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On the occasion of Women's History Month, the Los Angeles County Library (California) denied holding conversations about the decision of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) United States Secret Service (USSS) to recognize that (i) the origins of the u201cincelu201d label date back to the 1990s, when a Canadian woman created an Internet peer support forum for people, who wanted a sexual relationship, but were unable to find a partner, (ii) the term u201cincelu201d is often used to describe men, who feel unable to obtain romantic or sexual relationships with women, to which they think they are entitled...
March 20, 2023 W (AACL) Michael A. Ayele P.O. Box 20438 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia E-mail: waacl13@gmail.com; waacl1313@gmail.com ; waacl42913@gmail.com RE: Public Records Act (PRA) Request Dear Mr. W (AACL), LA County Library (Library) received your email request on March 7, 2023, seeking public records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 7920. You are requesting for prompt disclosure, records detailing items (1) – (13) of your request. Library is providing the attached records, responsive to the following items of your request: [3] the decision of Congress to pass resolutions between 1988 and 1994 for the purpose of asking and authorizing the President of the U.S.A to proclaim the month of March as “Women’s History Month;” [4] the decision of the Joseph Biden – Kamala Harris White House Administration to proclaim the month of March 2023 as “Women’s History Month;” [5] the decision of your local/state/federal government (through some sort of proclamation or via other means) to recognize the month of March as “Women’s History Month;” [6] the manner in which your local/state/federal government should commemorate “Women’s History Month.” The Library considers this matter closed. Sincerely, Grace Reyes Administrative Deputy Attachments
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY Or LOS ANGELES. STATE OF CALIFORNIA v Los&+g 0 yP oo+ Larry J. Monteilh, Executive Officer Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 383 Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 ClFOR+ 12 Schabarum, unanimously carried, montn of March, 1988 as "Na ional Women's History Month" throughout Los Angeles County. On motion of Suoervisor Dana, seconded by Supervisor he Board proclaimed the MIN2: m58 March 15, 1988
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~of'.OSg g~ :4 LaceryJ, MOnfeiih. EXeCu',ive Offioe~ Ciera o', foe Soarc ot Supervisors 383 Hali of Ad%'nis:ration Los Angeies, Caiiforr ia 900f2 k3 ( Cg(riOfItll Supervisor Dana made the following statement: "During the monf:h of Yiarch, Amer'ca.. women of every race, class and ethnic backgxcund celebrate National vomer' History month. "American women have played and continue to play a critica'conomic, cultural and socia" ro'e in every sphere of our Nation's life by constituting a significant portion of the labor fo ce working in and outside o. the home." Therefoxe, on motion of Supexvisor Dana, seconded by Supervisor F~el.;nan, unanimously carxied (Supervisors Schabarum and Hahn being absent}, the Board pxoc'imed the month of Narch, 1989 as "women's History North,," and urged the residents of Los Angeles County to observe the month, with appropriate ceremonies and activities to acknowledge the role of women in the history of the United States. 30221-3.min February 21, 1989
0 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Larry J, Monteilh, Executive Officer Clerk of the Board'of Supervisors 383 Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 QgfFptt+N 7 Supervisor Antonovich„ unanimously car&.ied (Supervisors Dana and Schabarum be ng absent.), the at:tached was adopt'.ed. Qn mot;i.on of Superv.iso'ahn, seconded by Attachment October. 30, i990
® LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMMlSSfON FOR WOMEN A'3 Hall of Administration/500 W. Temple/Los Angeles CA'900't2/974-1455 COMMISSIGNERS EDNA'J. ALIEYIIINE LOLI BARON SUSAN CARPENTER M MILLAN iJARIA QONTRERASSWEET JDNE DIJNBAR BETTY G, FRANZ CEI.ESTF„N, GREIG ANITA L. KiNG SANDRA'KLASKY STFLLA ONANESIAN NELEN J. PASTFR; MYRA RIDDELL BARBARA S; STONE . EXECUTTVE SUNDRY (3-VOTES) Authorize and endorse the Commission for Women's Sixth Annual Awards Luncheon to be held on Nonday, Narch 11, 1991,.'nd adopt a resolution proclaiming Naxch, 1991 Women's History Nonth. No County costs assoc'3.ated wxth sponsox'ing the luncheon.. and sponsox contributions will cover t:.he'ostsof t.he luncheon. Awards Luncheon since it:s inception in 1985. Women's History Nonth will be celebxated. by individuals and, organizations throughout the state. Request ." Fl,seal Impact: Part3.cxpanx. The Commission fox'omen.'s Awards. Luncheon is an alinual even't~ pux'pose is to xe&:ognize and honor, by the presentation of Awards of Appreciation," individua3;s who have significantly contributed to furthering the lights of women. Youl Board has suppox".ted 'the Annual Other: Its -"0106 OFFAL;TS'i%0
E%l~ I. TIo LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN 383 Hall of Administration/500 t/i/. TemPIe/Los Angeles CA 90012I974.1455 Av COMMISSIONERS EONA ', AVEWINF, LOU BARON SVSAN GARPENTER MCMII LAN MARIA OONTRERAS SWEET, JVNE OiINBAR BETTY G, FRANZ CELESTE H. GRBGI ANITA L KING SANORA KLASKY STELLA OHANESIAN HELEN J. RASTER MYRA RIOOELI. BARBARA S, STONE October 18, 1'990 Honorable Board of Supervisors 383 Eall of Administration 500 'Hest, Temple Street Los Angeles, CA Dear Supervisor's: Subject: 90012 Sixth Annual Awards Luncheon and Women's History Month The Los Angeles. County Commission for Women reap ests that your Board authorize and. endorse its Sixth Annual Awards Luncheon on NondayF Naxcn 11 proclaiming Narch, 1991 Women's History Nonth. The prin.ary purpose of the Awards Luncheon is to allow the Commission for Women to recognize and present, Awards of Appreciation to 'dividuals who have made outstanding contribute,ons'nd/or demonstrated leadership .ai&d commitment, tcward, encouxaging, inspiring, .facilitating or pr'onIoting women' 'equal.3.ty. The luncheon is held. annually in the Grand Hall; of the Nusic Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. con,.ributions will.cover'he costs of the progxam and luncheon. There will be no additional cost to the County. Our commission is proud to be hosting this important event fox our awardees, sponsors, and community supporters. your Boaxd. will. join us again, as you, have each year, as'ur co-hosts in 1991, paxticularly as we celebxate Women's History Nonth with other individuals and organizations throughout the state. T and adopt. the attached resolut1on A 1991 Participant and sponsor We hope that THE LOS ANGELES COUNTy CONNISSION FOR NONES, THEREFORE, RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS hat your Board, authorize and endorse the Commission's Sixth Annual Awards Luncheon to be held on March 11, 1991, and adopt the attached. resolution proclaim'ng Narch, 1991 Women's History Nonth. "ruly yours, Ve I'g~~~'' CELESTE GIREIG President
WHEREAS, American women of every race, class and ethnic.c background helped found our state and .nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways as pioneers, nurse', nuns, homemakers, industrial workers, teachers, reformers and soldiers; a,nd WHEREAS, ~omen have played and, continue to play .a....critical economic,:. cultural and social role in every sphere. of our.state and, nation's life by constituting a significant portion of: the labox'orce both in and out of the home; and, WHEREAS,. women have played a. unique role by providiag the magoxx'ty oj .oux',state and nat3.on's labor'ox'ce whi'ch has been particularly .important, in the establishment of charitable, philanthropic and, cultural institutions," and, WHEREAS, throughout history, women have sexved as eaxly leaders in movement, thereby