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The Meaning of Resurrection Today: Comfort, Confirmation, Confrontation

Explore the profound significance of the resurrection depicted in Mark 16:9-14 for your life today. Discover the themes of comfort, confirmation, and confrontation through biblical events that unfolded post-resurrection. Reflect on the impact of these events on early believers and their relevance for modern faith.

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The Meaning of Resurrection Today: Comfort, Confirmation, Confrontation

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  1. The INTENT Of The Resurrection. {Mark 16:9-14} -Meaning for you today! I. v. 9-11.. To bring aboutCOMFORT and CONSOLATION.

  2. Ø Some women came to the tomb in the morning – Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:2-3; Luke 24:1, 22; John 20:1 Ø Stone was rolled away from the tomb by an Angel– Matt. 28:2-3 Ø Guard fled– Matt. 28:4; 11-15 Ø Tomb was found open and empty – Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:4; Luke 24:2-3, 23; John 20:1 Ø Angels told the women that Jesus is alive and to TESTIFY!– Matt. 28:5-7; Mark 16:5-7; Luke 24:4-8; 23 Ø Peter and John ran to the tomb, found it empty and returned home – Luke 24:12, 24; John 20:3-10 Ø Mary Magdalene was PERSISTENT, she STOOD outside the tomb, remained there alone sobbing, saw an angel, and then she saw the risen Savior – Mark 16:9; John 20:11-17

  3. The appearance to Mary was to COMFORT and CONSOLEher broken heart.

  4. II. v. 12-13 ToCONFIRM HE is Alive : Events of Luke 24:13-35. Jesus appeared to two disciples as they walked from Jerusalem to Emmaus.

  5. III. v. 14 TOCONFRONT · Early believers lived in a day when many had seen the risen Savior for themselves, 1 Cor. 15:3-8. We must accept the message by faith. · Hard for some of us. -Why ?...Unable to see the tomb, the grave clothes or the risen Savior, but the evidence is all around us. -Lives of those He has changed by His power, 2 Cor. 5:17.

  6. Testify of HIS goodness and Mercies! HE IS ALIVE!

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