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Unauthorized Redistribution of Correspondence Pertaining to #MeToo Movement

Even though Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W has never sought nor solicited financial payment for people to access his self-published works, unknown others seem to have circumvented the Google Internet Search Engine (ISE) to make it seem as though they were provided exclusive rights [by Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W] to redistribute his written content pertaining to Jennifer Lawrence September 06th 2022 Vogue interview as well as the #MeToo movement.

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Unauthorized Redistribution of Correspondence Pertaining to #MeToo Movement

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  1. 12/5/24, 10:34 AM Gmail - Unauthorized Redistribution of Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W Written Publications Michael Ayele <waacl13@gmail.com> Unauthorized Redistribution of Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W Written Publications Michael Ayele <waacl13@gmail.com> To: info@gyanbooks.com Cc: Michael Ayele <waacl1313@gmail.com>, "Michael Ayele (W)" <waacl13@gmail.com>, Michael Ayele <waacl42913@gmail.com> Thu, Dec 5, 2024 at 10:33 AM This is Michael A. Ayele sending this message though I now go by W and I prefer to be referred to as such. I am contacting you because it has come to my attention that you have redistributed several of my written publications without my consent and permission. Furthermore, it has come to my attention that you are charging people a fee to access some of my written publications. I don't know how you have come across my written content, but I'm very much annoyed that you have redistributed some of my written publications without my consent and permission. Additionally, I'm also very unhappy that you are charging people a fee to access my written publications. Cease and desist from [1] redistributing my written publication; [2] charging people a fee to access my written publication. Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W Anti-Racist Human Rights Activist Audio-Visual Media Analyst Anti-Propaganda Journalist 5 attachments Screenshot (569).png 191K https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=be10e4fd3f&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-a:r-5528067621975764099&simpl=msg-a:r-5528067621975764099 1/2

  2. 12/5/24, 10:34 AM Gmail - Unauthorized Redistribution of Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W Written Publications Screenshot (563).png 187K Screenshot (564).png 517K Printout of Unauthorized Redistribution.pdf 846K Printout of Unauthorized Redistribution_cmp.pdf 174K https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=be10e4fd3f&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-a:r-5528067621975764099&simpl=msg-a:r-5528067621975764099 2/2

  3. EXHIBIT 1.

  4. LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE BUREAU OF PROSECUTION SUPPORT OPERATIONS GEORGE GASCÓN  District Attorney JOSEPH F. INIGUEZ Chief Deputy District Attorney DIANA M. TERAN Assistant District Attorney STEPHANIE PEARL MIRE  Director VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL waacl13@gmail.com January 19, 2024 W AACL Dear Mr. W, California Public Records Act Request Response The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office (LADA) is in receipt of your California Public Records Act (PRA) request, sent 1/15/24, seeking: records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] Harvey Weinstein as a white Jewish man, who (i) was on (or around) February 24th 2020 convicted of third- degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act in the New York Supreme Court;iv (ii) was on (or around) March 11th 2020 sentenced to 23 (twenty three) years of prison for the crimes he was found guilty of on (or around) February 24th 2020 in the New York Supreme Court;v (iii) was on (or around) July 20th 2021 extradited from the State of New York to the State of California (in the County of Los Angeles) after he was criminally charged for engaging in various sexual misconduct offenses; vi (iv) has decided to plead not guilty to the sexual misconduct offenses filed against him in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles (a.k.a) the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center; vii (v) was on (or around) December 19th 2022 found guilty of rape and sexual assault for the criminal charges filed against him in the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center;(vi) refuses to take responsibility for the pain and suffering he has caused women in the past even though he has been found guilty of various sexual misconduct offenses first in the State of New York and then in the State of California; [2] the access granted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney to the Los Angeles Office of the County Counsel whenever the Los Angeles County District Attorney decides to file a criminal complaint in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles; [3] the access granted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney to the Los Angeles Office of the County Counsel whenever the Los Angeles County District Attorney decides to file for the temporary custody of an individual who has been convicted of various sexual misconduct offenses outside the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of California for the County of Los Angeles; [4] the access granted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney to the Los Angeles Office of the County Counsel when Hall of Justice 211 West Temple Street Suite 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 257-3000

  5. the Los Angeles County District Attorney decided to file for the temporary custody of convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein on (or around) April 22nd 2021 in the Superior Court of California for the County of Los Angeles; [5] Jennifer Lawrence as a global superstar who (i) was born August 15th 1990 in the State of Kentucky;ix (ii) is known worldwide for being an actress; (iii) won an Oscar for the Weinstein-produced film entitled: “Silver Linings Playbook;” x (iv) has in the month of August 2018 left CAA, “the agency that represented her for 10 years” because they were “making (…) decisions that should have been hers alone;” xi (v) has toward the end of October 2018 launched her production company called Excellent Cadaver; xii (vi) has in the month of September 2022 agreed to answer 73 (seventy three) questions for the purpose of an interview with Vogue; (vii) was in the month of September 2022 asked by Vogue what the “most bizarre thing” she ever read about herself is; (viii) paused for a moment to consider what the “most bizarre thing” she ever read about herself was; (ix) told Vogue (in the month of September 2022) that “the most bizarre thing” she ever read about herself was that she “f***** Harvey Weinstein;” (x) was not asked for the purpose of the interview she did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has had in the past sexual relations, which were not consensual; (xi) was not asked for the purpose of the interview she did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has in the past decided not to report a sexual assault she was the victim of; (xii) was not asked for the purpose of the interview she did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has in the past been the victim of sexual harassment at the workplace; [6] Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man who (i) believes that girls (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) frequently choose not to file a complaint either with the police and/or the courts even after falling victim to an incident of sexual violence; (ii) was given the very strong impression that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)were complicit in the sexual abuse suffered by women at the workplace upon reading the 3rd(third) chapter of the book published by New York Times journalists Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor entitled: “She Said;” xiii (iii) has previously corresponded with the Los Angeles Office of the County Counsel on the subject of the criminal charges that were levied against Harvey Weinstein, which was assigned by the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center the following Case No.: BA48270; (iv) has had his written content on the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center Case No.: BA48270 filtered by the “web” on the Internet without his prior approval; (v) has had his written publications on the subject of Jennifer Lawrence September 2022 interview with Vogue filtered by the “web” on the Internet without his prior approval; (vi) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue to ask Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) if she has in the past decided not to report to the authorities a sexual abuse she was the victim of (instead of just going on and on with their prepared lists of 73 questions); (vii) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue to ask Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) if she has in the past been the victim of sexual harassment at the workplace (instead of just going on and on with their prepared lists of 73 questions); [7] the decision of the California government to recognize through Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that (i) an American is sexually assaulted every 68 (sixty eight) seconds; (ii) one out of every six women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (iii) only about 300 (three hundred) out of every 1,000 (one thousand) sexual assaults are reported to police; (iv) thirty three percent (33%) of women who are raped contemplate suicide; (v) thirteen percent (13%) of women who are raped attempt suicide; (vi) a 2016 analysis of 28 studies of nearly 6,000 women and girls 14 years of age or older who had experienced sexual violence found that 60 percent of survivors did not label their experience as

  6. “rape;” (vii) women may not define a victimization as a rape or sexual assault for many reasons such as self-blame, embarrassment, not clearly understanding the legal definition of the terms, or not wanting to define someone they know who victimized them as a rapist or because others blame them for their sexual assault; (viii) when the perpetrator is someone a victim trusts, it can take years for the victim even to identify what happened to them as a sexual assault; (ix) it is self-evident that the unique nature of the emotional and psychological consequences of sexual assault, especially on women, can paradoxically permit wrongdoers to escape civil accountability unless statutes of limitations are crafted to prevent this injustice from occurring; (x) it is self- evident that statutes of limitations for sexual assault need to be crafted in a way that does not cause the covering up company to enjoy the fruits of their cover up solely because our statutes of limitations permit, and thus motivate, such behavior; xiv [8] the policy(ies) implemented by your local/state government, which explicitly encourages girls (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) to file a complaint if they’ve been the victim of a sexual harassment incident and/or a sexual assault incident and/or a rape incident; [9] the policy(ies) implemented by your local/state government, which explicitly encourages girls (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) to file a complaint if they’ve been the victim of chauvinism, discrimination, misogyny and/or sexism. LADA has conducted a search and has found no records responsive to your request. Very truly yours, GEORGE GASCÓN District Attorney By: Kathryn Albracht Kathryn Albracht Special Assistant Bureau of Prosecution Support Operations kalbrach@da.lacounty.gov

