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TEIDE = T écnicas de E dición e I mputación para D atos E stadísticos

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TEIDE = T écnicas de E dición e I mputación para D atos E stadísticos

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  1. A variable neighbourhoodlocal search approach for thecontinuous data editing problemSergio Delgado-QuinteroJorge Riera-LedesmaJuan-José Salazar-GonzálezDepartment of Statistics, Operations Research and Computer ScienceUniversity of La Laguna, Tenerife, SpainWork session on statistical data editing (Ottawa 2005) topic (iv) WP.44Work supported by ISTAC (“Instituto Canario de Estadistica”)

  2. Summary of our contributed paper:The exact approach corrects invalid records with 50 fields and 20 edits, the largest ever solved to optimallity (idea: Benders’ inequalities)The new heuristic approach corrects invalid records with 1000 fields and 400 edits in few seconds of an estándar PC(idea: local search in OR/MS/AI)

  3. TEIDE is an active vulcan in Tenerife with 3718 meters high. TEIDE = Técnicas de Edición e Imputación para Datos Estadísticos

  4. …then you have good arguments to convince your boss to allow you visiting me for “hard work” in Canary Islands: Good Luck!! jjsalaza@ull.es http://webpages.ull.es/users/jjsalaza If you have questions…

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