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Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Concept

Learn how to view and manage PO staging tables using the Sourcing Workbench. Follow step-by-step instructions to access, enter criteria, and make changes to sourcing data.

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Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Concept

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  1. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing WorkbenchConcept

  2. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench

  3. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 1 Begin by navigating to the Sourcing page. Click thePurchasingmenu.

  4. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 2 Click thePurchase Ordersmenu.

  5. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 3 Click theStage/Source Requestsmenu.

  6. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 4 Click theSourcing Workbenchmenu.

  7. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 5 Use the SourcingWorkbench page to enter sourcing criteria and view the rows of data on the PO_ITM_STG table. Access pages to change the recommended supplier, quantities sourced to each supplier, or correct errors.

  8. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 6 Click in theBusiness Unitfield.

  9. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 7 Enter the desired information into theBusiness Unitfield. Enter"US001".

  10. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 8 Click in theRequisition IDfield.

  11. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 9 Enter the desired information into theRequisition IDfield. Enter"0000000075".

  12. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 10 Click theSearchbutton.

  13. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 11 The results of the search criteria display at the bottom of the page.

  14. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 12 The Instance field displays the process instance of the PO Calculations process that last updated this row.

  15. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 13 Click the Sourcing Details button to view further details about a staged row and how to change the supplier and stage status.

  16. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 14 The Stg Status field displays the status of the staged row.

  17. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 15 Click the Supplier ID link to access supplier information for the staged row.

  18. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 16 Click the Item ID link to access inventory item information at the setID level for the staged row.

  19. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 17 Click the Description link to view descriptions for a specific item. The description link includes the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

  20. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 18 Click the Requisition ID link to review requisition information for the staged row.

  21. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 19 Click theStage Infotab.

  22. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 20 The Src Method field displays the sourcing method for this row. It determines how the supplier is selected for this line. Sourcing method appears by default from the item category or item ID. Values are Basic, Flexible, Sched Split (schedule split), and Cumulative Split.

  23. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 21 The PO Stg Type field displays Requisition for the AutoSelect Requisitions process or online requisition selection when the Define PO option is not selected. The system uses Other for any other process.

  24. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 22 The PO Stg ID field displays the PO Stage ID. This is the same as the requisition ID when the PO stage type is R. It is taken from INSTALLATION_PO.LAST_PO_STG_ID when the PO stage type is O.

  25. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 23 The Sched Num field displays the schedule number on the original request.

  26. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 24 The Sys Source field displays the source of the purchase request. Values include Planning, Production, or PO Online (purchase order online).

  27. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 25 Click the Sourcing Details button to view further details about a staged row and how to change the supplier and stage status. Click theSourcing Detailsbutton.

  28. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 26 Use the Stage Status field on the Sourcing Details page to select a stage status. You can change the stage status from Error to Recycle or to Reset/Purge after you have corrected the error on this row, so that the PO Calculations process can reprocess the staged row. If the PO Calculations process fails, change the status from POCALC to Recycle as long as the process is no longer running.

  29. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 27 Click the Eligible Suppliers link to select the supplier to use for the order. View details about each of the suppliers for this item.

  30. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 28 Click the Pricing Information link to view details about the pricing of the item from the requisition.

  31. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 29 Click the Schedule Details link to view details about the purchase order that is going to be created.

  32. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 30 Click theExpand Alllink.

  33. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 31 Click the Source Document link to access the transaction from which this line originated. If this line is sourced from a requisition, selecting the link accesses the requisition.

  34. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 32 Consolidate with other Reqs appears selected if the row originated from a requisition configured to allow the row to be consolidated onto the same purchase order with other rows meeting select criteria, such as having the same item or supplier. The consolidation takes place during the PO Calculations process

  35. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 33 Click theverticalscrollbar.

  36. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 34 Review the pricing information for the item.

  37. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 35 Click theverticalscrollbar.

  38. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 36 Click theReturn to Sourcing Pagelink.

  39. Viewing PO Staging Tables Using the Sourcing Workbench Step 37 You have successfully reviewed information for a requisition using the Sourcing Workbench. End of Procedure.

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