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Key issues for the censuses in South East Europe 2011 Second TCG Meeting, Skopje 24-25 June 2010

Vebjørn AALANDSLID Eurostat – Unit D1 Statistical Cooperation with European and Mediterranean countries. Key issues for the censuses in South East Europe 2011 Second TCG Meeting, Skopje 24-25 June 2010. Planning and management.

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Key issues for the censuses in South East Europe 2011 Second TCG Meeting, Skopje 24-25 June 2010

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  1. Vebjørn AALANDSLID Eurostat – Unit D1 Statistical Cooperation with European and Mediterranean countries Key issues for the censuses in South East Europe 2011Second TCG Meeting, Skopje 24-25 June 2010

  2. Planning and management Census law is finally adopted in 2 countries (RS, TR) in different stages of Government/Parliamentary procedure in (HR, AL, XK, MK, ME, BA). Census budget reported to be covered in 2 countries (AL, RS), awaiting census law/national budget in 5 (HR, XK, BA, ME, MK). Choice of method not decided in TR. National budget will cover the census in 5 countries (HR, MK, ME, RS, TR), 3 (AL, BA, XK) report EC/international funding of their census. Pilot censuses performed in 4 countries in 2009 (HR, MK, ME, RS). XK in 2008. Pilot census in AL in spring 2010. Pilot study in TR. BA? Plans for Quality measures/Post Enumeration Surveys in place in 5 countries (AL, HR, MK, ME, RS), not specifically mentioned in XK, TR, BA. Most countries report to have a detailed activity plan 2010/2011

  3. Census Methodology • Census date for the region 31. March 2011. Census period ranging from 2-4 weeks. TR exception (23. October 2011 + 6 weeks) • Only TR makes use of population register. Other countries will have traditional census based on face to face interviews. • Most countries plan update of maps in summer/autumn 2010, with finishing the delineating of enumeration areas by Dec. 2010. • Enumeration of ethnic minorities. Most countries report self-declaration and possibility not to answer. 3 countries (MK, ME, RS) use entirely open questions. Others use a combination of pre-coded and open questions. TR not yet decided • Census of Diaspora. XK and BA use supplementary list (in BA separate section of the law, with own budget). RS and AL plan to collect data/statistics from neighbouring countries.

  4. Census Logistics/IT Training of enumerators. Extensive plans reported in majority of countries Census questionnaires. 4 countries (HR, ME, BA, MK) have finalised. Questionnaires or census documents planned to be translated into several languages in RS, MK and HR 4 countries plan to use OCR (RS, AL, BA, HR), 3 plan manual data entry (MK, ME, XK). TR still not decided on census method Preparations for data analysis/dissemination in place in 6 countries (AL, HR, XK, MK, RS, TR ) 2 not specific (ME, BA)

  5. Thank you for your attention! Possible questions – and maybe more important - suggestions for improvement can be sent to vebjorn.aalandslid@ec.europa.eu

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