  7. C O U N T YO FL O SA N G EL E S OFF IC E OF THE C OUNTY C OUNS E L 648 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 WEST TEMPLE STREET TELEPHONE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012-2713 (213) 974-1828 FACSIMILE DAWYN R. HARRISON County Counsel (213) 626-5578 April 5, 2023 TDD (213) 633-0901 E-MAIL jmccaverty@counsel.lacounty.gov VIA E-MAIL ONLY Mr. Michael Ayele Post Office Box 20438 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia waacl13@gmail.com Re: Public Records Act Request Dear Mr. Ayele: This letter is in response to your Public Records Act request dated and received by the Office of the County Counsel on February 1, 2023, seeking the following records: "[1] the paperwork that were filed by the Los Angeles County to extradite Harvey Weinstein from the State of New York to the State of California (on or around July 20th 2021); [2] the criminal charges filed by the Los Angeles County against Harvey Weinstein following his extradition from the State of New York to the State of California (on or around July 20th 2021)." On February 13, 2023, my office responded to this request and extended the time to respond by 14 days pursuant to Government Code section 7922.535, subdivision (b), which included up and to February 27, 2023. HOA.104030570.1

  8. Mr. Michael Ayele April 5, 2023 Page 2 Please be advised that after a diligent search enclosed are all responsive records. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, DAWYN R. HARRISON County Counsel By JONATHAN McCAVERTY Principal Deputy County Counsel APPROVED AND RELEASED: for NICOLE DAVIS TINKHAM Chief Deputy JM:pec Enclosures HOA.104030570.1

  9. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES The People of the State of California, CASE NO. BA484270 Plainriff, f i ~f ~1[~1171~1► ~~ v. HARVEY WEINSTEIN COU NT 1 Th e sai d H ARVEY W EI NSTEI N i s accused by t h e G rand Jury of t h e Count y of Los Ang el es, St at e of Cal i f orni a, by t h i s I nd i ct m ent , of t h e cri m e of FORCI BLE ORAI . COPU LATI ON, i n vi ol at i on of Penal Cod e Sect i on 28 8 a(c) (2) (A) , a Fel ony, com m i t t ed p ri or t o t h e f i nd i ng of t h i s I nd i ct m ent , and as f ol l ow s: On or about February 18 , 2013, i n t h e Count y of Los Ang el es, t h e sai d H ARVEY W EI NSTEI N w h o d i d u nl aw f ul l y p art i ci p at e i n anact of oral cop ul at i on w i t h Jane Doe # 1 and d i d accom p l i sh sai d act ag ai nst sai d vi ct i m 's w i l l by f orce, vi ol ence, d uress, m enace or f ear of i m m ed i at e and unl aw f ul bod i l y i njury t o sai d vi ct i m . 1 9 • ~. . ~. : : ! '~ ••~• ~ s ~ Present ed by t h e Forep erson of t h e G rand Jury i n t h e p resence of t h e G rand Jury, i n op en Sup eri or Court of t h e St at e of Cal i f orni a, w i t h i n and f or t h e Count y of Los Ang el es, and f i l ed as a record i n sai d Court t h i s 15` hd ay of March , 2021 SH ERRI R. CARTER, Execut i ve Of f i cer/ Cl erk Bai l Recom m end ed BY $ ~/ ~ 6a~ l Dep ut y G EOR CON, Di st ri ct At t orney Bai l By W ,. ~aT~o. $ Dep ut y

  10. "NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the court to order you to submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS}. Penal Code Section 1202.1." " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq, Willful failure to register is a crime." " 1~tOTICB: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.?(c} and a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 6675(c)." **,~* COUNT2 For a further and sepazate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indictment, of the crime of SEXUAL PENETRATION BY FOREIGN OBJECT, in violation of Penal Code Section 289(a)(1)(A), a Felony, committed prior to the finding of this Indichnent, and as follows: On or about February 18, 2013, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who committed an act of sexual penetration against the will of Jane Doe #1 by means of force, violence, duress, menace or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on Jane Doe #1. " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." " NOTICE: Being charged with this criminal offense can result in mandatory pre-conviction HIV/AIDS testing and disclosure of the results to a victim and the Chief Medical Officer of the jail or prison facility where you are incarcerated pursuant to Penal Code Section 1524.1 and Health and Safety Code section 121055 following a probable cause hearing resulting in a court order." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c) and a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 667.5(c)." ****,~ COUNT3 For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indichnent, of the crime of FORCIBLE RAPE, in violation of Penal Code Section 261(a)(2), a Felony, committed prior to the finding of this Indictment, and as follows:

  11. On or about February 18, 2013, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who did unlawfully accomplish an act of sexual intercourse with a person, to wit, Jane Doe #1, not his spouse, against said person's will, by means of force, violence, duress, menace or fear of immediate and unlawfully bodily injury on said person. " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the court to order you to submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS). Penal Code Section 1202.1." " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense wilt require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c) and a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 667.5(c)." F .i'.i'.f3.9 COUNT 4 For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indictment, of the crime of SEXUAL BATTERY BY RESTRAINT, in violation of Penal Code Section 243.4(a), a Felony, committed prior to the f inding of this Indictment, and as follows: On or about February 19, 2013, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who did willfully and unlawfully Couch anintimate parC of Jane Doe #2, while said person was unlawfully restrained by said defendant, Harvey Weinstein, against the will of said person and for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse. ' `NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." ~ ~xx~ COUNT 5 For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indictment, of the crime of SEXUAL BATTERY BY RESTRAINT, in violation of Penal Code Section 243.4(a}, a Felony, committed prior to the f inding of this Indictment, and as follows: On or about May 1 i, 2010, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who did willfully and unlawfully touch an intimate part of Jane Doe #3, while said person was unlawfully restrained by said defendant, Harvey Weinstein, against the will of said person and for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse.

  12. "NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." *x ~ :~ ,~ COUNT 6 For a further and sepazate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indictment, of the crime of FORCIBLE ORAL. COPULATION, in violation of Penal Code Section 288a(c)(2}, a Felony, committed prior to the finding of this Indictment, and as follows: Between arabout September 1, 2004 and September 30, 2005, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who did unlawfully accomplish anact of oral copulation with Jane Doe #4 and did accomplish said act against said victim's will by force, violence, duress, menace or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury to said victim. " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c)." " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." ' `NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the court to order you to submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS). Penal Cade Section 1202.1." `NOTICE: Being charged with this criminal offense can result in mandatory pre-conviction HIV(AIDS testing and disclosure of the results to a victim and Che Chief Medical Officer of the jail or prison facility where you are incarcerated pursuant to Penal Code Section 1524.1 and Health and Safety Code section 121055 following a probable cause hearing resulting in a court order." ~ ~~~~ C K1111`► ~I Ti I For a f urt h er and sep arat e cause of act i on, bei ng a d i f f erent of f ense of t h e sam e cl ass of cri m es and of f enses as t h e ch arg e set f ort h i n t h e af orest at ed Count h ereof , t h e sai d H ARVEY W EI NSTEI N i s accused by t h e G rand Jury of t h e Count y of Los Ang el es, St at e of Cal i f orni a, by t h i s I nd i ct m ent , of t h e cri m e of FORCI BLE RAPE, i n vi ol at i on of Penal Cod e Sect i on 261(a) (2) , a Fel ony, com m i t t ed p ri or t o t h e f i nd i ng of t h i s I nd i ct m ent , and as f ol l ow s: Bet w een or about Sep t em ber 1, 2004 and Sep t em ber 30, 2005, i n t h e Count y of Los Ang el es, t h e sai d H ARVEY W EI NSTEI N, w h o d i d unl aw f ul l y accom p l i sh anact of sexual i nt ercourse w i t h a p erson, t o w i t , Jane Doe # 4, not h i s sp ouse, ag ai nst sai d p erson's w i l l , by m eans of f orce, vi ol ence, d uress, m enace or f ear of i m m ed i at e and unl aw f ul l y bod i l y i njury on sai d p erson.

