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Explore the comprehensive funding scenario and strategic investments in science and technology in Central & South Americas, focusing on Brazil's National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Discover key programs, sectoral funds, shared management approaches, and budgetary execution details, highlighting the impact on research and development initiatives.
Science Funding Landscape in Central and South Americas and Caribbean Region The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development José Oswaldo Siqueira, Ph.D Director July, 2009
Organization of the Higher Education, Science and Technology in Brazil Ministry of S&T National Council S&T - CCT Executive Secretariat SEPED SETEC SEPIN SECIS FINEP Research and Projects Financing CNPq National Council for Scientific and Technological Development CGEE Strategical Studies and Management Center CNEN National Commission of Nuclear Energy AEB Brazilian Space Agency
Proposed budget Sectorial Funds National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development - FNDCTBudgetary Execution for S & T(R$ millions) Investment in S & T is expanding
Sectoral Funds For R & D A promising future for S&T in Brazil • Expansion of investments by adding US$ 1,3 billion per year • 17,5% of the economic domain intervention contribution; • A total of 16 Funds for R&D in strategic areas; • Participation of Governmental , Industry and Service sectors • Stability for R&D budget and investments-FNDCT Shared management with industry and academic communities; • Congress passed the law of The National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development – FNDCT • Plan of Action (PAC) for S&T launched by Federal Government: A total of US$ 23 billion is being invested in a four-year period in strategic areas -Biotechnology, Bioenergy, Biodiversity, Innovation, Agriculture and Health
Plano de Ação 2007-2010 Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação para o Desenvolvimento Nacional Governo Política Financiamento Pesquisa & Serviço $ $ Formação de RH Pesquisa básica e aplicada Inovação P&D Institutos Tecnológicos Centros de P&D Empresas Universidades publicações conhecimento produtos novos, patentes $ State Policy Principais atores institucionais Priorities & Funds Coordenation & Governance
Science & Technology Overall Budget (2000-2006) and Proposed (2007-2010) R$ billions 6 5 4 3 2 1
Empresas Agências CNPq FINEP CAPES FAPs Outros MS Petrobras BNDES Acadêmico – Independente Aplicado – Estruturado Structure of Funding of the S &T System Sibratec IPTs Institutos Federais de C&T Institutos do MCT Entidades Associadas Núcleos de P,D&I Institutos Nacionais de C&T Núcleos de Excelência - Pronex Universidades Redes Temáticas Grupos de Pesquisa Cortesia Dr. M. Zago
Outros parceiros Agências de Fomento a Serviço do Desenvolvimento FAP´s Fomento e Bolsas “ICT`s” (Regional) Infra-estrutura e Inovação Tecnológica e Política Industrial “Jurídica - Empresas” Pós-Graduação Regulação Bolsas “Universidades” Política Fomento Bolsas “Pesquisadores”
The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development • It was established in 1951 as an officce to coordinate research projects in nuclear technology • Today is the major Federal Funding Agency for S&T • Mission: Promote scientific and technological development and contribute to the national S&T policies through capacity-building and financing of research projects • Technical Staff: 723 S&T annalists and administration personnel • Handled more than 80,000 Research Grant & Scholarship Applications in 2008 • Budget of at R$ 1,42 Billion for the fiscal year of 2008
GOVERNO FEDERAL Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia • Policy and Funding for Scientific and Technological Development • Human Resources Qualification to Create Critical mass and Scientific Competence • Novel knowledge for technological Innovation and Social Development
CNPq’s Organization Chart Deliberative Council CNPq President Vice President Directorate of Thematic and Sectorial Programs - DPT DAD DPH Major Areas Earth and Environmental Sciences Biological and Health Sciences Agriculture and Biotechnology General Coordination Technical Coordination Scientific Adv. Committee Tech.& Administrative Staff
CNPq´s Total Investiments : 1998-2008 (%) distribution Scholar. Research Grant 40 26 29 28 28 28 29 23 10 17 60 74 71 72 72 71 72 77 90 83 1400 1200 42 FNDCT 1000 Fundos Setoriais 800 Investimento (Milhões R$) 600 58 400 200 0 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Fiscal year Siqueira, 2009 Fonte: CNPq / AEI
Budget Composition and Allocation Total PPA / CNPq R$ 0,83 Bi Fiscal Year 2008 Total Executado R$ 1,42 Bi Scholarships Siqueira, 2009
