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Unit 5: An Expanding Nation. Theme 9: Exploring the West. http://www.elefun-desktops.com/sys_data/img/products/ss_Wild_West.jpg. escape - to get away from a place or a danger. http://www.slipperybrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/escape-key.jpg.
Unit 5: An Expanding Nation Theme 9: Exploring the West http://www.elefun-desktops.com/sys_data/img/products/ss_Wild_West.jpg
escape- to get away from a place or a danger http://www.slipperybrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/escape-key.jpg The escape key was trying to escape from the keyboard.
colonization- the process of setting up a colony, or settlement, in an area http://media.photobucket.com/image/colonization%25252Bcolonies/maggie6138/villagehouses.jpg The colonization of new land was hard on frontiersmen.
compass-an instrument for showing direction http://sarafryd.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/compass_pocket.jpg A compass helps sailors follow the right path.
commence– to begin something http://www.tcnjmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/commence-propose.jpg The union between the couple is a new commencement in their life.
commotion- a noisy rushing about or disturbance http://www.adrianjournal.com/ajfiles/luncheon.gif There was a lot of commotion when it was time to serve the food.
contributions- to give something to a group or organization http://www.snlibraryfund.org/STEW%20LEONARDS%20CHECK%20CONTRIBUTION%20CROPPED.JPG The contributions given to the foundation will help the city make improvements.
companion- someone who goes along with you or shares time with you http://artfiles.art.com/5/p/LRG/8/837/OYIY000Z/mary-calkins-loyal-companion.jpg Pets are often considered great companions for the elderly.
flee- to get away from something as quickly as possible http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/08/11/article-1205835-05DEF41E000005DC-119_468x313.jpg It is in our best interest to flee from a swarm of wasps.
atlas- a book of maps http://www.learningthings.com/mmLEARNINGTHINGS/Images/HMB_YOUNG_PEOPLES_ATLAS_OF_THE_UNITED_STATES_100.GIF You may use an atlas to locate a certain country or nation.
caravan- a group of people traveling together, often for safety http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/50623137.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=E41C9FE5C4AA0A1477AE096EAF824DD178E12177AFFAE10DDB7C9B8D7D382384B01E70F2B3269972 Travelers often travel in a caravan for safety issues.