  13. "NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the court to order you to submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS). Penal Code Section 1202.1." ` 'NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c) and a violent felony within the meaning of Pena]. Code Section 667.5(c)." ~ ~*~* COUNT8 For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indictment, of the crime of FORCIBLE ORAL COPULATION, in violation of Penal Code Section 288a(c}(2), a Felony, committed prior to the finding of this Indichnent, and as follows: Between or about November 3, 2009 and November 9, 2009, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who did unlawfully accomplish an act of oral copulation with Jane Doe #5 and did accomplish said act against said victim's will by force, violence, duress, menace or feaz of immediate and unlawful bodily injury to said victim. " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c}." " I~IOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to regisfer is a crime." " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the court to order you to submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS). Penal Code Section 1202.1." " NOTICE: Being charged with this criminal offense can result in mandatory pre-conviction HIV/AIDS testing and disclosure of the results to a victim and the Chief Medical Officer of the jail or prison facility where you aze incarcerated pursuant to Penal Code Section 1524.1 and Health and Safety Code section 121055 following a probable cause hearing resulting in a court order." ~ ~x~~ COUNT9 For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indictment, of the crime of FORCIBLE RAPE, in violation of Penal Code Section 261(a)(2), a Felony, committed prior to the finding of this Indictment, and as follows:

  14. Between or about November 3, 2009 and November 9, 2009, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who did unlawfully accomplish an act of sexual intercourse with a person, to wit, Jane Doe #5, not his spouse, against said person's will, by means of force, violence, duress, menace or fear of immediate and unlawfully bodily injury on said person. ' `NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the court to order you to submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS). Penal Code Section 1202.1." " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c) and a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 667.5(c)." ***~* COUNT 10 For a fizrther and separate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indictment, of the crime of FORCIBLE ORAL COPULATION, in violation of Penal Code Section 288a(c)(2), a Felony, committed prior to the finding of this Indictment, and as follows: On or about November 5, 2010, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who did unlawfully participate in anact of oral copulation with Jane Doe #5 and did accomplish said act against said victim's will by force, violence, duress, menace or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury to said victim. " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." ' `NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the court to order you to submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS). Penal Code Section 1202.1." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c) and a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 667.5(c)." : ~~x:~*

  15. ,Kliii~fl liil For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense of the same class of crimes and offenses as the charge set forth in the aforestated Count hereof, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN is accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, by this Indictment, of the crime of FORCIBLE RAPE, in violation of Penal Code Section 261(a)(2), a Felony, committed prior to the finding of this Indictment, and as follows: On or about November 5, 2Q10, in the County of Los Angeles, the said HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who did unlawfiilly accomplish anact of sexual intercourse with a person, to wit, Jane Doe #5, not his spouse, against said person's will, by means of force, violence, duress, menace or fear of immediate and unlawfully bodily injury on said person. " NOTICB: Conviction of this offense will require the court to order you to submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS). Penal Code Section 1202.1." " NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require you to register pursuant to Penal Code Section 290 et. Seq. Willful failure to register is a crime." " NOTICE: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(c) and a violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 667.5(c)." IY is further alleged, within the meaning of Penal Code section 667.61(b} and (e}, as to defendant, HARVEY WEINSTEIN, as to counts) 1, 2, 3,6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 that the following circumstances apply: The defendant has been convicted in this case (1) Rape by Use of Force, Violence, Duress, Menace or Fear of Immediate and Unlawful Bodily Injury in violation of Penal Code §261(a}(2), (2} Oral Copulation by Use of Farce, Violence, Duress, Menace or Fear of Immediate and Unlawful Bodily Injury in violation of Penal Code §288a(c)(2) or Penal Code §288a(c)(2)(A}, or (3) Penetration by Foreign Object by Use of Force, Violence, Duress, Menace or Feaz of Immediate and Unlawful Bodily Injury in violation of Penal Code §289(a)(1)(A) against more than one victim. x ~*~:~

  16. NOTICE: Conviction of this offense will require the defendant to provide DNA samples and print impressions pursuant to Penal Code sections 296 and 296.1. Willful refusal to provide the samples and impressions is a crime. NOTICE: The People of the State of California intend to present evidence and seek jury findings regarding all applicable circumstances in aggravation, pursuant to Penal Code section 117d(b) and Cunningham a California, (2007) 549 U.S. 270. NOTICE: A Suspected Child Abuse Report (SCAR} may have been generated within the meaning of Penal §§ ll166 and 11168 involving the charges alleged in this complain Dissemination of a SCAR is limited by Penal Code §§ 11167 and 11167.5 and a court order is required for full disclosure of the contents of a SCAR. NOTICE: Any allegation making a defendant ineligible to serve a state prison sentence in the county jail shall not be subject to dismissal pursuant to Penal Code § 1385. NOTICE: Conviction of this offense prohibits you from owning, purchasing, receiving, possessing, or having under your custody and control any firearms, and effective January 1, 2018, will require you to complete a Prohibited Persons Retinquis6ment Form ("PPR"} pursuant to Penal Code § 29810. ***x*

  17. C O U N T YO FL O SA N G EL E S OFF IC E OF THE C OUNTY C OUNS E L 648 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 WEST TEMPLE STREET TELEPHONE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012-2713 (213) 974-1905 FACSIMILE DAWYN R. HARRISON Interim County Counsel (213) 617-6785 TDD (213) 633-0901 January 31, 2023 E-MAIL egrospe@counsel.lacounty.gov VIA E-MAIL ONLY Michael Ayele P.O. Box 20438 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia waacl13@gmail.com Re: Public Records Act Request Dated December 14, 2022 Dear Mr. Ayele: This is in response to your California Public Records Act ("CPRA") request to the Office of the County Counsel ("County Counsel") dated December 14, 2022, seeking the following: "What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] Jennifer Lawrence as a Caucasian woman, who was born August 15th 1990 in the State of Kentucky;iii [2] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who's known worldwide for being an actress; [3] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has in the month of September 2022 agreed to answer 73 (seventy three) questions for the purpose of an interview with Vogue; [4] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided to broach the subject of the 'most bizarre thing she's read about herself' with Jennifer Lawrence; [5] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has for the purpose of their interview with Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) questioned her about 'the most bizarre thing she's read about herself;' [6] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has told Vogue (magazine) that the 'most bizarre thing she's read about herself' is that she 'f***** Harvey Weinstein;' [7] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided not to follow-up Jennifer Lawrence answer to their question by asking her about the pervasive culture of sexual harassment/sexual assault and rape at the workplace (including but not limited to Hollywood); [8] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided not to follow-up Jennifer Lawrence answer to their question by asking her if she has had in the past sexual relations, which were not consensual; [9] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has not answered any HOA.103986279.3

  18. Michael Ayele January 31, 2023 Page 2 questions on the subject of the pervasive culture of sexual harassment/sexual assault and rape at the workplace (including but not limited to Hollywood) for the purpose of her interview with Vogue (magazine) (in the month of September 2022); [10] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who was not asked for the purpose of her interview with Vogue (magazine) (in the month of September 2022) whether or not she has had in the past sexual relations which were not consensual; [11] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has firmly denied (on or around December 15th 2018) having any sexual relationship with Harvey Weinstein; [12] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has previously won an Oscar for the Weinstein-produced film entitled: 'Silver Linings Playbook;' iv [13] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has in the month of August 2018 left CAA, 'the agency that represented her for 10 years' because they were 'making (…) decisions that should have been hers alone;'v [14] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has toward the end of October 2018 launched her production company called Excellent Cadaver;vi [15] Tarana Burke as a Black/African American woman, who's the founder of the #MeToo movement;vii [16] Harvey Weinstein as a Caucasian Jewish man, who was on (or around) February 24th 2020 convicted of third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act in the New York Supreme Court;viii [17] Harvey Weinstein as a Caucasian Jewish man, who was on March 11th 2020 sentenced to 23 (twenty three) years of prison for the crimes he was found guilty of on (or around) February 24th 2020 in the New York Supreme Court;ix [18] the July 20th 2021 extradition of Harvey Weinstein from the State of New York to the State of California (in the County of Los Angeles);x [19] the decision of the Los Angeles County District Attorney to indict Harvey Weinstein for sexually assaulting 5 (five) women in 'separate incidents that span a decade;' xi [20] the decision of Harvey Weinstein to plead not guilty to the sexual assault charges filed against him in the County of Los Angeles (California);xii [21] the ongoing trial of Harvey Weinstein in Los Angeles, California (as of this writing dated December 14th 2022); [22] the impact of Harvey Weinstein trial in exposing a systemically chauvinistic, discriminatory, misogynistic and sexist culture in Hollywood, which abuses and takes advantage of women;xiii [23] your discussions about the movie entitled 'She Said,' which is adapted from the book by New York Times reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor; xiv [24] Megan Twohey as a journalist of the New York Times, who has in the past reached out to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to obtain information about the charges of discrimination filed (pursuant to Title VII of the 1964 and 1991 Civil Rights Act) against the companies owned and operated by Harvey Weinstein; [25] Megan Twohey as a journalist of the New York Times, HOA.103986279.3