Allocation of CNPq’s Investments Adm 9% Research 31% Scholarships 60 % Total Budget R$ 1,42 Bi 2008 Federal Budget R$ 0,83 Bi
CNPq´s Investments in Research and Development • Support the highest-quality fundamental and applied research and building capacity for S&T through national competitive grant programs across all disciplines • Provides a wide range of complementary schemes to support: • Researchers at different stages of their careers • Post-doctoral training in all academic fields and also in industry • Post-graduate programs by providing scholarships to newly-awarded doctors in relevant themes • Under-graduate research scholarship to stimulate scientific career • Research technical support by offering scholarships to lab assistants
CNPq´s Investments in Research and Development • Provide special programs to establishes and expand research networks and collaborations • Establishes partnerships with State Agencies for the regional development of S&T • The development and establishment of Centers of Research Excellence • Establishes partnerships with other government sectors and organizations to support projects in S,T&I • Funding for knowledge and technology transfer to enhance life quality and social development • International scientific exchanges and research cooperation
CNPq´s Granting Instruments • Research Productivity Fellowship Program • Human Resource Qualification (in country and abroad); • Short Term Duration Grants: Congresses, Visiting Scientists, Travel expenses, and Scientific Missions; • Call for Research Proposals: • - Universal - Nationwide Competitive Grant´s Program: • Individual research projects in all fields (smalls • expenses / equipments); • - Thematic Calls for Sectorial Funds Strategic areas • Agreements and Partnerships – Research Grants and Scholarships • Calls or Contracts (institutional, ministries, government • organizations, and international agencies - donations); • Partnerships with State Funding Agencies • (Several programs: PRONEX-Regional Excellence Centers and INCTs)
Academic & Technological Scholarships Academic Scholarships Technological Scholarships Scientific Initiation Jr High School Scientific Initiation ITI Under- graduate MSc PhD In Country Abroad Doct. Sandwich RHAE Graduate PD PD Abroad RSD DTI Pos- Doctoral
Special Programs Grants Millennium Science Initiative National Networks PRONEX INCT´s Regional Networks PPP Young Researchers Universal Proof of Principle
Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico GOVERNO FEDERAL Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia Investiments in Scholarships-Year 2009 Modalidade Quantidade Total (mil R$) ICJr 10.000 12.000 PIBIC - IC 23.000 82.800 Mestrado 11.000 147.180 Doutorado 9.000 230.184 DTI, EXP e ITI 9.800 117.600 PD Jr 1000 36.720 DCR 600 27.360 PQ + Grant 12.000 228.600 Total 76.400 882.444 CAPES another 49,000 graduate scholarships
123 R$ 606 milhões FAPs R$ 212 milhões CAPES R$ 30 milhões MS R$ 19 milhões BNDES R$ 24 milhões Petrobras R$ 21 milhões CNPq R$ 110 milhões FNDCT R$ 190 milhões INCT – Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia National research network Reviewed by an International Committee
Outras7 Nuclear2 Antártica e Mar3 Energia7 Biodiversidade Meio Ambiente7 Saúde 39 123 Agronegócio 9 Amazônia7 TICs7 Engenharias, Física Matemática14 Ciências Sociais10 Biotecnologia/ Nanotecnologia11 Áreas do Conhecimento ou de Tecnologia
Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia Pará Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Acre Rondônia Sergipe UNB Universidade Federal de Viçosa Mato Grosso Minas Gerais Goiás Mato Grosso do Sul Espírito Santo SEDE USP Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação INPE UFRJ FIOCRUZ CTA Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica UNICAMP Paraná Santa Catarina Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Exemplo Instituto Nacional de C&T para Mudanças Climáticas NATIONWIDE RESEARCH NETWORK COORDINATED BY A LEADER TEAM
Groups of Excellence - PRONEX Jointly operated with State Agencies • Target: Outstanding research groups; • Strategy: Stimulation of state-wide interdisciplinary projects; • Goals: Increase of nation-wide S&T competence and decrease of regional imbalance; • 292 projects distributed in all States. Total funding more than US$ 100 millions
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico 80 200 Estados (FAPs) 94 46 CNPq/FNDCT 147 61 Valores (R$ milhões) 100 44 40 31 54 2008 2010 1996 2001 1997 2002 1998 2004 2003 2005 2006 2007 Recursos PRONEX: 1996 – 2010
