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CCSS ELA Webinar Series: Part 4 CCSS ELA Shifts & Academic Vocabulary and Text Complexity: Next Steps. Today’s Agenda. CCSS ELA Shifts & Academic Vocabulary and Text Complexity: Next Steps Smarter Balanced Assessment Resources and professional learning opportunities.
CCSS ELA Webinar Series: Part 4 CCSS ELA Shifts & Academic Vocabulary and Text Complexity: Next Steps
Today’s Agenda • CCSS ELA Shifts & Academic Vocabulary and Text Complexity: Next Steps • Smarter Balanced Assessment • Resources and professional learning opportunities OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
OSPI CCSS Quarterly Webinar Series http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/UpdatesEvents.aspx#Webinar OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Before we begin…About You • We’d like to know a little about who is out there. • Time for a poll (one more time…) OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Vision Every Washington Student and Educator Purpose Core Values Career and college ready learning standards for k-12 All students leave high school college and career ready Our Purpose: To develop a statewide system with resources that support partners at all levels in their preparation of ALL educators and ALL students to implement the CCSS. OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13 5
Washington’s State Learning Goals are the Foundation (HB 1209+; RCW 28A.150.210) Read with comprehension, write effectively, and communicate successfully in a variety of ways and settings and with a variety of audiences; Know and apply the core concepts and principles of mathematics; social, physical, and life sciences; civics and history, including different cultures and participation in representative government; geography; arts; and health and fitness; Think analytically, logically, and creatively, and to integrate technology literacy and fluency as well as different experiences and knowledge to form reasoned judgments and solve problems; and Understand the importance of work and finance and how performance, effort, and decisions directly affect future career and educational opportunities. Updated in 2011: SSB 5392) OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
CCSS Implementation Timeline OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards (CCSS-M, CCSS-ELA, EALRS, GLEs, PEs,) OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards (CCSS-M, CCSS-ELA, EALRS, GLEs, PEs,) OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
TheBigIdeas: introduction, page 7 • Demonstrate independence • Build strong content knowledge • Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline • Comprehend as well as critique • Value evidence • Use technology strategically and capably • Come to understand other perspectives and cultures OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Three Shifts in English Language Arts • Building content knowledge through content-rich nonfiction • Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational • Regular practice with complex text and its academic language OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Shift One: Building content knowledge throughcontent-rich nonfiction • Provides an ideal context for building language, vocabulary, knowledge, and reasoning • Is challenging, complex, and has deep comprehension-building potential • Is an opportunity for students to learn how to engage, interact, and have “conversations” with the text in ways that prepare them for the type of experiences they will encounter in college and careers. OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Shift Two: Reading, writing, and speakinggrounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Moving from “how do you feel about what you just read? Do you like it?” to “Identify three examples that let you know what the author’s purpose is. Do you agree with the author?” http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=245760 OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Shift Three: Regular practice withcomplex textand its academic language OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13 Careful, targeted scaffolding of text complexity Focus on appropriately rigorous texts Strategic teaching of Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary with authentic application of new words and terms
Critical thinking= tangling with concepts and building knowledge OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Where can we start? Where should we? • Provide rich, relevant, rigorous texts for all students… • … in all content areas! Students need to read and work with full texts in all their content areas, not just English Language Arts. • Support building and enhancing literacy skills with reading and writing strategies. OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Text Complexity: Getting Started with the “What” Best measured by computer software Best measured by an attentive human reader Best made by educators employing their professional judgment OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
A comprehensive, collaborative approach is key: • Work with cross-content as well as grade band teams to consider students’ access to rich, relevant texts of different lengths • Use the Text Complexity Tools to identify how students are experiencing and working with texts. What kinds of tasks in reading? In writing? In Speaking? OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
What does working with text look like? OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Whatkids read is important • Yes, provide at-level text • Yes, provide access to the actual grade level text • YES, open the door to what’s next OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
The how: Text-dependent questions What can you infer from King’s letter about the letter that he received? “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year 1776. According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described in the speech? • In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr. King discusses nonviolent protest. Discuss, in writing, a time when you wanted to fight against something that you felt was unfair. • In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln says the nation is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Why is equality an important value to promote? OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Academic Vocabulary = Access to the content and building critical thinking • perception: • Sahel: Means ‘coastline’ in Arabic. The dry area of land located on the southern edge of the Sahara desert. • savanna: • sub-Saharan: . • indigenous: • migration: • How can we teach/organize these important content words for the best impact on student learning? OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Curate and Teach the Right Words at the Right Times… for the Right Reasons From this: To this: • Cinquain • Sestina • Shakespearean Sonnet • Rhyme scheme • Alliteration AP/ English Major Cinquain Sestina CCR Sonnet Shakespeare High School Exit Rhyme scheme Alliteration OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