  19. Michael Ayele January 31, 2023 Page 3 who was informed by the EEOC that they were unwilling to disclose to her information about the companies that were routinely (and frequently) subject of charges of discrimination (filed pursuant to Title VII of the 1964 and 1991 Civil Rights Act); [26] the content of the FOIA request(s) submitted by the New York Times with the EEOC on the subject of Harvey Weinstein sexually harassing/sexually assaulting and/or raping women employed in his company; [27] the response(s) provided by the EEOC to the FOIA request(s) submitted by the New York Times on the subject of Harvey Weinstein sexually harassing/sexually assaulting and/or raping women employed in his company; xv [28] the FOIA and/or other public records request(s) submitted by the New York Times with your local/state/federal government agency since January 01st 2016; [29] the response(s) provided by your local/state/federal government agency to a public records request and/or a FOIA request submitted by the New York Times; [30] the real possibility that the EEOC had intimate knowledge of Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse of women and yet did nothing about it; [31] the real possibility that the EEOC was complicit in the sexual harassment, the sexual assault and the rape of women working in Hollywood and/or elsewhere in the U.S.A." On December 28, 2022, our office notified you that the time to respond would be extended by 14 days under Government Code section 7922.535. On January 10, 2023, we informed you that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as reflected in Governor Newsom's and the County's Declarations of Emergency, the typical record search could not occur with regular pace. We anticipated having more information on or before January 31, 2023. Regarding Request No. 29 (i.e., "[29] the response(s) provided by your local/state/federal government agency to a public records request and/or a FOIA request submitted by the New York Times"), there was no time frame identified in your request. Government Code section 7922.530, subdivision (a), requires a public record request to "reasonably describe [ ] an identifiable record or records." And under the CPRA, "[a]n agency may legitimately raise an objection that a request is overbroad or unduly burdensome, or that the documents cannot be located with reasonable effort." (Fredericks v. Superior Court (2015) 233 Cal.App.4th 209, 225.) As such, we have interpreted your request to seek responses prepared by County Counsel to CPRA requests submitted by the New York Times, or requesters who identified themselves as working with the New York Times, from January 1, 2016, (a date identified elsewhere in your request) to December 14, 2022, (the date the request was received). County Counsel conducted a search HOA.103986279.3

  20. Michael Ayele January 31, 2023 Page 4 based on the above criteria and located responsive records, which are attached to this response. County Counsel conducted a search based on the above criteria and located responsive records, which are attached to this response. As for the remainder of your request, County Counsel has conducted a thorough search and determined that there are no responsive records. This concludes our response to your CPRA request dated December 14, 2022. In providing you with this response, County Counsel is not waiving any rights, defenses, or claims of privilege or exemption of any record under the CPRA or any other statutes. Very truly yours, DAWYN R. HARRISON Interim County Counsel By EMILY A. GROSPE Deputy County Counsel Social Services Division APPROVED AND RELEASED: for JUDY W. WHITEHURST Acting Chief Deputy EAG:lal Attachments HOA.103986279.3

  21. COUNTYOFLOSANGELES OFFICE OF THE COUNT Y COUNSEL 648 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 WEST TEMPLE STREET TELEPHONE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012-2713 (213) 974-1905 FACSIMILE DAWYN R. HARRISON Interim County Counsel (213) 617-6785 January 10, 2023 TDD (213) 633-0901 E-MAIL egrospe@counsel.lacounty.gov VIA E-MAIL ONLY Michael Ayele P.O. Box 20438 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia waacl13@gmail.com Re: Public Records Act Request Dated December 14, 2022 Dear Mr. Ayele: This is in response to your California Public Records Act ("CPRA") request to the Office of the County Counsel ("County Counsel") dated December 14, 2022, seeking the following: "What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] Jennifer Lawrence as a Caucasian woman, who was born August 15th 1990 in the State of Kentucky;iii [2] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who's known worldwide for being an actress; [3] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has in the month of September 2022 agreed to answer 73 (seventy three) questions for the purpose of an interview with Vogue; [4] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided to broach the subject of the 'most bizarre thing she's read about herself' with Jennifer Lawrence; [5] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has for the purpose of their interview with Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) questioned her about 'the most bizarre thing she's read about herself;' [6] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has told Vogue (magazine) that the 'most bizarre thing she's read about herself' is that she 'f***** Harvey Weinstein;' [7] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided not to follow-up Jennifer Lawrence answer to their question by asking her about the pervasive culture of sexual harassment/sexual assault and rape at the workplace (including but not limited to Hollywood); [8] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided not to follow-up Jennifer Lawrence answer to their question by HOA.103976078.1

  22. Michael Ayele January 10, 2023 Page 2 asking her if she has had in the past sexual relations, which were not consensual; [9] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has not answered any questions on the subject of the pervasive culture of sexual harassment/sexual assault and rape at the workplace (including but not limited to Hollywood) for the purpose of her interview with Vogue (magazine) (in the month of September 2022); [10] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who was not asked for the purpose of her interview with Vogue (magazine) (in the month of September 2022) whether or not she has had in the past sexual relations which were not consensual; [11] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has firmly denied (on or around December 15th 2018) having any sexual relationship with Harvey Weinstein; [12] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has previously won an Oscar for the Weinstein-produced film entitled: 'Silver Linings Playbook;' iv [13] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has in the month of August 2018 left CAA, 'the agency that represented her for 10 years' because they were 'making (…) decisions that should have been hers alone;'v [14] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has toward the end of October 2018 launched her production company called Excellent Cadaver;vi [15] Tarana Burke as a Black/African American woman, who's the founder of the #MeToo movement;vii [16] Harvey Weinstein as a Caucasian Jewish man, who was on (or around) February 24th 2020 convicted of third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act in the New York Supreme Court;viii [17] Harvey Weinstein as a Caucasian Jewish man, who was on March 11th 2020 sentenced to 23 (twenty three) years of prison for the crimes he was found guilty of on (or around) February 24th 2020 in the New York Supreme Court;ix [18] the July 20th 2021 extradition of Harvey Weinstein from the State of New York to the State of California (in the County of Los Angeles);x [19] the decision of the Los Angeles County District Attorney to indict Harvey Weinstein for sexually assaulting 5 (five) women in 'separate incidents that span a decade;' xi [20] the decision of Harvey Weinstein to plead not guilty to the sexual assault charges filed against him in the County of Los Angeles (California);xii [21] the ongoing trial of Harvey Weinstein in Los Angeles, California (as of this writing dated December 14th 2022); [22] the impact of Harvey Weinstein trial in exposing a systemically chauvinistic, discriminatory, misogynistic and sexist culture in Hollywood, which abuses and takes advantage of women;xiii [23] your discussions about the movie entitled 'She Said,' which is adapted from the book by New York Times reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor; xiv [24] Megan Twohey as a journalist of the New York Times, who has in the past reached out to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to obtain information about the charges of discrimination filed (pursuant to Title VII of the 1964 and 1991 Civil HOA.103976078.1

  23. Michael Ayele January 10, 2023 Page 3 Rights Act) against the companies owned and operated by Harvey Weinstein; [25] Megan Twohey as a journalist of the New York Times, who was informed by the EEOC that they were unwilling to disclose to her information about the companies that were routinely (and frequently) subject of charges of discrimination (filed pursuant to Title VII of the 1964 and 1991 Civil Rights Act); [26] the content of the FOIA request(s) submitted by the New York Times with the EEOC on the subject of Harvey Weinstein sexually harassing/sexually assaulting and/or raping women employed in his company; [27] the response(s) provided by the EEOC to the FOIA request(s) submitted by the New York Times on the subject of Harvey Weinstein sexually harassing/sexually assaulting and/or raping women employed in his company; xv [28] the FOIA and/or other public records request(s) submitted by the New York Times with your local/state/federal government agency since January 01st 2016; [29] the response(s) provided by your local/state/federal government agency to a public records request and/or a FOIA request submitted by the New York Times; [30] the real possibility that the EEOC had intimate knowledge of Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse of women and yet did nothing about it; [31] the real possibility that the EEOC was complicit in the sexual harassment, the sexual assault and the rape of women working in Hollywood and/or elsewhere in the U.S.A." On December 28, 2022, our office notified you that the time to respond would be extended by 14 days under Government Code section 7922.535. Thank you for your patience as we continue to review and respond to your request. The record review process associated with your request is still ongoing because of the current unprecedented situation stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate the need for transparency and your right to disclosable public records. However, because of the current unprecedented situation stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, as reflected in Governor Newsom's and the County's Declarations of Emergency (collectively, "Emergency"), the typical record search cannot occur with regular pace. During the pendency of the Emergency, resource allocation has been altered accordingly to ensure that County residents receive essential services in a manner that protects public health and safety. Government Code section 7922.000 allows an agency to withhold a record by demonstrating that, "the public interest served by not disclosing the record clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure of the record." In this instance, additional time is needed to respond to your request for the aforementioned reasons. Therefore, our office extends the time to respond and will provide you with a determination as to whether or not we are able to identify any disclosable public records and will provide you with a response by January 31, 2023. HOA.103976078.1

