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Reclassification and Delisting A Growth Industry (and the focus of our next workshop?)

Explore practical reasons, regulatory basis, and delisting criteria for endangered species. Discuss strategies for prioritizing recovery budgets, rulemaking, and 5-year reviews. Potential state role in conservation actions and post-delisting management.

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Reclassification and Delisting A Growth Industry (and the focus of our next workshop?)

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  1. Reclassification and DelistingA Growth Industry(and the focus of our next workshop?)

  2. Practical Reasons • Reduce regulatory burden • Remove regulation by delisting • Target regulation through 4(d) rule • Allocation of resources ($) • Acknowledge partners • Show our progress • Credibility

  3. Envisioned by Congress • 4(c)(1) – revise list from time to time • 4(c)(2)– 5-year reviews • 4(b)(3)(B)(iii)– expeditious progress adding & removing from List

  4. Regulatory Basis for Delisting • Recovery • Recovered = no longer meet the definition of threatened or endangered • Recovery criterion are guidance • Extinction • Original data “in error” • E.g., changes in taxonomy

  5. Regulatory Basis for Delisting • Recovery • Recovered = no longer meet the definition of threatened or endangered • Recovery criterion are guidance • Extinction • Original data “in error” • E.g., changes in taxonomy

  6. Regulatory Basis for Delisting • Recovery • Recovered = no longer meet the definition of threatened or endangered • Recovery criterion are guidance • Extinction • Original data “in error” • E.g., changes in taxonomy

  7. Regulatory Basis for Delisting • Recovery • Recovered = no longer meet the definition of threatened or endangered • Recovery criterion are guidance • Extinction • Original data “in error” • E.g., changes in taxonomy

  8. Delisted Species 1978-2017

  9. Status of 5-year Reviews • Number of listed species (all US, domestic) = 1586 • Number of these species with 5-year reviews = 1155 • Number of species without 5-year reviews: • Nationally = 423 • Southwest Region (R2) = 63 • Mountain-Prairie Region (R6) = 15 • Completed 5-year reviews:

  10. Questions: • How do we better focus on downlisting and delisting • National work plan (5-year reviews & potential rulemaking) • What percentage of the recovery budget should go towards: • On the ground recovery action (including funding to Partnerships) • 5-year reviews • Rulemaking • How do we prioritize rulemakings • Delisting vs. downlisting • Extinct vs. recovery or error • Partner investment & regulatory burden • How do we prioritize 5-year reviews • Species without 5-year reviews vs. redos • Partner investment & regulatory burden

  11. Potential State Role: • Coordination on National work plan • Get Bill to plan another work shop • Collaborate on: • New Science (e.g., taxonomy, distribution, abundance and trends) • Implement Conservation Actions • Post Delisting Management: • Regulatory protection • Conservation Strategies • Post delisting Monitoring:

  12. Thoughts?

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