to the back of the inside of the yellow folder(This piece is no longer necessary with digital registration). • Deadline: End of September
TThis piece is no longer needed for NEW students because we are using online registration.
Initial Assessment • “The purpose of an initial assessment is to identify a student’s need for ELL service. Specifically, an initial assessment serves to identify: • a student’s eligibility for ELL services • the student’s current level of English proficiency • the extent and range of English services needed, including a recommendation for the type and intensity of support deemed appropriate”. • Both receptive and expressive English should be represented. • Deadline: End of September
Parent Letter Home/Overview of Service • Every year ALL ELL students need to have a letter go home to communicate with parents that they are receiving additional service for ELL. • If parents DO NOT wish their child to have ELL support they must fill out the ELL Service Waiver. • The parent letter home can serve as your OVERVIEW OF SERVICE, which is a required audit piece for the ELL file. • Deadline: End of September
Schedule of Service • There are various models of service delivery. • School districts are responsible for choosing the model or combination of models that best provides the support students need. • In NLPS we have both an itinerant and school based model. We are an RTI district. • In-class (Tier 1) ELL support: Students receive help in their regular classrooms. • Collaboration is essential for classroom and ELL teachers to plan services for students. • Level of teacher collaboration progresses through planning for, to planning with, the classroom teacher. Ultimately, the classroom teacher plans student services independent of the ELL teacher. • Pull-out (Tier 2) ELL support: Individuals or groups are withdrawn from their regular classes to receive ELL support (elementary). • Support time varies to provide for individual needs. • ELL teacher has designated space, supplies, and materials in one school • A schedule for each student is a requirement for the yellow file. Deadline October
Annual Individualized Plan (AIP) • The AIP is our plan for ELL students to grow in their language proficiency. • Student’s goals for speaking/listening and reading/writing are outlined. • Goals should be suitable and specific to the individual. • Adaptations and Strategies for both instruction and environment are included. • Deadline: End of October
Reporting • A progress report related to student's AIP goals is required for all reporting periods with a copy to be added to the yellow file each time. • With new reporting measures there may need to be changes (written reports twice a year). • Deadlines: January and June
Assessment • Before the last report goes home to parents ELL specialists must do an assessment on the students. ALL ELL students require an assessment dated AFTER September 30th. • For new students that had initial assessment, they require a second assessment. • Continuing students are now only assessed using a summative tool once a year. • Remember that many of our ELL students can use the NLPS assessment or other tools not specific to English Language Learners. Do not re-invent any wheels! Use tools you are comfortable with. • Assessment tools and Continua specific to our ELLs can be found here: • http://ellsd68.weebly.com/assessment.html • http://ellsd68.weebly.com/ell-continua.html
English Language Learner Annual Assessment Form • This form is a very useful snapshot for the specialist to view in September. • In this district there is often movement in our jobs and SSTs can be shuffled around to new schools in the fall. Often folks are new to doing yellow files. While this form is not specifically a compliance piece, it is an essential organizational piece that puts the yellow file “to bed” for the summer. • You can add the new assessment data (numbers based on our continua) and recommendations for future service. • This piece is extremely helpful when putting together our 1701 for September. Add a paper clip and a little tab indicating the year and you are good for September!!
Consultation Log and Updated AIP • For each student on your caseload you must have documentation of consultation and a schedule of service. This can be kept separate from the file, but auditors will want to see it. It is good practice to print out this information and include with the student file at the end of the year. • ELLMS is our online management tool for keeping track of our consultation and service. • An updated AIP in June saves a lot of time next October! If you know that you will be leaving your school and your yellow files in the hands of someone new updating the AIP is super helpful! This gesture is a considerate time saver and a good habit to get into.
Ready to start a fresh new year! • Follow the same steps for continuing students with the reminder that there is no need to do another initial assessment or referral. • If the student moves or their immigration status changes you should add the new information to the registration side of the file. • As always, please do not hesitate to ask for help!There are some good documents that give more information about program requirements, quick guide for the yellow files and a year at a glance checklist available here: • http://ellsd68.weebly.com/forms.html