Agriculture Health Science Projeto Genoma Genoma Nordeste-ProGeNe Regional da Amazônia Leishmania chagasi Paullinia cupana (guaranazeiro) Agriculture Genoma do Estado da Bahia Crinipellis perniciosa Health Science Health Science Genoma Centro-Oeste Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Genoma do Estado de Minas Gerais Schistosoma mansoni Agriculture Agriculture Genoma Rio de Janeiro - RioGene Genoma do Estado do Paraná Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus Herbaspirillum seropedicae Health Science Consórcio Trypanosoma cruzi Agriculture Projeto Rede Sul de Análise de Genomas e Biologia Estrutural Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae National Genome Network
CPAMN UEMA UESPI UFMA UFPI UERN CNPAT UFRN CNPC UNIFOR CNPA UFPB CPqAM UNICAP IPA UFAL UFS CPqGM UNIT UNIFACS UESB INCAPER UFES Northeast Biotechnology Network EMBRAPA T.C R$ 18,6 millions RESEARCH AND CAPACITY BUILDING To develop products and processes innovation for Agriculture, Health, Industry and Natural Resources We are preparing to launch Bionort Network
Brazil´s Policy for International Cooperation According to the Plan of Action for S&T 2007-2010 • MAJOR OBJECTIVE To expand and consolidate international cooperation through the enhancement of cooperation instrument and improved management strategies: • Diversify and expand strategic bilateral and multilateral partnerships with developed and underdeveloped countries • Assume a pro-active policy to establish cooperation in frontier science, cutting edge technology and integrated projects in prioritized areas and spontaneous academic and industry demands • Strength and expansion of Brazil representation in international organisms and S&T related protocols
Brazil´s Agenda for International Cooperation in S&T • To establish a plan of actions for cooperation in accordance to country’s priorities • To coordinate and expand high level bilateral cooperation with USA, EU, Japan, China, and Ukraine • To identify opportunities for Asia, Africa and Latin America. Emphasis in food production in underdeveloped countries • Main areas of interest for cooperation are: Biofuel, Biotechnology,Animal Health, Nanotechnology, Space and Nuclear Sciences,, Amazon, Conservation and Biodiversity • use and Global change mitigation
MCT Authority CNPq Agency Level II “Technical” Office Division Cooperation Agreement • Actors • Researchers • Leaders/Groups • Unit/Dept./Labs/Faculty Level III “Academic” Foreign Institutions Brazilian Institutions INSTRUMENTS • Joint-call for proposals • Exchange / mobility programs • Training / capacity building • Technology development/transfer Government Policy for International Cooperation Level I “Political” Diplomatic Representation Framework Agreement Hierarchy and Level of International Cooperation
CNPq’s Strategy for International Cooperation • To promote human resources capacity in S&T to expand national competence; • To support scientific and technological development; • To promote technological innovation; • To contribute to the inclusion of brazilian groups and institutions at international scientific and technological communities; • To collaborate with capacity building of underdevelopment countries.
COOPERATION STRATEGIES • Bilateral and multilateral programs and agreements - Joint projects and research networks in prioritized areas and themes - Exploratory missions for scientific and technological cooperation - Building capacity through training of foreign students in Brazil - Mobility of scientists and students for training and research projects • Bilateral agreement with Latin American Countries – Argentina, Cuba, Colombia, Chile, México, Uruguay, Venezuela, Peru, Costa Rica, and Equador - PROSUL – R$ 14 millions for the period 2001-2006 - CIAM: Science and Engineering – R$ 1,2 million • Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Students in Brazil - PEC-PG: total 209 from 2002-2007 - Brazil – Argentina Pos-doc Program: Brazil granted 20 scholarships - CNPq / TWAS (Doctorate and Post-doc): 40 doctorates and 10 post-docs
Research and Capacity Building Through International Collaboration at CNPq • Thematic programs ( Atlantic Forest , Marine Science, etc); • Joint research projects in areas of common interest (Bilateral Agreements: KOSEF, NSF, CNRS, CONICET, CONACYT, GRICES, etc); • Multilateral projects of R&D cooperation – Special Actions (PROSUL, PROÁFRICA, CPLP, IBAS); • R&D Projects related to Multilateral Programs (CYTED, CIAM, CERN); • International Organizations: contribution and participation • for scientific projects development and capacity-building; • Investments of R$ 14 million (2001 – 2006)
International Cooperation in Biotechnology • Argentina / Brazil (CBAB) • - Joint-Calls for training courses at post-graduate level in Proteomic, Bioinformatics, Vaccines, Biosafety, and DNA Sequencing Biotechnology. • - Total Investments: R$ 2,9 Million. • Germany / Brazil • - Exchanges and Training Scientific (R$ 0,64 Million)
