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Scala development services are on the rise, with developers frustrated with coding in Java. Apart from just being another OOP language, Scala has unique features that differentiate itself from other languages: -<br><br>Read full blog here : https://bit.ly/3nm4GSe
Scala programming is hard but worth learning for developers looking to progressintheircareersquickly.Scala is one of the few programming languagesusedasgeneral-purposeand OOPS. Most of the fundamental concepts such as tuples, macros, and functions are based on OOPS (Object Oriented ProgrammingLanguages). 02 DevelopersalreadyworkingwithJava can compile Scala code inside a Scala compiler run by JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
Thepopularityof Scalaisrapidly increasing.Hiring Scaladevelopersfor Scaladevelopment companieshas become a trendon jobportals. 03
WHAT SCALA OFFERSIS UNIQUE AS COMPARED TO OTHER OOP LANGUAGES? 08 Scala development services are on the rise, with developers frustratedwithcodinginJava.Apartfromjustbeinganother OOP language, Scala has unique features that differentiate itself from other languages:- ScalaNiche ScalaInteroperability ScalaDSL ScalaOOP Scala functionalprogramming Scala synchronizedprogramming Scala staticprogramming Scala inJVM ScalaSyntax Scala for Bigdata
1.SCALA NICHE Numerous technologies, tools, and frameworks support Scala and developers intheirdevelopmentjourney.Forexample, developers use Apache Kafka to develop a high throughput messaging system and the Play framework for building web applications. Some developer communities have also experimented with using Apache Sparkfor big data applications andservices.
2. SCALA INTEROPERABILITY Scala isconsidered an extensible language that extends its capabilities to other OOP languages. Multiple languages codingstylesaresupportedinScala,anddevelopersenjoy addingmultiplelibrariesfromotherlanguagesinScala. Scala code is compiled by the JRE (Java Runtime Environment)inJVM.So,ScalaisinteroperablewithJava viaJVM. ScalacloselyintegrateswithJavaasthe'scalac'runson theJVM,usingitsframeworks,libraries,andtools.This interoperabilityisaboonforMEANstackdevelopment.
3. SCALADSL DOMAIN SPECIFIC LANGUAGE Scala allows developers to create Scala applications in a DSL format. Scala has numerous built-in libraries such as 'implicit' and 'overloaded operators'that enable coders to create a DSL (Domain Specific Language). A DSL is usually created when developers do not have expert-level coding proficiency inspecific programminglanguages.
CLASS 4. SCALAOOP OBJECT OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Scala is an inherent OOP language, and mostofthefundamentalconceptsofScala are based on OOP concepts. Every value used in Scala development is saved as an object by default. So OOP-based objects and functions are supported byScala. PROPERTY METHOD
5. SCALA FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Scala has a lightweight independent syntax that developers use to create high-order functions. Coders areusuallyabletopassfunctionsasargumentstoother functions.Thecompilingandexecutiontimeisalsofast, and Scala is faster than Ruby, Python, and node.js and henceisthemostpreferredchoicefordevelopers.
6. SCALA SYNCHRONIZED PROGRAMMING Scala allows developers to write immutable codes in an immutable manner. This facilitates the coders to program software applications in a synchronizedway and helps in concurrentprocessing. Web and desktop application development are supported cohesively in Scala, and Scala's ability to compileJavaScriptandJVMbytecodemakesweband desktop application development more straightforward.
7. SCALASTATIC PROGRAMMING Scala supports static programming. During compiling any application, developers verify and enforce differentconstraintsonprograms.Variousconstraints describestaticallyprogramminginScala,anddynamic programming languages limit developers' code securityassurance. The code is often filled with bugs and not robust. Static code is not to be tested at runtime scenarios becauseitisstaticallytested.Staticcodingdoesnot alwaysleadtopotentiallyseriousdefectsthatnever getrealizeduntilthecodeisinproduction.
8. SCALA INJVM Scala and Java share their runtime environment, i.e., the JRE. This has allowed programmers to move among both languages for execution in both environments.ScalaiscompiledinJVMandexecuted into existing Java projects veryquickly. Almost all of the Java SDK classes are also used by Scala development services. Hence, there arises no needtouseadifferentcompilerforScala.Scalaitself allows using existing Java libraries in Scala and enables the mixing of the Java Code. Also, by using the Scala libraries,a developer can use Java classes.
9. SCALASYNTAX Scala developers use no semicolon in their scala program, and Scala does not enforce a semicolon after every statement. Instead, a newline character is used as the separator between lines. Enforcement of lessersyntacticcodeconstraintsmakesScala easierto learnandprogram.UnlikeJava,C,andC++,learning Scala is effortless for Java developers w.r.t. its code reusability.
10. SCALAFOR BIGDATA Big Data Scala is one of the most widely used programming languages by big datadevelopers, and it is scalable on a JVM. A few of Scala's best use-cases and applications on JVM are ApacheSparkwithScala.Thisstackiscurrently beingusedonAlibabaandNetflixplatforms. Cloud conglomerates such as Amazon, Microsoft,Google,andIBMuseScalafortheir backendoperations.
Scala development companies motivatetheir in-housedevelopersforthesetenreasonsto give them a heads-up in learningScala. Conglomerates across various business sectorshavemovedmostoftheirprogramsto Scala from otherlanguages. CONCLUSION The primary reasons are concurrency, scalability, and the abilityto code backend scripts for performing backendoperations. Apple, Twitter, Walmart, Netflix,LinkedIn, Meetup.com, Google, Amazon, IBM, and Autodesk are hiring Scaladevelopers. Source |https://metadesignsolutions.com/ten- compelling-reasons-to-go-the-scala-development-way