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The Compare/Contrast Essay

The Compare/Contrast Essay. Assignment due Tuesday, November 27. What is a Compare/Contrast essay?. Compare means that your subjects show similarities (alike) Contrast means that your subjects show differences (unalike)

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The Compare/Contrast Essay

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  1. The Compare/ContrastEssay Assignment due Tuesday, November 27

  2. What is a Compare/Contrast essay? • Compare means that your subjects show similarities (alike) • Contrast means that your subjects show differences (unalike) • Comparison means showing both similarities and differences of your subjects

  3. How to Begin • Determine your two subjects • Must be of the same category (people, places, objects, ideas) • Create a brainstorming chart

  4. Second Chart

  5. Ask 3 Questions… • Which of the two columns is the strongest in the qualities of ideas? • What type of essay would be best based on these ideas? • Compare • Contrast • Comparison • How should I organize my essay?

  6. Outlining—first option Block or Subject by Subject • Thesis • Mom • Personality • Values • Parenting Skills Transitional paragraph (not in outline) • Dad • Personality • Values • Parenting Skills

  7. Outlining—second option Point by Point • Thesis • I. Personality A. Mom B. Dad • II. Values A. Mom B. Dad • III. Parenting Skills A. Mom B. Dad

  8. Thesis: Compare essay My mom and dad share (have similar) traits in personality, values, and parenting skills.

  9. Thesis: Contrast essay The differences in personality, values, and parenting skills between my parents makes me wonder how they found themselves compatible.

  10. Thesis: Comparison essay Even though my parents have the same personality, it is their differences in values and parenting skills that create the conflicts between them.

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