BILATERAL COOPERATION • Joint Projects: • - 42 agreements (10 with Latino America) involving • 24 Countries • Annual call for proposals to support exchanges / mobilities • Thematics: • - CIAM (Materials – Americas) • Nanotechnology Nets (France) • AKA Finland (Biomass for energy and photonics) • European Union (Biofuels)
MULTILATERAL COOPERATION To Support Projects in S,T&I: - Prosul - Proáfrica - CYTED - Ciências Sociais CPLP - CERN (Suíça) - IBAS (Índia, Brasil e África do Sul) - União Européia - UE - Observatório Pierre Auger Thematics: - Atlantic Forrest - Marines Sciences Capacity Building (Scholarship): - PEC-PG - TWAS Cooperation with Internationals Organisms
PROSUL Programa Sul-Americano de Apoio às Atividades de Cooperação em Ciência e Tecnologia Objetivo: apoiar atividades de cooperação em C,T&I entre grupos brasileiros e dos demais países sul-americanos, que contribuam para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico da região, mediante a geração e a apropriação de conhecimento e a elevação da capacidade tecnológica dos países, em temas selecionados por sua relevância estratégica. Financiamento (Editais e Projetos Especiais): mobilidade de pesquisadores brasileiros e sul-americanos, e pequenas despesas de custeio, conforme o estabelecido em editais. Recursos Aplicados desde 2002: R$ 21,5 Milhões
PROÁFRICA Programa de CooperaçãoTemática em Matéria de C&T Objetivo • Apoiar o intercâmbio entre pesquisadores brasileiros e de países africanos, preferencialmente, de língua portuguesa Apoio financeiro (Editais e Projetos Especiais): • Missões exploratórias, projetos e eventos Países Participantes • 21 países: África do Sul, Argélia, Angola, Benin, Burkina Fasso, Cabo Verde, Camarões, Costa do Marfin, Guiné Bissau, Líbia, Moçambique, Namíbia, Nigéria, Níger, Quênia, Senegal, Tanzânia, Tunísia, Uganda, Zimbábue, além de São Tomé e Príncipe. Recursos Aplicados desde 2005: R$ 7,3 Milhões
CPLP Programa de Cooperação em Matéria de Ciências Sociais para a Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa Objetivo • Apoiar o intercâmbio de pesquisadores com atuação na área de Ciências Sociais entre os países da CPLP Apoio financeiro (Editais e Projetos Especiais): • Missões exploratórias, projetos e eventos Países Participantes • 6 países: - Angola, - Cabo Verde, - Guiné Bissau, - Moçambique, - Portugal e - São Tomé e Príncipe Recursos Aplicados desde 2005: R$ 2,0 Milhões
PEC-PG Programa de Estudantes Convênio de Pós-Graduação Iniciativa CNPq – CAPES – MRE - Objetiva a formação de RH, com vistas a possibilitar estrangeiros de países em desenvolvimento, a realização de pós-graduação em Instituição de Ensino Superior brasileira - Constitui atividade de cooperação educacional exercida exclusivamente com os países os quais o Brasil mantém Acordo de Cooperação Cultural e Educacional. - Concede bolsas de Mestrado, (até 24 meses – Bolsa do CNPq) e Doutorado (até 48 meses – Bolsa da CAPES)
PEC-PG Programa de Estudantes Convênio de Pós-Graduação Iniciativa CNPq – CAPES – MRE • Forma de Implementação: Implementado sob a forma de edital, lançado anualmente na segunda quinzena de maio. • Candidaturas: Submetidas nas embaixadas e consulados brasileiros nos países participantes do Programa. • Paises Participantes: 54 países, sendo 29 países da África, Ásia e Oceania e 25 países da América Latina e Caribe.
Convênio CNPq/TWAS Bolsas de Doutorado e Pós-Doutorado no Brasil • Objetiva a capacitação de recursos humanos por intermédio de concessão de bolsas de doutorado pleno e de pós-doutorado no Brasil a estrangeiros oriundos de países em desenvolvimento. • Concede desde 2004, até 40 bolsas de Doutorado e 10 de Pós-Doutorado para jovens pesquisadores de países em desenvolvimento em instituições de pesquisa brasileiras • América Latina: 10 bolsistas de Doutorado e 2 de Pós-Doutorado (aproximadamente 20% do Programa)
Convênio CNPq/TWAS Bolsas de Doutorado e Pós-Doutorado no Brasil • Forma de Implementação O Acordo CNPq/TWAS é implementado por meio de chamada, publicada na página eletrônica da TWAS, aberta anualmente até dia 31 de agosto • Candidaturas Submetidas ao CNPq e à TWAS, por envio dos documentos requeridos (www.twas.org) - Países Participantes Todos os países em desenvolvimento
CYTED Programa Ibero-Americano de Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento Redes Temáticas, Projetos de Pesquisas e Projetos de Pesquisa Consorciados. Investimentos de US$ 500 mil anuais.
Thank you Please contact us : José Oswaldo Siqueira Director of Thematic and Sectorial Programs – CNPq e-mail: dpt@cnpq.br siqueira@cnpq.br http://www.cnpq.br