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Java Object-Oriented Programming Essentials

Learn all about class syntax, constructors, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, enums, and more with Java programming. Understand accessibility options, static members, the 'this' keyword, constants, constructors, initializers, and inheritance concepts.

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Java Object-Oriented Programming Essentials

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  1. Object Oriented Programming with Java Enosis Learning

  2. Agenda • All that is to know on class syntax • Constructors and Initializers • Inheritance and Polymorphism • Interfaces • Nested Classes • Enums • Exercise

  3. Classes and Objects A class will look like this: <Access-Modifier> class MyClass { // field, constructor, and method declarations} To instantiate an object we will do: MyClass instance = new MyClass(<constructor params>);

  4. Accessibility Options Four accessibility options:– public – (default) = “package” **– protected * – private* protected is also accessible by package Example: public class Person { privateString name; protectedjava.util.Date birthDate; String id; // default accessibility = package public Person() {} }

  5. Called sometimes “class variable” as opposed to “instance variable” Static Static member can be accessed without an instance (same as in C++) Example: public class Widget { static private int counter; static public getCounter() {return counter;} } int number = Widget.getCounter();

  6. The ‘this’ keyword In Java ‘this’ is a reference to myself(in C++ it is a pointer…) Example: public class Point { private int x, y; public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } The ‘this’ keyword is also used to call another constructor of the same class – we will see that later

  7. Defining constants Though const is a reserved word in Javait's actually not in use!However the final keyword let's you define constants and const variables Example: public class Thingy { public final static doodad = 6; // constant public final id; // constant variable public Thingy(int id) {this.id = id;} // OK // public set(int id) {this.id = id;} // error! }

  8. Agenda • All that is to know on class syntax • Constructors and Initializers • Inheritance and Polymorphism • Interfaces • Nested Classes • Enums • Exercise

  9. Constructors – Constructors in Java are very similar to C++– You can overload constructors (like any other method)– A constructor which doesn't get any parameter is called “empty constructor”– You may prefer not to have a constructor at all, in which case it is said that you have by default an “empty constructor”– A constructor can call another constructor of the same class using the ‘this’ keyword– Calling another constructor can be done only as the first instruction of the calling constructor Examples in following slides…

  10. Constructors Example 1: public class Person { String name = ""; // fields can be initialized! Date birthDate = new Date(); public Person() {} // empty constructor public Person(String name, Date birthDate) { this(name); // must be first instruction this.birthDate = birthDate; } public Person(String name) { this.name = name; } }

  11. Constructors Example 2: public class Person { String name = ""; Date birthDate = new Date(); public Person(String name, Date birthDate) { this.name = name; this.birthDate = birthDate; } } Person p; // OK p = new Person(); // not good – compilation error

  12. Initializer Initializer is a block of instructions performed right after the fields creation and before calling the constructor A class does not have to have an initializer and indeed it usually doesn't Example: public class Thingy { String s; // the block underneath is an initializer { s="Hello"; } } Usually initializer would do a more complex job…

  13. Static Initializer Static initializer is a block of instructions performed the first time a class is loaded Static initializer may be useful to performa one time initializations of static members Example: public class Thingy { static String s; // the block underneath is a static initializer static { s="Hello"; } }

  14. Agenda • All that is to know on class syntax • Constructors and Initializers • Inheritance and Polymorphism • Interfaces • Nested Classes • Enums • Exercise

  15. Inheritance Some TermsA class that is derived from another class is called a subclass (also a derived class, extended class, or child class). The class from which the subclass is derived is called a superclass (also a base class or a parent class). Excepting java.lang.Object, which has no superclass,every class has exactly one and only one direct superclass (single inheritance).In the absence of any other explicit superclass, every class is implicitly a subclass of Object. A class is said to be descended from all the classes in its inheritance chain stretching back to Object.