  24. Michael Ayele January 10, 2023 Page 4 County Counsel continues to reserve its right to assert all applicable rights, defenses, or claims of privilege or exemption of any record under the CPRA or any other statutes. Very truly yours, DAWYN R. HARRISON Interim County Counsel By EMILY A. GROSPE Deputy County Counsel Social Services Division EAG:jn HOA.103976078.1

  25. COUNTYOFLOSANGELES OFFICE OF THE COUNT Y COUNSEL 648 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 WEST TEMPLE STREET TELEPHONE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012-2713 (213) 974-1905 FACSIMILE DAWYN R. HARRISON Interim County Counsel (213) 617-6785 December 28, 2022 TDD (213) 633-0901 E-MAIL VIA E-MAIL ONLY Michael Ayele P.O. Box 20438 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia waacl13@gmail.com egrospe@counsel.lacounty.gov Re: Public Records Act Request Dated December 14, 2022 Dear Mr. Ayele: This is in response to your California Public Records Act ("CPRA") request to the Office of the County Counsel dated December 14, 2022, seeking the following: "What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] Jennifer Lawrence as a Caucasian woman, who was born August 15th 1990 in the State of Kentucky;iii [2] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who's known worldwide for being an actress; [3] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has in the month of September 2022 agreed to answer 73 (seventy three) questions for the purpose of an interview with Vogue; [4] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided to broach the subject of the 'most bizarre thing she's read about herself' with Jennifer Lawrence; [5] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has for the purpose of their interview with Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) questioned her about 'the most bizarre thing she's read about herself;' [6] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has told Vogue (magazine) that the 'most bizarre thing she's read about herself' is that she 'f***** Harvey Weinstein;' [7] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided not to follow-up Jennifer Lawrence answer to their question by asking her about the pervasive culture of sexual harassment/sexual assault and rape at the workplace (including but not limited to Hollywood); [8] Vogue (as a news magazine), which has decided not to follow-up Jennifer Lawrence answer to their question by asking her if she has had in the past sexual relations, which were not consensual; [9] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has not answered any questions on the subject of the pervasive culture of sexual harassment/sexual assault and rape at the workplace (including but not limited to Hollywood) for the purpose of her interview with Vogue HOA.103959418.1

  26. Michael Ayele December 28, 2022 Page 2 (magazine) (in the month of September 2022); [10] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who was not asked for the purpose of her interview with Vogue (magazine) (in the month of September 2022) whether or not she has had in the past sexual relations which were not consensual; [11] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has firmly denied (on or around December 15th 2018) having any sexual relationship with Harvey Weinstein; [12] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has previously won an Oscar for the Weinstein-produced film entitled: 'Silver Linings Playbook;' iv [13] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has in the month of August 2018 left CAA, 'the agency that represented her for 10 years' because they were 'making (…) decisions that should have been hers alone;'v [14] Jennifer Lawrence as a woman, who has toward the end of October 2018 launched her production company called Excellent Cadaver;vi [15] Tarana Burke as a Black/African American woman, who's the founder of the #MeToo movement;vii [16] Harvey Weinstein as a Caucasian Jewish man, who was on (or around) February 24th 2020 convicted of third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act in the New York Supreme Court;viii [17] Harvey Weinstein as a Caucasian Jewish man, who was on March 11th 2020 sentenced to 23 (twenty three) years of prison for the crimes he was found guilty of on (or around) February 24th 2020 in the New York Supreme Court;ix [18] the July 20th 2021 extradition of Harvey Weinstein from the State of New York to the State of California (in the County of Los Angeles);x [19] the decision of the Los Angeles County District Attorney to indict Harvey Weinstein for sexually assaulting 5 (five) women in 'separate incidents that span a decade;' xi [20] the decision of Harvey Weinstein to plead not guilty to the sexual assault charges filed against him in the County of Los Angeles (California);xii [21] the ongoing trial of Harvey Weinstein in Los Angeles, California (as of this writing dated December 14th 2022); [22] the impact of Harvey Weinstein trial in exposing a systemically chauvinistic, discriminatory, misogynistic and sexist culture in Hollywood, which abuses and takes advantage of women;xiii [23] your discussions about the movie entitled 'She Said,' which is adapted from the book by New York Times reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor; xiv [24] Megan Twohey as a journalist of the New York Times, who has in the past reached out to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to obtain information about the charges of discrimination filed (pursuant to Title VII of the 1964 and 1991 Civil Rights Act) against the companies owned and operated by Harvey Weinstein; [25] Megan Twohey as a journalist of the New York Times, who was informed by the EEOC that they were unwilling to disclose to her information about the companies that were routinely (and frequently) subject of charges of discrimination (filed pursuant to Title VII of the 1964 and 1991 Civil Rights Act); [26] the content of the FOIA request(s) submitted by the New York Times with the EEOC on the subject of HOA.103959418.1

  27. Michael Ayele December 28, 2022 Page 3 Harvey Weinstein sexually harassing/sexually assaulting and/or raping women employed in his company; [27] the response(s) provided by the EEOC to the FOIA request(s) submitted by the New York Times on the subject of Harvey Weinstein sexually harassing/sexually assaulting and/or raping women employed in his company; xv [28] the FOIA and/or other public records request(s) submitted by the New York Times with your local/state/federal government agency since January 01st 2016; [29] the response(s) provided by your local/state/federal government agency to a public records request and/or a FOIA request submitted by the New York Times; [30] the real possibility that the EEOC had intimate knowledge of Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse of women and yet did nothing about it; [31] the real possibility that the EEOC was complicit in the sexual harassment, the sexual assault and the rape of women working in Hollywood and/or elsewhere in the U.S.A." Please be advised that we are extending the time to respond by an additional 14 days due to unusual circumstances under Government Code section 6253, subdivision (c). These unusual circumstances include the need to search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records that are demanded in a single request; the need for consultation, which shall be conducted with all practicable speed, among two or more components of the agency having substantial subject matter interest therein; and the need to review any records that may be located to determine if they can be disclosed. Accordingly, you will be provided with a determination on or before January 10, 2023, as to the identification of public records, if any, that are responsive to your request and are disclosable. In providing you with this response, the County of Los Angeles is not waiving any rights, defenses, or claims of privilege, exception or exemption under the CPRA or any other statutes. Very truly yours, DAWYN R. HARRISON Interim County Counsel By EMILY A. GROSPE Deputy County Counsel Social Services Division EAG:jn HOA.103959418.1

  28. EXHIBIT 2.

  29. COUNTY OF KANE Kane County Finance Department 719 Batavia Avenue Geneva, Illinois 60134 (630) 232-5911 01/19/2024    Re:  Response to FOIA Request 24‐31      Thank you for writing to the County of Kane Finance Department with your request for information pursuant to  the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.     On January 15, 2024,  you submitted the following FOIA request to the Kane County, Illinois Finance Department:     W (AACL)                                                                 Date.: January 15th 2024    Michael A. Ayele    P.O.Box 20438    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia    E‐mail: waacl13@gmail.com ; waacl1313@gmail.com ; waacl42913@gmail.com                                                                   Request for Records         Hello,      This is Michael A. Ayele sending this message though I now go by W. You may call me W. I am writing  this letter for the purpose of filing a request for records with your office.[i] The bases for this records  request are [1] the provisions of California Assembly Bill (AB) No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and  Cover Up Accountability Act; [ii] [2] the “web” filtering of Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W written content on  Jennifer Lawrence September 2022 interview with Vogue magazine as well as the criminal complaint,  which was assigned by the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center the following Case No.:  BA48270        I)                  Requested Records      What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions  about [1] the decision of the California government to recognize through Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) 