stamp Think about how and when and why we practice vocabulary VERB noun “stamp of approval” “the memory is forever stamped on my heart” OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
“These standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business.” CCSSM, page 5 OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
What can you do in your classroom? • Curate materials; work with your librarian • Read and consider text complexity • Read and rethink vocabulary lessons, K12 • Share and collaborate vocabulary teaching with cross-content and cross-grade level teams • Identify rich writing, speaking, and technology work • Work with your specialists (ELL, Special Education, literacy, etc.) and grapple together with access and support • Consider organized abandonment in favor of comprehensive, deeper learning opportunities OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
A Look at Assessment OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
CCSS Assessment System Transitions • Our change to Common Core is at the heart of assessment changes for ELA and Math • NCLB requires states to assess state standards • We’ve changed standards so we need to change assessments • What we change to is our choice • Smarter Balanced is where we are headed for ELA and Math • IMPT: There are currently no assessment consortia established for Science • Graduation requirements are a state’s choice • Supt Dorn is proposing reduced graduation requirements • ESEA Waiver changes expectation that all students are proficient next year (2014) – it gives us more time and more individualized school-based goals OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Smarter Balanced Assessment SystemComponents Summative assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Teacher resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction Interim assessments Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
A Balanced Assessment System English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, Grades 3-8 and High School School Year Last 12 weeks of the year* DIGITAL CLEARINGHOUSE of formative tools, processes and exemplars; released items and tasks; model curriculum units; educator training; professional development tools and resources; scorer training modules; and teacher collaboration tools. Optional Interim Assessment Optional Interim Assessment • PERFORMANCE TASKS • ELA/Literacy • Mathematics • COMPUTER ADAPTIVE TESTS • ELA/Literacy • Mathematics Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks Re-take option Scope, sequence, number and timing of interim assessments locally determined *Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions. OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
“Students can demonstrate progress toward college and career readiness in mathematics.” Claims for the Mathematics Summative Assessment • “Students can demonstrate college and career readiness in mathematics.” Overall Claim for Grades 3-8 • “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.” Overall Claim for Grade 11 • “Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.” Claim #1 - Concepts & Procedures • “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.” Claim #2 - Problem Solving • “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.” Claim #3 - Communicating Reasoning Claim #4 - Modeling and Data Analysis OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Smarter Balanced Timeline – Washington’s Involvement (http://www.k12.wa.us/SMARTER/default.aspx) • OSPI staff involved in workgroups 2010-2014 • Teachers involved in item writing Summer/Fall 2012 • Sample Released Items and Performance Tasks – October 2012 (view the OSPI webinar!) • Small Scale Trials in Oct/Nov 2012 • Pilot in Spring 2013 • Practice Test widely available May 29 • Comprehensive field test in 2013-14 • Operational use in 2014-15 The Digital Library… • Work begins late spring 2013 • State Network of Educators to be recruited in May 2013 to populate the digital library OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Smarter’s Vision for the Digital Library • Provide an online, interactive clearinghouse with all the formative tools and resources necessary to transform classroom practices to support student success. • Prior to summative assessment, primary focus professional development. • With the summative, data from summative and interim score reports integrated into resources for teachers, students, and parents. OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Digital Library Features One Stop: • The Digital Library will have links to all test engine systems through a single sign-on with user permission levels so teachers, parents, and students have access to all of the curriculum and professional learning resources. • Assessment literacy • Formative assessment resources • Links to other resources and other components of the Smarter online system Interactive Teacher Space • Opportunities to keep journals of practices • Key words or phrases in the journals will generate suggested lists of resources. • Record resources consulted and suggest others. • Teachers can request resources matched to student assessment results. OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Digital Library Deliverables • Teaching and Learning Resources for Educators • Modules for Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 • Assessment Literacy Modules • 144 Assessment Literacy professional learning modules that include: • how to build, administer, score, evaluate, interpret, and use data from formative, interim, and summative assessments • Includes resources for each grade band that address English Language Learners and Students With Disabilities OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Digital Library Deliverables • Exemplar Instruction Modules • 50 instructional modules for each grade band (Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) (Wireless Generation Response pg. 97) OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Deliverables – Exemplar Instruction Modules …each instructional module will: • Start by identifying the learning targets for the lesson, which align with the CCSS in ELA or Math. • Begin lesson with a formative pre-assessment to determine the level of knowledge students have about the learning target. (ASSESS) • Use formative assessment data/information to plan the lesson so that the teacher knows individual students’ needs related to the learning targets. (PLAN) • Provide examples of instruction that can teach the learning target and also meet the needs of diverse learners.