  16. Inheritance – Class Object is the ancestor base class of all classes in Java – There is no multiple inheritance in Java– Inheritance is always “public” thus type is not stated (no private or protected inheritance as in C++)– Class can implement several interfaces (contracts)– Class can be abstract– Access to base class is done using the super keyword– Constructor may send parameters to its base using the‘super’ keyword as its first instruction– If the base class does not have an empty constructor then the class is required to pass parameters to its super Examples in following slides…

  17. Inheritance Example 1: public class Person { private String name; public Person(String name) { this.name = name; } // Override toString in class Object public String toString() { return name; } }

  18. Inheritance Example 1 (cont’): public class Employee extends Person { private Employee manager; public Employee(String name, Employee manager) { super(name); // must be first this.manager = manager; } // Override toString in class Person public String toString() { return super.toString() + (manager!=null? ", reporting to: " + manager : " - I'm the big boss!"); } }

  19. Inheritance Example 2: abstract public class Shape { // private Color line = Color.Black; // private Color fill = Color.White; public Shape() {} /* public Shape(Color line, Color fill) { this.line = line; this.fill = fill; } */ abstract public void draw(); abstract public boolean isPointInside(Point p); }

  20. Inheritance Example 2 (cont’): public class Circle extends Shape { private Point center; private double radius; public Circle(Point center, double radius) { this.center = center; this.radius = radius; } public void draw() {…} // use Graphics or Graphics2d public boolean isPointInside(Point p) { return (p.distance(center) < radius); } }

  21. Inheritance The final keyword is used to forbid a method from being override in derived classesAbove is relevant when implementing a generic algorithm in the base class, and it allows the JVM to linkage the calls to the method more efficientlyThe final keyword can also be used on a class to prevent the class from being subclassed at all Example: abstract public class Shape { … final public void setFillColor(Color color) {<some implementation>} } of course, final and abstract don‘t go together (why?)

  22. Agenda • All that is to know on class syntax • Constructors and Initializers • Inheritance and Polymorphism • Interfaces • Nested Classes • Enums • Exercise

  23. Interfaces – Interface is a contract– An interface can contain method signatures (methods without implementation) and static constants– Interface cannot be instantiated, it can only be implemented by classes and extended by other interfaces– Interface that do not include any method signature is called a marker interface– Class can implement several interfaces (contracts)– Class can announce on implementing an interface, without really implementing all of the declared methods, but then the class must be abstract Examples in following slides…

  24. Interfaces Example 1 – using interface Comparable: // a generic max function staticpublic Object max(Comparable... comparables) { int length = comparables.length; if(length == 0) { returnnull; } Comparable max = comparables[0]; for(int i=1; i<length; i++) { if(max.compareTo(comparables[i]) < 0) { max = comparables[i]; } } return max; } // calling the function can go like this: String maxStr = (String) max("hello", "world", "!!!");

  25. Interfaces Example 2 – supporting foreach on our own type: To have your own class support iterating, using the "foreach“syntax, the class should implement the interface Iterable: publicinterface Iterable<T> { Iterator<T> iterator(); } // example publicinterface Collection<E> extends Iterable<E> { … Iterator<E> iterator(); … } Exercise: Write class NewString that will allow iterating over its chars using "foreach"

  26. Interfaces Example 3 – supporting clone on our own type: To have your own class support the clone methodthe class should implement the marker interfaceCloneable: publicinterface Cloneable {} Exercise: Implement clone for class Person

  27. Interfaces Example 4 – new IHaveName interface: To allow name investigation we want to create a new IHaveName interface: publicinterface IHaveName { String getName(); } Exercise: Create the IHaveName interface and let class Person implement it

  28. Agenda • All that is to know on class syntax • Constructors and Initializers • Inheritance and Polymorphism • Interfaces • Nested Classes • Enums • Exercise

  29. Nested Classes Nested Classes are divided into two categories:static and non-static. Nested classes that are declared static are simply calledstatic nested classesNon-static nested classes are called inner classes Inner classes that are defined without having their own nameare called anonymous classes Examples in following slides…

  30. Nested Classes Example 1: public class OuterClass { private int a; static public class InnerStaticClass { public int b; } public class InnerClass { public void setA(int a1) { a = a1; // we have access to a !!! } } }

  31. Nested Classes Example 1 (cont’): OuterClass.InnerStaticClass obj1 = new OuterClass.InnerStaticClass(); OuterClass.InnerClass obj2 = new OuterClass().new InnerClass(); obj2.setA(3); // we modify a of OuterClass!!!

