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This article discusses the transformation of universities in Mexico and their education system in response to the requirements of the business community. It highlights the importance of integrating internationalization and customer orientation in educational programs and emphasizes the need for the development of new skills and knowledge for future managers in a globalized economy.
The Impact of Globalization on Education and the Profile of the International Manager: a perspective view from Mexican Universities Barragán, J.N.UANL, Ap. 391, San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L. 66450, México jose.barraganc@uanl.mx
Abstract: • Theuniversities in Mexico, and fundamentallytheireducationsystem in thehighereducationenvironment, are beingtransformed in a veryinterestingmanner, withtheobjective of meetingtherequirements of theirrespectivebusinesscommunities.
The universities and business enterprises play a different role in terms of their connections to one another. Let us see why: In theUnitedStates In Mexico • when a firmneedstodiscover and applythenewesttechnology and managementsystems, itturnstotheuniversitytolearnthecorrespondingtheories. • whenthestudentfinishescollege and needsto procure employment, consequentlyapplyingtheknowledge, so thenewlygraduateturnstothefirm.
Is the firm really the place where the university graduate actually learns? • Currently, itisclearlyevidentthatourbusinessenvironmentishighlycompetitive. Thebusinesscommunityfindsitselftotally in a territorypreviouslyunexploredbyMexico’s micro, small and medium-sizeenterprises: theinternationaltrade.
Oneinterestingcharacteristicamongthis new professional elite isthat in theirprofessional and academicdevelopment, thereshouldbetwo fundamental features • Internationalization accent incorporated into the professional degree • Direct training based in the discipline of customer orientation.
For this reason, universities are most actively interested in the following activities: • Include internationally-oriented courses in educational programs, both at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels • Encourage research activities in the area of international trade in Mexican, as well as in foreign enterprises, and • Support international academic mobility and exchange programs for students and professors.
According to studies done regarding trends that can be recognized by the majority of firms, the following is the profile of managers in the immediate future: 1.- Theglobalizationphenomenonimpliesthedevelopment of a new manager, whobecomes a leader with a greatabilitytolearn, sincetheyhadtoconfrontunprecedented contextual situations. 2.- Thefields of knowledgeprobablyinclude: severallanguages, customsprocedures, global marketing plans, logisticaltechniques and flexible production, all of which are orientedtowardthe so-called new technologies.
3.- In finances, theymustlearntoworkwithinstruments; tooperatewithtax, civil and penal codesdifferentfromourown; tostudyways of presentingfinancialstatements in foreigncurrency; todealwithexchangerates in thepresentation of pricequotations, and in thelongrun, operationswhichhavefutures 4.- In thearea of personnel, changesinvolvethehiring of peoplewhonowalsoaskaboutthefirm’sactivities, whetherthatwhichthefirmreallydoesiscorrect, orif more research in certainareasisneeded; withknowledge and acceptance of differenttypes of hiringbythefirm, whetherforfeesorbyintegrationontothepayroll
5.-Thefuture manager mustbeproficient in the use of computers, and aboveall, informationsystems. He / shemustalsoknowhowto use multimedia equipmentwhich combines image, sound and thetransmission of informationviacomputerizedmechanisms. 6.- Finally, wemuchnot lose sight of management training in serviceenterprises. Ifwe observe thetrends in theeconomy, there are more and more firmsinvolved in thisbusiness sector. Otherpossiblefieldswith a future are thoserelatedtoenergysubstitutes .
Toconclude • Ititsimportanttomakeitclearthat, in additiontoprofessionaldevelopment in thefields of knowledgerequiredbybusinesscommunities, itisextremelynecessarythateducational centers emphasizethatwhichiscurrentlyknown as “integratededucation” as a priority, precisely in thearea of humanvalues, sincethefast-paced existence of anindustrializedsocietyinvolves a dehumanizationprocess.
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