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Growth strategies of real estate companies in a mature market

Growth strategies of real estate companies in a mature market. Ed Nozeman Stockholm,25 June 2009. Content. Introduction Methodology Analysis Conclusion/further research. Growth strategies of real estate companies. Growth strategies of real estate companies.

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Growth strategies of real estate companies in a mature market

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  1. Growth strategies of real estate companies in a mature market Ed Nozeman Stockholm,25 June 2009

  2. Content Introduction Methodology Analysis Conclusion/further research Growth strategies of real estate companies

  3. Growth strategies of real estate companies • Which strategies are followed by real estate organizations, how are these related with each other, are there clear differences between these organizations as to their choice of strategy and what causes those differences ?

  4. Company strategies From what basis Competition strategy Porter - Cost leadership - Differentiation - Focus From what direction Growth strategy Ansoff - Market penetration - Market development - Product development - Diversification Which type of implementation Development strategy Johnson & Scholes - Internal or autonomous development -- Acquisition -- Joint development Growth strategies of real estate companies 1

  5. Competitive advantage Position of low cost Unique characteristics acknowledged by client Concurrentiebereik Total market Cost leadership Differentiation One segment Focus Growth strategies of real estate companies • 2 C O M P E T I T I O N R A N G E

  6. Producten Huidige Nieuwe Huidige Market penetration Product development Markt Nieuwe Market development Diversification Growth strategies of real estate companies • 2 Products Present New Present Market New

  7. Development strategies Internal development strategy Acquisition strategy Joint development strategy Growth strategies of real estate companies • 3

  8. Methodology Defining medium sized developers and housing corporations Sample at random 2 x 15 respondents Face-to-face interviews Growth strategies of real estate companies

  9. Growth strategies of real estate companies Market focus developers

  10. Growth strategies of real estate companies Market focus housing corporations

  11. Growth strategies of real estate companies Applied competition strategy developers

  12. Growth strategies of real estate companies Applied competition strategy housing corporations

  13. Growth strategies of real estate companies Growth strategy developers

  14. Growth strategies of real estate companies Growth strategy housing corporations

  15. Growth strategies of real estate companies Applied development strategy developers

  16. Growth strategies of real estate companies Applied development strategy housing corporations

  17. Threats for developers Threats for housing corporations Growth strategies of real estate companies

  18. Conclusions Proven validity of most strategy concepts Revision of Ansoff’s growth strategies in times of crisis Path dependency in case of product development Growth strategies of real estate companies

  19. Implications for further research Comparison with other types of real estate companies Relation between strategy types and success indicators International comparison Impact of financial crisis on company strategies Growth strategies of real estate companies

  20. Questions ?

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