  30. the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that (i) an American is sexually assaulted every 68 the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that (i) an American is sexually assaulted every 68  (sixty eight) seconds; (ii) one out of every six women has been the victim of an attempted or completed  rape in their lifetime (iii) only about 300 (three hundred) out of every 1,000 (one thousand) sexual  assaults are reported to police; (iv) thirty three percent (33%) of women who are raped contemplate  suicide; (v) thirteen percent (13%) of women who are raped attempt suicide; (vi) a 2016 analysis of 28  studies of nearly 6,000 women and girls 14 years of age or older who had experienced sexual violence  found that 60 percent of survivors did not label their experience as “rape;” (vii) women may not define a  victimization as a rape or sexual assault for many reasons such as self‐blame, embarrassment, not  clearly understanding the legal definition of the terms, or not wanting to define someone they know  who victimized them as a rapist or because other blame them for their sexual assault; (viii) when the  perpetrator is someone a victim trusts, it can take years for the victim even to identify what happened  to them as a sexual assault; (ix) it is self‐evident that the unique nature of the emotional and  psychological consequences of sexual assault, especially on women, can paradoxically permit  wrongdoers to escape civil accountability unless statutes of limitations are crafted to prevent this  injustice from occurring; (x) it is self‐evident that statutes of limitations for sexual assault need to be  crafted in a way that does not cause the covering up company to enjoy the fruits of their cover up solely  because our statutes of limitations permit, and thus motivate, such behavior; [iii] [2] Michael A. Ayele  (a.k.a) W as a Black man who (i) upon reading California’s Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act  was given the impression that 70% (seventy percent) of girls (below the age of 18) and women (above  the age of 18) don’t file complaints either with the police and/or the courts after falling victim to sexual  violence; (ii) was given the very strong impression that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission  (EEOC) were complicit in the sexual abuse suffered by women at the workplace upon reading the 3rd  (third) chapter of the book published by New York Times journalists Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor  entitled: “She Said;” [iv] (iii) has previously corresponded with the Los Angeles Office of the County  Counsel on the subject of the criminal charges that were levied against Harvey Weinstein, which was  assigned by the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center the following Case No.: BA48270; (iv) has  had his written content on the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center Case No.: BA48270 filtered  by the “web” on the Internet without his prior approval; (v) has had his written publications on the  subject of Jennifer Lawrence September 2022 interview with Vogue filtered by the “web” on the  Internet without his prior approval; (vi) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue  to ask Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) if she has in the past decided not to report  to the authorities a sexual abuse she was the victim of (instead of just going on and on with their  prepared lists of 73 questions); (vii) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue to  ask Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) if she has in the past been the victim of sexual  harassment at the workplace (instead of just going on and on with their prepared lists of 73 questions);  [3] the policy(ies) implemented by your local/state government, which explicitly encourages girls (below  the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) to file a complaint if they’ve been the victim of a sexual  harassment incident and/or a sexual assault incident and/or a rape incident; [4] the policy(ies)  implemented by your local/state government, which explicitly encourages girls (below the age of 18)  and women (above the age of 18) to file a complaint if they’ve been the victim of chauvinism and/or  discrimination and/or misogyny and/or sexism.         II)               Request for a Fee Waiver and Expedited Processing  2 | P a g e

  31.     The requested records do/will demonstrate that [1] Harvey Weinstein is a white Jewish man, who (i) was  on (or around) February 24th 2020 convicted of third‐degree rape and first‐degree criminal sexual act in  the New York Supreme Court; [v] (ii) was on (or around) March 11th 2020 sentenced to 23 (twenty  three) years of prison for the crimes he was found guilty of on (or around) February 24th 2020 in the  New York Supreme Court; [vi] (iii) was on (or around) July 20th 2021 extradited from the State of New  York to the State of California (in the County of Los Angeles) after he was criminally charged for  engaging in various sexual misconduct offenses; [vii] (iv) has decided to plead not guilty to the sexual  misconduct charges filed against him in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of  Los Angeles (a.k.a) the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center; [viii] (v) was on (or around)  December 19th 2022 found guilty of rape and sexual assault for the criminal charges filed against him in  the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center; [ix] (vi) refuses to take responsibility for the pain and  suffering he has caused women in the past even though he has been found guilty of various sexual  misconduct offenses in the State of New York and in the State of California; [2] Jennifer Lawrence is a  global superstar who (i) was born August 15th 1990 in the State of Kentucky; [x] (ii) is known worldwide  for being an actress; (iii) won an Oscar for the Weinstein‐produced film entitled: “Silver Linings  Playbook;” [xi] (iv) has in the month of August 2018 left CAA, “the agency that represented her for 10  years” because they were “making (…) decisions that should have been hers alone;” [xii] (v) has toward  the end of October 2018 launched her production company called Excellent Cadaver; [xiii] (vi) has in the  month of September 2022 agreed to answer 73 (seventy three) questions for the purpose of an  interview with Vogue; (vii) was in the month of September 2022 asked by Vogue what the “most bizarre  thing” she ever read about herself is; (viii) paused for a moment to consider what the “most bizarre  thing” she ever read about herself was; (ix) told Vogue (in the month of September 2022) that “the most  bizarre thing” she ever read about herself was that she “f***** Harvey Weinstein;” (x) was not asked for  the purpose of the interview she did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has had  in the past sexual relations, which were not consensual; (xi) was not asked for the purpose of the  interview she did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has in the past decided not  to report a sexual assault she was the victim of; (xii) was not asked for the purpose of the interview she  did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has in the past been the victim of sexual  harassment at the workplace; [3] Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man who (i) believes that girls  (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) frequently choose not to file a complaint even  after falling victim to an incident of sexual harassment and/or sexual assault and/or rape; (ii) was given  the very strong impression that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) were complicit  in the sexual abuse suffered by women at the workplace (particularly) after reading the 3rd (third)  chapter of the book published by New York Times reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor entitled:  “She Said;” (iii) has previously corresponded with the Los Angeles Office of the County Counsel on the  subject of the criminal charges that were levied against Harvey Weinstein, which was assigned by the  Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center the following Case No.: BA48270; (iv) has had his written  content on the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center Case No.: BA48270 filtered by the “web” on  the Internet without his prior approval; (v) has had his written publications on the subject of Jennifer  Lawrence September 2022 interview with Vogue filtered by the “web” on the Internet without his prior  approval; (vi) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue to ask Jennifer Lawrence (in  the month of September 2022) if she has in the past decided not to report to the authorities a sexual  abuse she was the victim of (instead of just going on and on with their prepared lists of 73 questions);  3 | P a g e

  32. (vii) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue to ask Jennifer Lawrence (in the (vii) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue to ask Jennifer Lawrence (in the  month of September 2022) if she has in the past been the victim of sexual harassment at the workplace  (instead of just going on and on with their prepared lists of 73 questions); [4] the California government  has on (or around) September 19th 2022 through Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and  Cover Up Accountability Act recognized that (i) an American is sexually assaulted every 68 (sixty eight)  seconds; (ii) one out of every six women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in their  lifetime (iii) only about 300 (three hundred) out of every 1,000 (one thousand) sexual assaults are  reported to police; (iv) thirty three percent (33%) of women who are raped contemplate suicide; (v)  thirteen percent (13%) of women who are raped attempt suicide; (vi) a 2016 analysis of 28 studies of  nearly 6,000 women and girls 14 years of age or older who had experienced sexual violence found that  60 percent of survivors did not label their experience as “rape;” (vii) women may not define a  victimization as a rape or sexual assault for many reasons such as self‐blame, embarrassment, not  clearly understanding the legal definition of the terms, or not wanting to define someone they know  who victimized them as a rapist or because other blame them for their sexual assault; (viii) when the  perpetrator is someone a victim trusts, it can take years for the victim even to identify what happened  to them as a sexual assault; (ix) it is self‐evident that the unique nature of the emotional and  psychological consequences of sexual assault, especially on women, can paradoxically permit  wrongdoers to escape civil accountability unless statutes of limitations are crafted to this injustice from  occurring; (x) it is self‐evident that statutes of limitations for sexual assault need to be crafted in a way  that does not cause the covering up company to enjoy the fruits of their cover up solely because our  statutes of limitations permit, and thus motivate, such behavior.      In my judgment, the facts presented in my request for a fee waiver and expedited processing are not the  sort to bolster public confidence in the activities, the engagements and the priorities of the U.S  government overall, but more particularly in those of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission  (EEOC). As a Black man with a U.S college degree who has previously filed a charge of employment  discrimination pursuant to the provisions of Title VII of the 1964 and 1991 Civil Rights Act, I would like to  take this opportunity to [1] condemn violence committed against girls and women irrespective of their  racial backgrounds, their sexual orientations, their national origins, their religious affiliations, their  disability status and/or their age groups; [2] encourage girls and women to file a complaint if they’ve  been the victim of a sexual harassment incident and/or a sexual assault incident and/or a rape incident  even if they are fearful of “not being believed;” [3] encourage the U.S government (overall) to craft new  and un‐expiring laws better than California Assembly Bill No.: 2777 for the purpose of eliminating  statute of limitations without contingencies and preconditions for girls/women who (i) have been the  victims of sexual violence, (ii) wish to obtain just and appropriate relief through the judicial branch of  the U.S government (the courts); [4] condemn the EEOC processing of the charge they had assigned  Case No.: 28E – 2014 – 00485C.        The core issues presented in this records request are as follows. 1) Have you had conversations about  the decision of the California government to recognize through Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual  Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that “an American is sexually assaulted every 68 (sixty‐eight)  seconds?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 2) Have you had conversations about the  decision of the California government to recognize through Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual  4 | P a g e

