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Schedule Production: An Overview. Provided by: Instructional Support Services Mia McClellan, Dean Brian Ebalo, Supervisor Jessie Reyes, Instructional Services Specialist PJ Concha, Instructional Services Specialist Shirley Bouless, Interim Instructional Services Technician.
Schedule Production: An Overview Provided by: Instructional Support Services Mia McClellan, Dean Brian Ebalo, Supervisor Jessie Reyes, Instructional Services Specialist PJ Concha, Instructional Services Specialist Shirley Bouless, Interim Instructional Services Technician
Reporting School Reporting School has assigned courses and sections based on disciplines within the school. Sections which are offered at Centers in the previous term will be assigned to the Reporting School for the assigned Center. Action: Verify that the appropriate School in which the section is intended to be scheduled at has been selected.
Department Department that can use the course section. Action: Verify that the appropriate department has been selected.
Section Status The section status affects registration and billing processes. Students can be registered in sections with a status of Active. Action: No Action. All sections should be "A" - active status
Registration Code Synonym Colleague automatically generates the synonyms for the section. Action: No action: Colleague system automatically issues the registration code synonym for each section.
Course Name and Number Course Name and Number (i.e., ENGL 115, Math 110, PSYC 101) Action: Validate Course Name and number
Section Number Section number indicates the usual scheduled period the section is offered and/or where the section is offered. (morning, afternoon, evening, online, hybrid, extension, location) Action: Review the section number based on scheduled period.
Primary Flag Cross reference 'Cross-Listed Sections' column of the proto to verify that the appropriate sections are included in combined sections. Primary Section and related secondary sections must be verified for each session class. Action: Enter Y if the section is the primary section in cross-listed, paired, or same as sections.
Cross-Listed Sections Cross listed courses when there are more than one section of a course which is same as course or linked courses. Action: Verify that the sections within the same cross list contain the same meeting information including location, building, room, instructor, days, and times.
Section Capacity Maximum number of students that can be enrolled in this section. Action: Verify the maximum number of students that can be enrolled in this section. Global Capacity Maximum number of students who may be enrolled in the combined sections of the cross-listed sections. The global capacity must equal to the section maximum of the primary section. Action: Maximum number of students who can enroll in combined sections.
Waitlist Flag If the section needs a waitlist to be created when the section is full. Action: Enter Y if you want a waitlist to be created when the section is full. Default- Y – max will be 20 Waitlist Max Maximum number of students allowed on the section waitlist. Action: Enter the maximum number of students allowed on the section waitlist.
Faculty Consent Indicates whether students must get instructor consent to take the class. Action: Enter Y if the student must get instructor consent to take the class. Enter N if students are not required to obtain an instructor's consent to register for the section. Default - N
Site Location Location where the section is being offered (MC, HEC, OM, SY, EXT, ONL) Action: Verify or change the location where the section is being offered (i.e. MC, HEC, OM, SY, EXT, ONL). The location defaults from the course record if the course has only one location.
BLDG and Room Location Building and Rooms which the course section will meet. If a section has multiple sessions, you can schedule different places and times for each instructional method. The building and room shall be explicitly stated for each course section that is newly added and/or modified. Action: Schools must schedule within your assigned rooms to avoid scheduling conflicts. Schools must be aware of your room’s inventory, since ISS does not have this information. This includes equipment such as seats, chairs, smart podiums, projectors, etc. Schools are also responsible for identifying the alternative building and/or room for each course section that is newly added and/or modified and discussing the use of classrooms with other schools if they are not the primary owners.
Location Capacity Maximum number of students that can be seated in this location. Action: All sections rollover with the Location Capacity based on the previous semester or term. If you change the location (room) of the section, the Location Capacity will also need to change.
Section Financial Accounting Method Section attendance accounting method. All sections are assigned Weekly (W) if section is a full term (16 weeks) class. Daily (S) if section is a less than 16 weeks class Positive Attendance (A) - classes which are scheduled irregularly Independent Daily/Independent Weekly (ID) (IW) for online/hybrid Independent Lab Daily/Independent Lab Weekly (ILD) (ILW) for online/hybrid Action: All sections rollover with the Section Financial Accounting Method based on the previous semester or term. If you change the length of the section, the Section Financial Accounting Method will also need to change.
Section Contact Measure Section Contact Measure is how the section contact hours are measured. (W-Weekly, D-Daily, T-Term). Action: All sections rollover with the Section Contact Measure based on the previous semester or term. If you change the Section Financial Accounting Method, the Section Contact Measure will also need to change.
Contact Hours Section Contact Hours Section are used to calculate the hours taught for course section assignments. Action: Verify or change the section's contact hours. (Marcelo's calculator)
Load The instructor load is an FTE load that is associated with each assignment/course. This load value is identified in the course outline of record (COR) in which is transferred over onto the proto. Action: Enter the load associated with the instructional method (Lecture, Laboratory)
Start and End Date Start and End Dates of class is based on same day of the previous term. (i.e., First and last day of Fall semester) Class start/end dates determine appropriate attendance accounting methods (weekly, daily, positive attendance, etc.) Schools are responsible for providing the actual start and end dates for each session. Start/end dates scheduled outside 16 week block scheduling pattern and/or 1st/2nd 8 week time parameters must go through special calculation. Action: Verify start and end dates of the class.
Instructional Method Instructional method of delivery. The section may have multiple instructional methods or instructors, you can define separate meeting information for each method and instructor. LECTURE: A session conducted using lecture, discussion, collaborative or experimental learning. LABORATORY: A session conducted using lab, computer laboratory, studio, shop, etc. (LEC= Lecture, LAB= Laboratory, etc.). Action: Verify the instructional method that you want to schedule.
Meeting Days Meeting Days: Days of the week on which this section is scheduled to meet. Please provide meeting days for each class session. Specific meeting days are needed for each Lecture and/or Lab session. (Lec T/TH- Lab T) Action: Verify the days of the week on which this section is scheduled to meet.
Start and End Time The start and end times is used to reserve the building and room for the section, assist in determining contact hours, determine course conflicts for students during registration. Action: Verify or change the section's scheduled start and/or end time. Each session should not be scheduled less than 50 minutes of scheduled instruction and/or examination. A class scheduled for less than a single 50-minute period is not eligible for apportionment.
Number of Weeks Enter a number to indicate the section duration in weeks. Indicates the number of weeks used for the session: Action: Verify or change the sections number of weeks
Section Printed Comments This area is reserved for additional notes for the ISS scheduler. Printed comments (not additional notes) will be viewable on the class schedule/web advisor. Action: Report any additional notes and/or printed comments related to the section. Example: Request to zero out billing for this particular section as it is a part of our College Bound Program. This area is also reserved for printed comments that can be viewable in the online class schedule. Example: This is a hybrid course. Both face-to-face and online instruction is required.
Assigned Faculty Faculty names are inputted into FASC after the assignment has been made. Names can be inputted at end of Phase I. Action: If there are additional changes to start/end dates and times, after the instructor names have been inputted in FASC, schools need to re-verify all fields includes dates are accurate.