effecting expansive and, constructive so'cial change; and. WHEREAS,:during the month of March, organizations and. individual citizens throughout our state are observing Women's History Month in conjunction: with the celebxation of March 8th as International Women's Day; and WHEREAS, in honor of generation.aftex generation of compassion, courage and, conviction, a11 Californians. should join in this special celebxation of women and. theix achi',evements; . the, forefx'ont of nearly every ma)ox'x'ogx'essive social NOW, THEREFORE, The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors hereby proclaims the month of March, 1991 as WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH '31.08
0 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~gfLosg lP * Larry J. Monteilh, Executive Officer Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 383 Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 5 W ctr.(FoaN~~ 11 Dana, unanimously carried, the attached recommendation was adopted. Attachment. On motion of Supervisor Hahn, seconded by Supervisor December 17, 1991
LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMMISSION FOR NOMEN 383 Hall,ol Administration)500 W. Temple/Los Angeles CA 90012/974- t455 P7 ~o I QNAI Al, t TTINt tfR~A.YONCO Nl IRAN CARVI IT It N 1A M(l I AN MARIACfTN'IRt RAN IW'tI 'I KlfNf fAVTf(AR RI (ITI" (RAIN''„1 1,1 Ntt AN(l A I k(Nl, 'ANDAA KI.ARKT T( ('tK, I It Rt t(A MOIT IAAKI Tf1(A ONANt Ntlf N 1 VA(ptf N MKRA WOOf I I AAK t IA Wt IMI N O.IVIA t(. ftOftft'I6&(f ", IAN (3-VOTES) Authorize and endorse the Commission for Women's Seventh Annual Awards Luncheon to be held on Monday, March 16, 1992 in recognition of Women's History Month. Participant and sponsor contributions will cover the costs of the luncheon. Request: Fiscal Impact: The Commission for Women's Awards Luncheon is an annual event. Its purpose is to recognize and honor, by the presentation of Awards of Appreciation, individuals who have significantly contributed to furthering the rights of women. Your Board has supported the Annual Awards Luncheon since its inception in 1985. This year, the Commission for Women will also co-sponsox a Women's History Month Poster Contest with other women' organizations for middle and senior high school students. Other:
a "1 LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMINISSION FOR WOMEN 383 Hail ot Administration(500 W. Temple(Los Angeles CA 900t2/974-1455 (Ii 0 +01 I QNA l Al't WINt ttA~4'rOAAKS N(INANQAWAI Nl1IlM MII I AN MANIA QQNtllt NAA NWI Iv ltINI QIINIMH tltI IVQ I IIAIW '.tII'I " t»I K ANIIA l AINQ November 26, 1991 NANDIIA Al AtAI I Nt Ilt SA MQNIANO Nlf I IA QtIANI AIAN tltN 1 VAStt tt MNIIA IIQDt I. I ANQI IA Wt, Wlt N O.tV1A t;. Iottata%1 Honorable Board, of Supervisors 383 .Hall of Administration 500 Nest Temple Street Los Angeles, CA Dear Supervisors: Sub)ect: 90012 Seventh Annual Awards Luncheon Recognizing Women's History Month The Los Angeles County Commission fox Nomen xequests that your Boax'd authorize and endorse its Seventh Annual Avaxds Luncheon on Monday, Maxch 16, 1992 in recognition of Women's Histoxy Month. The primary purpose of the Awards Luncheon is to allow the Commission for Women to recognize and present Awards of Appreciation to individuals who have made outstanding contributions and/or demonstrated leadership and commitment towaxd encouxaging, inspiring, facilitating ox promoting women' equalityA This yeax, we have also joined the Women's Appointment Collaboration, the Junior League of Los Angeles and othex women' organizations in co-sponsoring a Women's History Month Poster Contest for middle and senior high school students. will be recognized at our awards luncheon. The luncheon is held annually in the Grand Hall of the Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. contributions will cover the costs of the program and luncheon. We would also: appreciate assistance from county departments to ensure effective coordination of the event. We look forward to the support of your Board once again as we host this important event for our awardees, sponsors, and community supporters. The winners Participant and sponsor
