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This presentation provides an overview of the Commission's performance for the financial year 2016/2017, including achievements and challenges. It also highlights the constitutional mandate and strategic objectives of the Commission.

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  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview Constitutional Mandate Strategic Objectives Performance Overview Highlights Conclusion

  3. OVERVIEW This presentation provides an account of overall performance of the Commission for the financial year 2016/2017. The Commission has endeavoured to maintain sound financial controls in this financial year. An unqualified audit opinion was obtained. In 2016.17, performance information was audited. The Commission received unqualified audits for strategic objective 1 and 3. The target for strategic objective 2 received a qualified audit opinion due to the following reasons: 1. The AGSA could not test whether the indictor relating to 900 complaints received and handled in accordance with the complaints manual. 2. The technical indicators developed by the Commission were inadequate 3. Complaints were not handled in accordance to the complaints manual

  4. OVERVIEW In order to correct and ensure that an unqualified audit is obtained going into the new financial year, the Commission has embarked on: Consequence management with the officers in the Legal Department Sourcing funding for an online case management system that will provide enable efficient and effective oversight and management to complaints lodged Other targets relating to strategic objectives two were achieved, performance information relating to the targets were adequately presented.

  5. CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE The Constitution of SA created an independent Commission for Gender Equality to deal specifically with promotion of gender equality and to advise and make recommendations relating to gender equality and status of women. Section 181 read with section 187 of the Constitution establishes the Commission for Gender Equality. In terms of section 187 CGE must promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality

  6. VISION and MISSION Vision A society free from all forms of gender oppression and inequality Mission Monitor, evaluate and make recommendations on policies of the public and private sector Information and educational programmes Evaluate and make recommendations and advise Parliament on legislation affecting the status of women Investigate, resolve and rectify gender issues Collaborate with government and civil society Monitor and report on international conventions

  7. FUNCTIONS PRESCRIBED BY NATIONAL LEGISLATION Commission for Gender Equality Act 39 of 1996 Monitor Investigate Research Educate Lobby Advise Parliament and report on issues concerning gender equality Monitor compliance with Regional & International Conventions Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 (PEPUDA) Assist complainants in instituting proceedings in the Equality Court Conduct investigations and make recommendations regarding persistent contraventions of PEPUDA


  9. GOVERNANCE AND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES Legal and Complaints Research and Education Strategic Planning, Annual Report and M&E Human Resources Audit Finance and Administration Information Technology & Communications Good Governance and Ethics

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  14. Performance Overview – SO1, Annual Targets One investigation report on gender transformation with private sector institutions One investigation report gender transformation in tertiary institutions One status report on gender policies and practices using the gender barometer Eighteen submissions An assessment report on women’s representation in political parties in local government One assessment report on the implementation NAP on GBV and its supporting structures One report on the implementation of the Victims Charter One consolidated court monitoring report Two policy dialogues conducted at national and two dialogues conducted at provincial forum for HoDs

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  18. Performance Objective – SO2: Annual Targets Nine(900) hundred complaints attended to in terms of CGE Complaints manual and a consolidate report on substantive issues One hundred and thirty five (135) outreach and legal clinics Four (4) systemic investigations conducted Nine(9) coordinated programmes with targeted stakeholders conducted in provinces Seventy Two(72) radio slots Nine(9) provincial reports on engagements with the traditional sector and religious sector Twenty four(24) Stakeholder engagements

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  22. Complaints Handling

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  24. Public Education Interventions Text/Content

  25. Community radio slots

  26. Performance Objective – SO3: Annual targets Two assessments reports on SADC Protocol on Gender and Development and the African Protocol AGDI report Two reports on attendance at international and regional events

  27. Highlight of significant issues CGE 20 Year Review Local Government Elections report- where an analysis of the outcomes of the 2016 Municipal elections from a gender perspective was done and further scrutinised in a separate report the gendered outcomes of the country’s 8 Metropolitan governments Uthukela Maiden Bursary report – where an investigation was on a bursary scheme where virginity was a central criterion for awarding bursaries Gender transformation reports – which placed on the spotlight challenges of gender transformation in the mining sector, private sector and institutions of higher learning. Africa Gender Development Index report where in collaboration with United Nations Economic commission for Africa which highlights

  28. Highlight of significant issues achievements and challenges that the country is facing in complying with a raft of global, continental and regional instruments Strategic partnerships through Communications Unit which ensured that messaging and public engagements continue even where the institution is incapable of reaching. And the commission derived value to the tune of two million out of these partnerships. (NEMISA; SABC Foundation, GCIS and NCRF). These enabled the radio programme which focused on educating citizens from disadvantaged communities in vernacular or indigenous languages. Drafted Resources pack on SDGs to mainstream gender across departments

  29. Conclusion The course of gender equality and transformation continues to face large scale structural obstacles that need collective efforts at all times. The Commission has carried out and achieved some of the objectives as set out in the APP. We acknowledge in some areas (legal complaints handling) we have fallen short of our stated goals and performance targets. We acknowledge these shortcomings and have developed plans to overcome them. However overall we are confident that the Commission through its collective efforts of staff has done justice to its mandate even under testing circumstances of budgetary constraints.

  30. Thank You HAVE A GENDER RELATED COMPLAINT ???? REPORT IT TO 0800 007 709 TwitterHandle @CGEinfoFacebook: Gender Commission of South Africa

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