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Õpingute rahastamine USAs TTÜ partnerid, stipendiumid

Õpingute rahastamine USAs TTÜ partnerid, stipendiumid. Teabekeskusest Who We Are. õppimine ja teadustöö kõigil erialadel sisseastumistingimused ja -protseduurid; testimine õpingute finantseerimine, stipendiumid

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Õpingute rahastamine USAs TTÜ partnerid, stipendiumid

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  1. Õpingute rahastamine USAsTTÜ partnerid, stipendiumid EducationUSA.state.gov

  2. Teabekeskusest Who We Are • õppimine ja teadustöö kõigil erialadel • sisseastumistingimused ja -protseduurid; testimine • õpingute finantseerimine, stipendiumid • information and advising on study and research opportunities in the USA • application procedures, tests • scholarships EducationUSA.state.gov

  3. TTÜ partnerülikoolid USA-sPartner Universities of TUT in the USA University of New Mexico www.unm.eduwww.unm.edu/oips University of California – Berkeley www.berkeley.eduww.iveo.berkeley.edu Southern Utah University www.suu.eduwww.suu.edu/academics/studyabroad EducationUSA.state.gov

  4. TTÜ partnerülikoolid USA-sPartner Universities of TUT in the USA Üldised tingimused ja nõuded: - õppinud TTÜ-s vähemalt ühe aasta - hea õppeedukus ja inglise keele oskus - esindada vääriliselt TTÜ-d, tutvustada TTÜ-d USA üliõpilastele - kõrge motivatsioon (motivatsioonikiri), TTÜ suunamine - aruande esitamine General Conditions: - Been a full-time student of TUT at least one year - Good academic achievements and knowledge of English - Willing to represent and promote TUT - Motivation letter, nomination from TUT - Report EducationUSA.state.gov

  5. University of New Mexico • kõik tasemed, 5 üliõpilast aastas; • õppemaksu ei ole, elamine $ 5200/semester; • avaldus, koopia passist, ESL tõend, • hinneteleht, panga- vmt tõend elamisrahade • olemasolu kohta; • tähtaeg: 18. märts (augustis algavaks • sügissemestriks), tuua kab III-208 • For all levels, 5 students every year; • No tuition, living $ 5,200 per semester; • Application form, English certificate, transcript, copy of passport, financial statement • Deadline: March 18 (Room III-208) EducationUSA.state.gov

  6. University of New Mexico EducationUSA.state.gov

  7. University of California - Berkeley • magistri ja doktoriõppe tudengitele • kuni 4 tudengit aastas, semester/ aasta • - avaldus, Statement of purpose, CV, • hinneteleht, TOEFL iBT 88, soovituskiri • vabakuulaja/teadur või täisajaga tudeng • Graduate students only (M, PhD) • 4 students per year; semester/year • Application form, Statement of purpose, CV, transcript, TOEFL iBT 88, recommendation letter • Financial statement • Deadline: March 18, Room III-208 • Fees: • Living $ 1800 /month • http://iveo.berkeley.edu/program_fees EducationUSA.state.gov

  8. University of California - Berkeley EducationUSA.state.gov

  9. Southern Utah University EducationUSA.state.gov

  10. Southern Utah University • bakalaureuse ja magistritase • hea õppeedukus ja inglise keel, avaldus, hinneteleht • õppemaksu ei ole, elamiskuludeks ~ $ 4,200 semestris; • tähtaeg: 18.märts, III-208 • Bachelor’s and Master’s level • Good grades and English • Application form, transcript • No tuition, living $ 4,200/Semester • Deadline: March 18, Room III-208 • U.S. News & World Report has recognized Southern Utah University as one of the top universities in the West in its 2012 Best Colleges guidebook, placing SUU in the first tier of all universities in the West which provide a full range of undergraduate majors and master’s programs. EducationUSA.state.gov

  11. TUT in Silicon Valley Intensive training and University Workshops Märtsis ja septembris Every March and September www.ttu.ee/SiliconValley www.ttu.ee/mektory EducationUSA.state.gov

  12. Stipendiumid. Scholarships • Need-based • Merit-based - athletic scholarships • Assistantships - teaching, research, administrative • Work and Study EducationUSA.state.gov

  13. Allikad. Sources • Ülikoolid / Universities: ~ 70 ülikooli to full need Amherst, Pomona, Hamilton, Bates, Principa jt Colleges Tuck - $ 5,000 to full tuition Wharton - to full tuition Heller – to full tuition • Fondid / Foundations: • Kristjan Jaak • Noore Õpetlase Fond • Do Ra • Eesti Üliõpilaste toestusfond • International House, New York • BAFF • Fulbright Program • International Federation of University Women EducationUSA.state.gov

  14. Fulbright’ stipendiumid www.estonia.usembassy.gov The Fulbright Graduate Student Program for the Academic Year 2014-2015 • Eligibility Requirements You must be an Estonian citizen; • By the spring of 2014, you must have obtained a 4-year Bachelor's degree, or have completed the first year of your Master's program after a 3-year Bachelor's program; • Your U.S. studies must be in your previous undergraduate field of study; • You must have clearly defined study goals and career objectives; • You must have an excellent academic record and a knowledge of English appropriate for studying in the U.S.; • Preferred candidates should not have studied or lived more than six (6) months in the United States; • Preferred candidates will have to be ready to take relevant admission tests for U.S. university programs (TOEFL, GRE, and GMAT) Deadline: August 16, 2013 EducationUSA.state.gov

  15. TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language • Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking • Lubatud on teha märkmeid • Skoor: 1-30 punkti iga osa eest, Total Score max 120, tulemuse saab teada 15 tööpäeva jooksul. • Tulemus kehtib 2 aastat. • http://www.ets.org/toefl EducationUSA.state.gov

  16. EducationUSA.state.gov

  17. Valmistu! Õpi testideks! Be Ready! • õpi tundma konkreetse testi formaati! Tees selgeks, mis on ‘academic writing’ – valmistu! • õpikud ja paroolid - müügil teabekeskuses ja laenutuses • ettevalmistuskursused – internetipõhised ja kohapeal TTÜs • Know test content and strategies! • Understand ‘academic writing’ • Prep courses and consultations • Textbooks, study materials • On-line courses and passwords EducationUSA.state.gov

  18. Küsi julgesti infot! Ask more information from: Põhja-Ameerika ülikoolide teabekeskus EducationUSA Advising Center Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Tallinn University of Technology Ehitajate tee 5, III-208 www.eac.ttu.ee educationUSA@ttu.ee EducationUSA.state.gov

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