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Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this?

Unit title: 居住条件 How people live?. Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this?. Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future?. Where do you live?

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Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this?

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  1. Unit title: 居住条件 Howpeoplelive? Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? • Where do you live? • Describeone’slivingcondition,jobs,infrastructure. • Exploring grammatical patterns as a way of building and creating language. • Language is a foundation for everyday life, human interaction and general learning. • Communication with others always depends on some form of language. MYP unit question Whereshallwemeet? What’syourweekendplan? Whatisyourjob?

  2. LO: • Review learning from Chapter3 Chapter3 Revision

  3. Shuffle sentences 一、Ilikethepark, becausetheparkisbeautiful. 一、我喜欢公园,因为公园很漂亮。 二、Iplayfootballat thesportscentre. 二、我在运动中心踢足球。 三、Thebankisonmyleftside. 三、银行在我的左边。 四、Whereshallwemeet? 四、我们在哪儿见面? 五、Seeyouat11onSaturday. 五、星期六十一点见。 六、I’mgoingtothelibrarytomorrow. 六、我明天要去图书馆。

  4. Shuffle sentences 七、BecauseIwanttolearnto play basketball. 七、因为我想学打篮球。 八、Thisfilmisveryinteresting. 八、这个电影很有意思。 九、Thatcatisfun(toplaywith). 九、那只猫很好玩儿。 十、Thekitchenisbiggerthanthelivingroom. 十、厨房比客厅大。 十一、Therearemanyflowersinthegarden. 十一、花园里有很多花。 十二、Iwanttobeadoctorinthefuture. 十二、我将来想做医生。

  5. LO: • Learn more information about howpeoplelive in China 居住条件How people live

  6. 城市 City

  7. 农村 countryside

  8. 少数民族 minority

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