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Words of Wisdom: An Anthology of Literary Collections

Explore the artistry of language with a collection of insults, flat remarks, and ideal examples. Dive into the beauty of euphony and the appearance of truth through these thought-provoking writings. Delve into the study of the universe and discover peculiarities in human nature.

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Words of Wisdom: An Anthology of Literary Collections

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  1. switch • transpose trans (across) + pos (put)

  2. outpouring • effusion ex (out) + fus (pour)

  3. worthy • condign con (together) + dign (worthy)

  4. time between rulers • interregnum inter (between) + regnum (reign)

  5. cause for war • casus belli casus (case) + bell (war)

  6. ideal example • apotheosis apo (away) + theo (god)

  7. graduates • alumni

  8. forerunner • precursor pre (before) + curs (run)

  9. switch • transpose trans (across) + pos (put)

  10. appearance of truth • verisimilitude ver (true) + tude (state of)

  11. outpouring • effusion ex (out) + fus (pour)

  12. beautiful sound • euphony eu (good) + phon (sound)

  13. worthy • condign con (together) + dign (worthy)

  14. time between rulers • interregnum inter (between) + regnum (reign)

  15. forerunner • precursor pre (before) + curs (run)

  16. sleight of hand • prestidigitation digit (finger) + tion (state or act)

  17. truthfulness • veracity ver (true)

  18. after death • posthumous post (after) + hum (earth)

  19. appearance of truth • verisimilitude ver (true) + tude (state of)

  20. violation; breach • infraction in (into) + fract (break)

  21. peculiarity • idiosyncrasy idio (peculiar) + syn (together)

  22. truthfulness • veracity ver (true)

  23. stubborn • refractory re (again) + fract(break)

  24. sleight of hand • prestidigitation digit (finger) + tion (state or act)

  25. red • rubicund rub (red)

  26. division • schism schizo (divide)

  27. after death • posthumous post (after) + hum (earth)

  28. study of the universe • cosmology cosmo (world) + logy (science)

  29. fear of heights • acrophobia acro (high) + phobia (fear)

  30. peculiarity • idiosyncrasy idio (peculiar) + syn (together)

  31. fear of heights • acrophobia acro (high) + phobia (fear)

  32. literary collection • anthology antho (flower) + logia (collection)

  33. cause for war • casus belli casus (case) + bell (war)

  34. literary collection • anthology antho (flower) + logia (collection)

  35. insulting word • invective in (not / against) + vect (carry)

  36. useless • bootless boot (profit) + less (without)

  37. division • schism schizo (divide)

  38. useless • bootless boot (profit) + less (without)

  39. stubborn • refractory re (again) + fract(break)

  40. fear of openness • agoraphobia agora (place of congregation) phobia (fear)

  41. red • rubicund rub (red)

  42. ideal example • apotheosis apo (away) + theo (god)

  43. graduates • alumni

  44. flat trite remark • platitude plat (flat)

  45. insulting word • invective in (not / against) + vect (carry)

  46. flat trite remark • platitude plat (flat)

  47. fear of openness • agoraphobia agora (place of congregation) phobia (fear)

  48. violation; breach • infraction in (into) + fract (break)

  49. beautiful sound • euphony eu (good) + phon (sound)

  50. study of the universe • cosmology cosmo (world) + logy (science)

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