(TEACH) • Conclude the lesson with a formative post- assessment whose data will determine the plan for the next lesson (ASSESS) • Contain embedded links to the Digital Library resources, Assessment Literacy modules and glossary, and additional resources as available. (Wireless Generation Response pg. 108 ) OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Deliverables – Exemplar Instruction Each module will show video clips on: • Classroom instruction of the learning targets • Formative assessment (pre and post instruction) of the learning targets • Teacher and student reflections following the lesson • The length of each video will be between 1–3 minutes, with the final length of each module no longer than 15–25 minutes. Each module will include a Teacher Resource Guide with: • Graphic/visual and text versions of the full cycle of instruction using formative assessment practices; and key CCSS-M/ELA instructional shifts • Student work samples (by grade band) from diverse student groups • Examples of the writing required in each grade level • Evidence gathering tools and techniques (by content and grade band) including pre-assessments (prior to lesson), post-assessments(following the lesson) • Links to resources on CCSS, formative assessments, appropriate accommodations for CCSS content and meeting needs of diverse learners. (Wireless Generation Response pg. 109) OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
State Network of Educators (SNE)http://www.k12.wa.us/SMARTER/EducatorInvolvement.aspx Overview: • 70-100 members per state and a minimum of 2700+ across all governing states (WA will have 92) • Participate in web-based review and feedback cycles to develop (2 year commitment) • Digital Library Application • Quality Criteria Policies • Inventory of Currently Available Resources • Smarter Balanced Professional Learning Resources • Educator Training Materials • Identify and recommend additional resources for the Digital Library • Disseminate web-based educator training to state professional learning networks • Receive stipends from Contractor Timeline: • Statewide recruitment process in May 2013 – APPLY TODAY! • Notifications in early July 2013 • Work begins in Summer 2013 OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Resources and Support Resources from local, regional, state, and interstate collaboration: what’s new and what’s next OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Top Resources for English Language Arts/Literacy Educators • Achieve The Core Guidance and templates on how to begin implementing the shifts, assembled by the nonprofit Student Achievement Partners. • EngageNY/ New York Materials for teachers and teams, videos of classroom application • Kansas Department of Ed Collection of teacher-created work for CCSS in the classroom • Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) Focuses on secondary with an eye to cross-content integration. The LDC work can also inform all ELA teachers as we move to more comprehensive literacy teaching. • International Reading Association (IRA) has just released some great work around implementing CCSS in ELA/Literacy. Working collaboratively with NCTE, IRA is leading the charge with reading. • National Council of Teachers of English is convening multiple experts and partners to provide teachers with comprehensive supports for English Language Arts and professional collaborative learning. Stay tuned – more coming this fall! OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Our guiding beliefs and approach for CCSS Implementation in WA 2-Prongs: • The What: Content Shifts (for students and educators) • Belief that past standards implementation efforts have provided a strong foundation on which to build for CCSS; HOWEVER there are shifts that need to be attended to in the content. • The How: System “Remodeling” • Belief that successful CCSS implementation will not take place top down or bottom up – it must be “both, and…” • Belief that districts across the state have the conditions and commitment present to engage wholly in this work. • Professional learning systems are critical OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Washington Ongoing: Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation • Including: • School Districts (CCSS District Implementation Network) • Higher Education • Education and Educator Content Associations • Business Partners OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Resources and Opportunities From CCSS Developers… • CCSS Publisher’s Criteria – ELA and Math (http://engageny.org/resource/publishers-criteria-for-elaliteracy-and-math/) Going deeper with other states… • Tri-State Quality Review Rubrics and Process (http://engageny.org/resource/tri-state-quality-review-rubric-and-rating-process/) These tools can be used to… • Inform materials review and adoption process • Consider existing materials • Facilitate targeted discussions, collaboration, and professional development with publishers and other providers OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Resources for Considering Instructional Materials • OSPI Instructional Materials Web Site: • http://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/InstructionalMaterialsReview.aspx • OSPI’s Open Educational Resources Project: • http://digitallearning.k12.wa.us/oer/ From CCSS Developers… • CCSS Publisher’s Criteria – ELA and Math (http://engageny.org/resource/publishers-criteria-for-elaliteracy-and-math/) • CCSS Evidence Guides: Common Core-aligned practice made clear (from Achieve the Core) • These tools provide specific guidance for what the CCSS for ELA / literacy and math looks like in planning and practice. They are designed as developmental tools for teachers and those who support teachers. http://www.achievethecore.org/leadership-tools-common-core/instructional-practice/ Going deeper with other states… • EQuip Review Rubrics and Process (http://engageny.org/resource/tri-state-quality-review-rubric-and-rating-process/) OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
2012-13 CCSS Implementation Resources & Activities OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13
Thank YOU! • Common Core Supports: • OSPI Lead Team: • General Support / Overall CCSS Leadership: • - General email: corestandards@k12.wa.us • - Jessica Vavrus, jessica.vavrus@k12.wa.us • Math Support / CCSS Coordination Lead: • - Greta Bornemann, Greta.Bornemann@k12.wa.us • ELA Support: • - Liisa Moilanen Potts, Liisa.moilanenpotts@k12.wa.us OSPI_CCSS.ELA_Part4_5.30.13