  32. Nested Classes Example 2 – anonymous class: public interface IHaveName { String getName(); } void someFunction(IHaveName someoneWithName) { System.out.println(someoneWithName.getName()); } public static void main(String[] args) { someFunction(new IHaveName() { public String getName() { return "Momo"; } }); }

  33. Agenda • All that is to know on class syntax • Constructors and Initializers • Inheritance and Polymorphism • Interfaces • Nested Classes • Enums • Exercise

  34. Enums Structure forConstant EnumerationNot an integer!- May represent data (= have fields)- May implement methods (member and static)Automatically extends the Enum abstract typeCannot extend other Classes or Enums,but can implement interfacesCannot be extended (Enums are final) Examples in following slides…

  35. Enums Example 1: publicclass Card { publicenum Rank {DEUCE, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE,TEN, JACK, QUEEN, KING, ACE } publicenum Suit {CLUBS, DIAMONDS, HEARTS, SPADES } privatefinal Rank rank; privatefinal Suit suit; private Card(Rank rank, Suit suit) {this.rank = rank;this.suit = suit; } …

  36. Enums Example 1 (cont’): publicclass Card { … public String toString() { returnrank + " of " + suit; } privatestaticfinal List<Card> _deck =new ArrayList<Card>(); // Initialize the static deck static {for (Suit suit : Suit.values())for (Rank rank : Rank.values())_deck.add(new Card(rank, suit)); } publicstatic ArrayList<Card> newDeck() { // Return copy of prototype deckreturnnew ArrayList<Card>(_deck); } }

  37. Enums Example 2: publicenum Operation { PLUS, MINUS, TIMES, DIVIDE; // Do arithmetic op represented by this constant double eval(double x, double y) { switch(this) { casePLUS: return x + y; caseMINUS: return x - y; caseTIMES: return x * y; caseDIVIDE: return x / y; } thrownew AssertionError("Unknown op: " + this); } }

  38. Enums Example 3: publicenum Operation { PLUS {double eval(double x, double y) { return x + y; } }, MINUS {double eval(double x, double y) { return x - y; } }, TIMES {double eval(double x, double y) { return x * y; } }, DIVIDE {double eval(double x, double y) { return x / y; } }; // Do arithmetic op represented by this constantabstractdouble eval(double x, double y); }

  39. Agenda • All that is to know on class syntax • Constructors and Initializers • Inheritance and Polymorphism • Interfaces • Nested Classes • Enums • Exercise

  40. Exercise 1 • This exercise is called the Object Oriented Rectangles game. • Get from the command line the coordinates of two rectangles. • The “winning rectangle” is set according to these rules: • If a rectangle is contained (even partially) in the other, the contained (=inner) rectangle wins • If no one contains the other, the bigger by both area and perimeter wins • If no one is bigger by both area and perimeter, we have a tie • Example • Rectangle A: 1 1 10 10 (which means: x1=1, y1=1, x2=10, y2=10) • Rectangle B: 5 5 10 10 (which means: x1=5, y1=5, x2=10, y2=10) • The winner is Rectangle B (contained in A!)

  41. Exercise 2 Write the necessary classes to support the following main: static public void main(String[] args) { Expression e = new Sum( new Exponent( new Number(2.0), new Number(3.0)), new Sum( new Number(1.0), new Number(-3.0))); System.out.println(e + " = " + e.evaluate()); }

  42. That concludes this chapter

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