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Module 2 The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse. Презентация составлена учителем английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 36 г. Златоуста Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной myenglishsite.ru. Read:. [ t ] – t o, t wo, t oo, t en, eigh t [ r ] – r abbit, r adio, b r own
Module 2 The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse Презентация составлена учителем английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 36 г. Златоуста Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной myenglishsite.ru
Read: [t] – to, two, too, ten, eight [r] – rabbit, radio, brown [e] – red, yellow, elephant [J] – cheese, sheep, tree, queen [I] – fish, chips, milk, with, dolphin [A] – country, jug, umbrella [Qu] – town, mouse, house
What’s this? orange juice cheese milk burger ice cream biscuit apple
What are they? cakes sandwiches eggs bananas
This is bread. bread
This is meat. meat
honey This is honey.
This is a bee. bee a bee
a city city This is a city.
to eat eat
It is honey. Is it honey? Is it bread? Is it meat?
Is it a city? Is it meat? It is bread. Is it bread?
Is it a bee? Is it honey? It is a bee. Is it meat?
Is it honey? It is meat. Is it bread? Is it a city? Is it meat?
Is it a town? It is a city. Is it a city?
a city honey a bee meat bread Where is ? 3 2 1 4 5
What is this? This is meat.
What is this? This is a city.
What is this? This is a bee.
What is this? This is honey.
What is this? This is bread.
Put down the words and learn them: bread [bred] – хлеб meat [mJt] – мясо honey ['hAnI] – мёд bee [bJ] – пчела to eat [Jt] – кушать, есть city ['sItI] – (большой) город yuk [jAk] – гадость (выражение отвращения или раздражения)
I am a Country Mouse. I like … Yummy! I eat…
I am a Town Mouse. I don’t like …Yuk! I don’t eat …
Источники изображений: http://discovercyprus.com/images/product_normal/product_Dekang_e-Liquid_for_Electronic_Cigarettes_85079.jpg http://yarmarkauhta.ru/upload/iblock/4a7/4a798b09fabfa4cf5e6b34648ec7931f.jpg http://cs301207.userapi.com/v301207637/54a4/-va74ZETKkc.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/o_presnyakov/23581482/5738/5738_original.jpg http://www.politicalnewsnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/swisscheese-e1341377910324.jpg http://www.restoran.ru/upload/resize_cache/iblock/dd0/720_512_1/gamburger_odin.jpg http://www.medvestnik.by/isimages/000317_60276.jpg http://www.portalstiri.ro/data/15001_16000/15602%20banane_81247700.jpg http://mediasubs.ru/group/uploads/gl/glupyie-no-ne-dayuschie-pokoya-voprosyi/image/1374492211-675656-381844.jpg http://i3.fregat812.ru/1/522/5216851/afacdb/jajco-stolovoje-1-kategorija-ot10-sht-desatok-rossija.png http://www.hvilya.com/_nw/16/28306268.jpg http://hk-lavina.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/bread-wallpaper_640x480_83406.jpg http://www.wallpapersam.com/wallpapers/2013/02/Meat-Fresh-Spices-Garlic-544x960.jpg http://yablor.ru/media/images/top/original/d5319471409775ce4484c86932b93bb26916535468.jpg http://metodisty.ru/modules/boonex/photos/data/files/35405_m.jpg http://www.doctoracasa.ro/userassets/Poze_Articole/pierdea_in_greutate.jpg http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m242/axiemeluv/Smiley/yuk-yuk-female-disgust-smiley-emoti.gif Быкова Н.И. и др. Английский язык 2 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций с прил. на электрон. носителе. – 3-е изд. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013. – 144 с. – (Английский в фокусе).