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COMP 110 Introduction to Programming

COMP 110 Introduction to Programming. Catie Welsh January 10, 2011 MWF 1-1:50 pm Sitterson 014. About COMP 110. Learn how to develop algorithms Learn the basic components of computer programming can be applied to any programming language (Java, C++, etc.) Requirements / prerequisites

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COMP 110 Introduction to Programming

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  1. COMP 110 Introduction to Programming Catie Welsh January 10, 2011 MWF 1-1:50 pm Sitterson 014

  2. About COMP 110 • Learn how to develop algorithms • Learn the basic components of computer programming • can be applied to any programming language (Java, C++, etc.) • Requirements / prerequisites • no programming knowledge assumed

  3. About Me • UNC grad (working on PhD) • undergrad: Ursinus College • masters: Lehigh University • hometown: Gilbertsville, PA (outside Philadelphia) • Research interests: Bioinformatics & Computational Genetics • Other interests • Lacrosse, Running, Cooking • My dog May

  4. About You • Assignment 0 – submit via Blackboard • Name • E-mail • Major • Computer courses taken • Previous programming experience (if any) • Fun Fact about yourself • Why you're taking COMP 110 • What you've heard about COMP 110 • What you hope to learn in COMP 110 • Are you free during at least one of the scheduled office hours? (M 2:00-3:00, W 2:00-3:00)

  5. Course Web Page • http://www.cs.unc.edu/~cwelsh/COMP110/ • Course Documents • Assignments • Labs

  6. Weekly Schedule • Lecture • Monday/Wednesday • 1-1:50 pm • Sitterson 014 • Recitations • Friday • 1-1:50pm • Sitterson 014 (bring your laptop)

  7. Lecture Format • Review previous material • Questions • Present new material • In-class exercises • work in groups • Lecture notes will be posted online before class • Updated after class

  8. Recitation • Mini-lab • Extra programming practice • Homework help • Answer questions from lecture • Each group should always have a laptop and textbook

  9. Textbook Required Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming (Fifth Edition) Walter Savitch & Frank Carrano

  10. Software • Eclipse • You can install on your machine • Please try to install Java and Eclipse onto your laptop before Friday’s recitation. (instructions on course website) • We will be working through the tutorial in Friday’s lab.

  11. Grades • Assignments 60% • Midterm 15% • Final 20% • Participation 5%

  12. Assignments • Labs due at 1:00pm following Friday • Some labs will build on previous labs • Programming Assignments • Start Early! • Reading Assignments • Self-Test Questions from textbook • practice for exams

  13. Submitting Assignments • Submit assignments through Blackboard • Subject - COMP110 Lab# yourname • Naming code scheme • Name your jar files for submission as follows: • lastname_program#.jar • Example: welsh_01.jar

  14. Late Policy • Late assignments are not accepted • 3 late days (including weekends) • Unused late days are each worth 2 extra credit points on the final

  15. Exams • Mid-Term • to take a make-up mid-term, you must notify me in advance or have a doctor's excuse • Final • to take the exam at a different time, you must get permission from your Dean and bring me the blue slip you get from the Dean

  16. Working on Assignments • Before you open Eclipse and start coding: • read the assignment • think about what the assignment is asking for • review lectures and examples on the topic • write (on paper) your plan for completing the assignment (i.e., your algorithm)

  17. Backup Your Work! • Backup your work! • You will lose something at some point • you might have to learn the hard way • Use your AFS space • use of AFS space is not required, but is recommended • Search for “backup” in the Windows help

  18. Campus File SystemAndrew File System (AFS) • Disk space associated with your Onyen • automatically backed up by UNC • AFS in the lab • automatically appears as drive H: when you log in • On your personal machine • you can install the AFS Client • won’t see drive H: unless you’re connected to the network (i.e., can access the Internet) • More information • http://help.unc.edu/?id=215

  19. Help! • For help on general computer problems • Also, for free software http://help.unc.edu 962-HELP

  20. Collaborating • Don’t cheat! • Never share code • Do Not give assignment solutions until after assignment is handed in • Struggle with the assignment before asking for help

  21. Sending Email • Send email to cwelsh@cs.unc.edu • Put COMP110 in subject line • For example: • COMP110, I’m lost • COMP110, This course is too easy

  22. Wednesday • What is Computer Science? • Introduction to Programming • Reading Assignment: 1.1 • Homework 0 is due Wednesday at 11:59 pm

  23. This Week's Recitation • Eclipse • Your first java program • Download and Install Eclipse before lab (see webpage) • Read 1.2-1.3 • Bring • Laptop (fully charged) • Textbook

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