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Role of CSOs in Health Public Policy. Maziko Matemba-HREP . About HREP.
Role of CSOs in Health Public Policy Maziko Matemba-HREP
About HREP • Health and Rights Education Programme(HREP), a registered Non Governmental Organization representing CSO at Malawi health review group, member of Decade of Vaccine(DoV) Political and Public Support working Group,GAVI CSO Steering Committee among others.
HREP’S Goals Vision • A healthy society that is actively and effectively participating in the development of the country. Mission • To advocate and lobby for the health policies and systems that promote the delivery of equitable and quality health care services by influencing policy and practice through research, awareness, monitoring and evaluation. Principles and Values for HREP • Social Responsibility for Health • Health as a Human Right • People Centred Health Sector • Partnership solidality • Commitment to deliver and serve
HREP Strategic Programmes Child Health Protection programme Women Health Protection Programme Community Participation Programme National Health Policy and Budget programme Climate Change ,Water and Sanitation Prog Preventable Diseases awareness Programme
Malawi A country in Southern Africa sharing boundaries with Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. Population 13.1 Million (2008 National Population Census). Women takes more than half of the population and largest population below 35 years. National per capita US $280.00(2009 WB Fig).
Malawi Health Malawi health system characterized by incidences of maternal and child mortarity,HIV/AIDS,Malaria and others. Health per capita allocation US $19.00(2010-2011 Nat budget). Since 2004 Malawi adopted the health sector wide approach(SWAp).
Malawi-SWAp SWAp a multi sectoral health delivery system. CSO advocates has constituency seat in the memorandum of understanding(MoU). HREP represents CSOs at national level. Mw SWAp aims to deliver essential health package(EHP).
Essential Health Package EHP consist of Malawi main 11disease conditions challenges incl Vaccine Preventable Diseases. EHP has support systems –HR,Pharma,Equip,Infrastructure,Routine Operation and Policy Dev.
CSO Advocacy Roles Conducting Patients satisfaction surveys. Contributing into health policy reviews. Awareness on patients and health workers rights. National health budget analysis. Empower communities to take part in health plans design and monitoring.
CSO Advocacy Roles Promoting transparency and accountability of public resources.
Our Immunization Advocacy Act Engaged top political leadership to put Immunization a priority i.e. the Presidency . Lobby MoH to put Immunizations at the centre of policy planning. Community awareness and mobilization to utilize immunization service. Utilize vaccination days/weeks in advocacy.
Our Immunization Advocacy Act Conduct research on access and availability of immunization service. Creating demand and market for immunization service.
Advocacy Achievements Successfully Managed to lobby for release of US $ 4.2 Million for measles campaign by government during last years measles outbreak. lobbied First Lady of Malawi to champion immunization and sign a ‘call to action’. Successfully lobbied MoH to include community participation in its reviewed strategic plan 2011-2016.
Advocacy Achievements Successfully lobbied government to allocate 15% of the 2010-2011 national budget to health based on Abuja Declaration.
Advocacy Opportunities Research on per capita allocation to immunization at national and international level. Strengthening community participation in immunization (creating more demand). International and national partnership in Immunization Advocacy.
Challenges in Advocacy • Lack of sustainable funding in advocacy work though crucial and important to : • -empower more CSOs and Media to do immunization advocacy. • -resources to participate fully in immunization service monitoring. • Lack of update information on districts immunization performance.
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