  33. Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that “one out of every six American women has been the victim Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that “one out of every six American women has been the victim  of an attempted or complete rape in their lifetime?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 3)  Have you had conversations about the decision of the California government to recognize through  Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that “only about 300  out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to police?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those  records? 4) Have you had conversations about Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man who (upon  reading California’s Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act) was given the impression that 70%  (seventy percent) of girls (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) don’t file complaints  either with the police and/or the courts after falling victim to sexual violence? If yes, will you promptly  disclose the records? 5) Have you had conversations about the 3rd (third) chapter of the book published  by New York Times journalists Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor, which strongly implied that the EEOC  were complicit in the violence that was committed against women at the workplace? If yes, will you  promptly disclose those records? 6) Have you had conversations about Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a  Black man who encourages women to file a complaint if they’ve been the victim of sexual harassment  and/or sexual assault and/or rape? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 7) Have you had  conversations about Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man who encourages women to file a  complaint if they feel they have been subjected to treatment that could be considered sexist and/or  misogynistic and/or discriminatory and/or chauvinistic? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records?  8) Does your local/state government have a policy that explicitly encourages girls (below the age of 18)  and women (above the age of 18) to file a complaint if they’ve been the victim of a sexual harassment  incident and/or a sexual assault incident and/or a rape incident? If yes, will you promptly disclose those  records? 9) Does your local/state government have a policy that explicitly encourages girls (below the  age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) to file a complaint if they feel they have been subjected to  discrimination and/or sexism? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 10) Have you had  conversations about the decision of the California government to recognize through Assembly Bill No.  2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that “thirty three percent (33%) of  women who are raped contemplate suicide?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 11) Have  you had conversations about the decision of the California government to recognize through Assembly  Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that “13 percent of women who  are raped attempt suicide?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 12) Have you had  conversations about the decision of the California government to recognize through Assembly Bill No.  2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that “60% of women and girls who had  experienced sexual violence did not label their experience as ‘rape’ in Calendar Year 2016?” If yes, will  you promptly disclose those records? 13) Have you had conversations about the decision of the  California government to recognize through Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover  Up Accountability Act that “the unique nature of the emotional and psychological consequences of  sexual assault, especially on women, can paradoxically permit wrongdoers to escape civil accountability  unless statutes of limitations are crafted to prevent this injustice from occurring?” If yes, will you  promptly disclose those records? 14) Have you had conversations about the decision of the California  government to recognize through Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up  Accountability Act that “statutes of limitation for sexual assault need to be crafted in a way that does  not cause the covering up company to enjoy the fruits of their cover up solely because our statutes of  limitation permit, and thus motivate such behavior?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records?  15) Have you had conversations about the decision of Jennifer Lawrence to agree to do an interview  with Vogue magazine in the month of September 2022 while the criminal trial of Harvey Weinstein was  5 | P a g e

  34. ongoing in the State of California after he had been charged for engaging in various sexual misconducts? ongoing in the State of California after he had been charged for engaging in various sexual misconducts?  If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 16) Have you had conversations about Vogue magazine  as a news outlet that had (in the month of September 2022) decided to ask Jennifer Lawrence what “the  weirdest thing” she ever read on herself was while the criminal trial of Harvey Weinstein was ongoing in  the State of California after he had been charged for engaging in various sexual misconducts? If yes, will  you promptly disclose those records? 17) Have you had conversations about Jennifer Lawrence as a  woman who (in the month of September 2022) paused for a moment to consider what “the weirdest  thing” ever published about her was? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 18) Have you had  conversations about Jennifer Lawrence as a woman who considers news media stories that she “f*****  Harvey Weinstein” to be the weirdest thing she ever read about herself? If yes, will you promptly  disclose those records? 19) Have you had conversations about Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W written  publications on the subject of Jennifer Lawrence September 06th 2022 interview with Vogue having  gone on to be filtered on the Internet by the so‐called “Web” without his prior approval? If yes, will you  promptly disclose those records? 20) Have you had conversations about Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a  Black man who believes that it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue (magazine) to ask  Jennifer Lawrence in the month of September 2022 (for the purpose of their interview) if she has in the  past been the victim of sexual harassment at the workplace (instead of just going on and on with their  prepared lists of 73 questions)? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 21) Have you had  conversations about Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man who believes that it would have been  furthermore responsible of Vogue (magazine) to ask Jennifer Lawrence in the month of September 2022  (for the purpose of their interview) if she has in the past decided not to report to the authorities a sexual  abuse she was the victim of (instead of just going on and on with their prepared lists of 73 questions)? If  yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 22) Have you had conversations about Harvey Weinstein  as a white Jewish man who was on (or around) February 24th 2020 convicted of third‐degree rape and  first‐degree criminal sexual act in the New York Supreme Court? If yes, will you promptly disclose those  records? 23) Have you had conversations about the decision of the New York Supreme Court to  sentence Harvey Weinstein to 23 years of prison for the crimes he had been found guilty of on (or  around) February 24th 2020? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 24) Have you had  conversations about the decision of the Los Angeles County District Attorney to file criminal charges  against Harvey Weinstein in the Superior Court of the State of California for engaging in the crime of  forcible oral copulation, in violation of Penal Code Section 288a(c)(2)(A)? If yes, will you promptly  disclose those records? 25) Have you had conversations about the decision of the Los Angeles County  District Attorney to file criminal charges against Harvey Weinstein in the Superior Court of the State of  California for engaging in the crime of sexual penetration by foreign object, in violation of Penal Code  Section 289(a)(1)(A)? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 26) Have you had conversations  about the decision of the Los Angeles County District Attorney to file criminal charges against Harvey  Weinstein in the Superior Court of the State of California for engaging in the crime of forcible rape in  violation of Penal Code Section 261(a)(2)? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 27) Have you  had conversations about the decision of the Los Angeles County District Attorney to file criminal charges  against Harvey Weinstein in the Superior Court of the State of California for engaging in the crime of  sexual battery by restraint in violation of Penal Code Section 243.4(a)? If yes, will you promptly disclose  those records? 28) Have you had conversations about the guilty verdict pronounced upon Harvey  Weinstein on December 19th 2022 for the criminal charges that had been filed against him in the  Superior Court of the State of California? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 29) Have you  had conversations about the decision of Harvey Weinstein not to take responsibility for his actions even  6 | P a g e

  35. after he was found guilty of various sexual misconduct criminal charges that had been levied against him after he was found guilty of various sexual misconduct criminal charges that had been levied against him  in the State of New York and the State of California? If yes, will you promptly disclose those record? 30)  Have you had conversations about Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man who has had his written  content on the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center Case No.: BA48270 filtered by the “web” on  the Internet without his prior approval? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records?         This records request should be expedited because it puts into question the government’s integrity about  the way that people are treated in the U.S.A on account of their gender, their racial backgrounds, their  national origins and their disability status. My request for a fee waiver should be granted because [1] I  have identified operations and activities of the federal government in concert with U.S local/state  government as well as news media organizations such as Vogue (magazine) and the New York Times; [2]  the issues presented are meaningfully informative about government operations or activities in order to  be ‘likely to contribute’ to and increase public understanding of those operations or activities; [3] this  records request is being filed for non‐commercial purposes and any records you disclose to me could be  made available to the general public at no financial expense to them.      Under penalty of perjury, I hereby declare all the statements I have made to be true and accurate to the  best of my knowledge. Be well. Take care. Keep yourselves at arms distance.      W (AACL)    Michael A. Ayele     Anti‐Racist Human Rights Activist     Audio‐Visual Media Analyst     Anti‐Propaganda Journalist       Work Cited      [i] Please be advised that I have previously disseminated a vast number of documents obtained through  records request using the means of various digital publishing platforms. As a representative of the  media, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the records you disclose to me could be  made available to the general public at no financial expense to them. This records request is being filed  for non‐commercial purposes to inform members of the general public / representatives of the media  [who may be interested in the written content of Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W – Association for the  Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL)] about the activities, the engagements and the priorities of the  U.S government at the local, state and federal level.  7 | P a g e

