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Test your knowledge of homophones with this interactive guessing game! Play and see if you can correctly match words that sound the same but have different meanings. Challenge yourself with pairs like saw or sore, knight or night, sale or sail, and more. Enjoy the challenge and enhance your language skills with these tricky homophones. By A. Gore. 8
Homophones They sound the same, let’s play the game! See if you can guess which word goes where.
Homophones saw or sore ? By A. Gore
Homophones knight or night ? By A. Gore
Homophones sale or sail ? By A. Gore
Homophones ? to or two From A B By A. Gore
Homophones here or hear ? By A. Gore
Homophones knight or night ? By A. Gore
Homophones saw or sore ? By A. Gore
Homophones sale or sail ? By A. Gore
Homophones here or hear ? The treasure is… By A. Gore
Homophones ? to or two one + one = By A. Gore