  36.     The Kane County Finance Department has no responsive documents regarding your request.    Thank you,     Amy M Ramer Holmes  Assistant Director of Finance, FOIA Administrator  8 | P a g e

  37. 12/5/24, 5:24 PM Request 24-32 - NextRequest - Modern FOIA & Public Records Request Software Skip to main content Kane County Published Request Visibility: Closed Request 24-32 Dates Request W (AACL)                                                                 Date.: January 15th 2024 Received January 15, 2024 via web Michael A. Ayele P.O.Box 20438 Requester Addis Ababa, Ethiopia E-mail: waacl13@gmail.com ; waacl1313@gmail.com ; waacl42913@gmail.com W (AACL) - Michael A. Ayele waacl13@gmail.com W (AACL) Michael A. Ayele P.O.Box 20438 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia , Addis Ababa, 10013                                                            Request for Records   9355284300 Hello, https://kanecountyil.nextrequest.com/requests/24-32 1/39

  38. 12/5/24, 5:24 PM Request 24-32 - NextRequest - Modern FOIA & Public Records Request Software Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) This is Michael A. Ayele sending this message though I now go by W. You may call me W. I am writing this letter for the purpose of ?ling a request for records with your o?ce.[i] The bases for this records request are [1] the provisions of California Assembly Bill (AB) No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act; [ii] [2] the “web” ?ltering of Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W written content on Jennifer Lawrence September 2022 interview with Vogue magazine as well as the criminal complaint, which was assigned by the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center the following Case No.: BA48270 Sta? assigned Departments Health Department Point of contact Rachael Page I)                  Requested Records What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] the decision of the California government to recognize through Assembly Bill No. 2777 (a.k.a) the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act that (i) an American is sexually assaulted every 68 (sixty eight) seconds; (ii) one out of every six women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (iii) only about 300 (three hundred) out of every 1,000 (one thousand) sexual assaults are reported to police; (iv) thirty three percent (33%) of women who are raped contemplate suicide; (v) thirteen percent (13%) of women who are raped attempt suicide; (vi) a 2016 analysis of 28 studies of nearly 6,000 women and girls 14 years of age or older who had experienced https://kanecountyil.nextrequest.com/requests/24-32 2/39

  39. 12/5/24, 5:24 PM Request 24-32 - NextRequest - Modern FOIA & Public Records Request Software sexual violence found that 60 percent of survivors did not label their experience as “rape;” (vii) women may not de?ne a victimization as a rape or sexual assault for many reasons such as self-blame, embarrassment, not clearly understanding the legal de?nition of the terms, or not wanting to de?ne someone they know who victimized them as a rapist or because other blame them for their sexual assault; (viii) when the perpetrator is someone a victim trusts, it can take years for the victim even to identify what happened to them as a sexual assault; (ix) it is self- evident that the unique nature of the emotional and psychological consequences of sexual assault, especially on women, can paradoxically permit wrongdoers to escape civil accountability unless statutes of limitations are crafted to prevent this injustice from occurring; (x) it is self-evident that statutes of limitations for sexual assault need to be crafted in a way that does not cause the covering up company to enjoy the fruits of their cover up solely because our statutes of limitations permit, and thus motivate, such behavior; [iii] [2] Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man who (i) upon reading California’s Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act was given the impression that 70% (seventy percent) of girls (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) don’t ?le complaints either with the police and/or the courts after falling victim to sexual violence; (ii) was given the very strong impression that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) were complicit in the sexual abuse su?ered by women at the workplace upon reading the 3rd (third) chapter of the book published by New York Times journalists Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor entitled: “She Said;” [iv](iii) has previously corresponded with the Los Angeles O?ce of the County Counsel on the subject of the criminal charges that were https://kanecountyil.nextrequest.com/requests/24-32 3/39

  40. 12/5/24, 5:24 PM Request 24-32 - NextRequest - Modern FOIA & Public Records Request Software levied against Harvey Weinstein, which was assigned by the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center the following Case No.: BA48270; (iv) has had his written content on the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center Case No.: BA48270 ?ltered by the “web” on the Internet without his prior approval; (v) has had his written publications on the subject of Jennifer Lawrence September 2022 interview with Vogue ?ltered by the “web” on the Internet without his prior approval; (vi) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue to ask Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) if she has in the past decided not to report to the authorities a sexual abuse she was the victim of (instead of just going on and on with their prepared lists of 73 questions); (vii) believes it would have been furthermore responsible of Vogue to ask Jennifer Lawrence (in the month of September 2022) if she has in the past been the victim of sexual harassment at the workplace (instead of just going on and on with their prepared lists of 73 questions); [3] the policy(ies) implemented by your local/state government, which explicitly encourages girls (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) to ?le a complaint if they’ve been the victim of a sexual harassment incident and/or a sexual assault incident and/or a rape incident; [4] the policy(ies) implemented by your local/state government, which explicitly encourages girls (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) to ?le a complaint if they’ve been the victim of chauvinism and/or discrimination and/or misogyny and/or sexism.   https://kanecountyil.nextrequest.com/requests/24-32 4/39

  41. 12/5/24, 5:24 PM Request 24-32 - NextRequest - Modern FOIA & Public Records Request Software II)               Request for a Fee Waiver and Expedited Processing The requested records do/will demonstrate that [1] Harvey Weinstein is a white Jewish man, who (i) was on (or around) February 24th 2020 convicted of third-degree rape and ?rst- degree criminal sexual act in the New York Supreme Court; [v] (ii) was on (or around) March 11th 2020 sentenced to 23 (twenty three) years of prison for the crimes he was found guilty of on (or around) February 24th 2020 in the New York Supreme Court; [vi] (iii) was on (or around) July 20th 2021 extradited from the State of New York to the State of California (in the County of Los Angeles) after he was criminally charged for engaging in various sexual misconduct o?enses; [vii] (iv) has decided to plead not guilty to the sexual misconduct charges ?led against him in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles (a.k.a) the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center; [viii] (v) was on (or around) December 19th 2022 found guilty of rape and sexual assault for the criminal charges ?led against him in the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center; [ix] (vi) refuses to take responsibility for the pain and su?ering he has caused women in the past even though he has been found guilty of various sexual misconduct o?enses in the State of New York and in the State of California; [2] Jennifer Lawrence is a global superstar who (i) was born August 15th 1990 in the State of Kentucky; [x] (ii) is known worldwide for being an actress; (iii) won an Oscar for the Weinstein-produced ?lm entitled: “Silver Linings Playbook;” [xi] (iv) has in the month of August 2018 left CAA, “the agency that represented her for 10 years” because they were “making (…) decisions that should have been hers https://kanecountyil.nextrequest.com/requests/24-32 5/39

  42. 12/5/24, 5:24 PM Request 24-32 - NextRequest - Modern FOIA & Public Records Request Software alone;” [xii] (v) has toward the end of October 2018 launched her production company called Excellent Cadaver; [xiii] (vi) has in the month of September 2022 agreed to answer 73 (seventy three) questions for the purpose of an interview with Vogue; (vii) was in the month of September 2022 asked by Vogue what the “most bizarre thing” she ever read about herself is; (viii) paused for a moment to consider what the “most bizarre thing” she ever read about herself was; (ix) told Vogue (in the month of September 2022) that “the most bizarre thing” she ever read about herself was that she “f***** Harvey Weinstein;” (x) was not asked for the purpose of the interview she did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has had in the past sexual relations, which were not consensual; (xi) was not asked for the purpose of the interview she did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has in the past decided not to report a sexual assault she was the victim of; (xii) was not asked for the purpose of the interview she did with Vogue (in the month of September 2022) whether she has in the past been the victim of sexual harassment at the workplace; [3] Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man who (i) believes that girls (below the age of 18) and women (above the age of 18) frequently choose not to ?le a complaint even after falling victim to an incident of sexual harassment and/or sexual assault and/or rape; (ii) was given the very strong impression that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) were complicit in the sexual abuse su?ered by women at the workplace (particularly) after reading the 3rd (third) chapter of the book published by New York Times reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor entitled: “She Said;” (iii) has previously corresponded with the Los Angeles O?ce of the County https://kanecountyil.nextrequest.com/requests/24-32 6/39

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