Board of Supervisors November 26, 1991 Page 2 THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMENg THEREFOREg RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS that your Board authorize and endorse the Commission's Seventh Annual Awards Luncheon to be held on March 16, 1992 in recognition of Women's History Month. Very truly yours, EDNA J. ALIEWINE President Chief Adminstrative Office County Counsel, Martha Romexo Auditox Controllex Juniox'eague of Los Angeles Women's Appointment Collaboration EJA"tp cc: != ."',r3f4+ g q ~ &. r ~J't'Q $)y ] i p[DEG17199i
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA i0$ L0$g~ Larry J. Monteilh, Executive Officer Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 383 Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 + ** IFQR At its meeting held December 15, 1992, the Board took the following action: The following matter was called up for consideration: Commission for Women's recommendation to authorize and endorse the Commission for Women's Eighth Annual Awards Luncheon to be held March 15, 1993, to recognize outstanding individuals and/or groups supportive of improving the status of women and to commemorate Women's History Month. On motion of Supervisor Dana, seconded by Supervisor Burke, unanimously carried, the Board adopted the Commission for Women' attached recommendation. 11215-2. corn Attachment Copies distributed: Each Supervisor Chief Administrative Officer County Counsel Letter sent to: President, Los Angeles County Commission for Women .".-"i0072
+CLAyJE&/«««i o~ CY &rj IV LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN 383 Hall of Administration/500 I/I/, Temple/Los Angeles CA 90012/974-1455 0) COMMISSIONERS EDNA J ALIE WINE SUSAN CARVE NTL R McMILLAN MARIA CONTRERAS SWI«E. T JUNE'UNBAR BET, Y G «RANP CELLSTE H GREIG ANITA L KING SANDRA L KLASKV PI«D , HERES* MONTANO STELLA OHANESIAN HF;LI N J RASTER MYRA RIDDLLL OLIVIA G RODRIGUEZ KATHLEEN A TORRES ANGE LA WE«ME R V SUMMAR (3 —VOTES) Authorize and endorse the Commission for Women's Eighth Annual Awards Luncheon on Monday, March 15, outstanding individuals supportive of improving the status of women and to commemorate Women's History Month. Participant and sponsor contributions will cover the costs of the Luncheon. The Commission for Women's Awards Luncheon will honor individuals significantly contributed to promoting the rights and equality of women. This year, the Commission for Women will also co-sponsor a Women's History Month Poster Contest with organizations for middle and senior high school students. Your Board has supported the Annual Awards Luncheon since its inception in 1985. Request: 1993 to recognize and/or groups Fiscal Impact: Other: have who other women' ''000073 «gt.Dt:v ] 5 f002 $@p Q g
+~L.LTAfg& ~o LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMMlSSION FOR VlfOMEN 383 Hail of Administration/500 W, Temple/Los Angeles CA 90012/974-1455 o) COMMISSK&HERS I DNA J Al II WINI NU,AN CARPI NT[ H MPMILLAN MAHIA CONT HI HAS SWIL" JUNE OUNDAR HLTTY G I.HANK Cf'll'STI' GREIG AIYITA L KING SANDRA THL Rt'AMONTANO Tl LLA OH*NI ..IAN HL.LI N J PASTI H L KLASKV u~ D November 30, l992 NIYHA RIDDLLL OLIVIAG RODRIGUEZ KATHLELNA TORRLS Honorable Board of Supervisors 383 Hall of Administxation 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA Dear Supervisors: Subject: ANGLLA WLIMLH 90012 Eighth Annual Awards Luncheon Recognizing Women's History Month The Los Angeles County Commission for Women requests that your Board authorize and endorse its Eighth Annual Awards Luncheon on Monday, March 15, 1993 to recognize outstanding individuals and/or groups supportive of improving the status commemorate Women's History Month. The Awards Luncheon's primary goal is to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions and/or have demonstrated leadexship and commitment toward facilitating and/or px'omoting women's equality. be presented with Awards of Appreciation to commemorate their hard work. This year, we have also joined Collaboration, the Junior League of Los Angeles and other women' organizations in co-sponsoring a Nomen's History Month Postex Contest fox middle and senior high school students. will also be recognized at our Awards Luncheon. The Luncheon is to be held in the Grand Hall of the Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Participant and sponsor contributions will covex the costs of the program and Luncheon. appreciate assistance from County departments to ensure the success of this event. The Los Angeles County Commission for Women looks forward to the and to of women inspiring, encouraging, These women will the Women's Appointment The winners We would also 0000074 «5 ir&Z — 0; S84 OS D
Honorable Board of Supervisors November 18, 1992 Page 2 support of your Board once again for this important event to honor our awardees, sponsors, and community supporters. COMMISSION ANGELES THEREFORE, 1993 to FOR LOS THE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS that your Board authorize and endorse its Eighth Annual Awards Luncheon recognize outstanding individuals and/or groups supportive of improving the status of women and to commemorate Women's History Month. COUNTY WOMEN, March on 15, Monday, Very truly yours, MYRA B. RIDDELL, President Chief Administrative Office County Counsel Auditor Controller Junior League of Los Angeles Women's Appointment Collaboration cc: MBR.se 000007' U- pyq'. 0g „"
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ofLong Larry J. Monteilh, Executive Officer Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 383 Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 IFORM 13 Supervisor Edelman, unanimously carried, the attached recommendation was adopted. Attachment Qn motion of Superviso- Nolina, seconded by s~w~~ . AI' January 4, l994
LQS ANGELES COUNTY CQMMlSStQN FOR VlGMEN Kenneth Hahn Hali of Actministration/500O'.Temple/Los Angeles CA 90012 / 974-1455 EDNA J. AIJEWINE ~OARPENTERAANNIJAN MAIVA OO&fAK~~VNEL JVNE DVNEAR PEOOYJ.PREENAN NAYIA R NANEEV ANIT*LIVNO 'VEA K IAWSON SANDRA 'OATNY. Ph. D. T'RESA MONTANO JANETEJJOTTNVINJEY,~ MYRAE RIDOEV. OVYIA G. RODRKiV C.'IATNVEENA.TORRC" (3-VOTES) Authorize and endoxse the Commission for Nomen's Ninth Annual Awards Luncheon on March 7, Luncheons in March to commemoxate Nomen's History's Month. Contxibutions from partic'pants and sponsoxs will cover the costs of the Luncheon. Request: 3.994 and all futux'e Awax'ds Fiscal impact: Other: Outstandxng lnd3.v1duals vho have significantly contributed to promoting women's rights and equality will be honoxed at the Avards Luncheon. Fux'thex, the Commission for Nomen vill join thousands of other women's organizations nationwide to celebrate and to commemorate Nomen's History Month. III' QFJAN 04 1994 y
LOS ANGELES COUNTY CQM|tIIISSIQN FOR VfOMEN 383 Kenneth Hahn Hail of Administration/500 W.Temple/LosAngeles CA90012 i974-4455 EDNA J, AIJPVINE SUSAN GANAIJGEIIAIcAAIJAN MANIA DONYNEIIASGYJID., JUNE DUNEAR PEGGYJ. FREENAN KAYIA R NANSEA ~ N. IAIYSON SANDRA U NIASNY, AN. D r. «INAJEY.le AIYNA D NIDDQ'IJVIAG, AODRGUR IIAYNIEEN A TONNE ANIYAU NING December 20, 1993 ~ NEAESA NONYANO Honorable Board of Supervisors 383 Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA Dear Supervisors: Subject: 90012 Ninth Annual Awards Luncheon Celebrating Women'istory Month The Los Angeles County Commission for Nomen requests that your Boaxd authoxize and endorse its Ninth Annual Awards Luncheon on March 7, 1994 and all future Awards Luncheons. At the Awards Luncheon, the Commission will recognize outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions and/or have demonstrated leadership and commitment inspiring, facilitating and/or promoting women's equality. women will be presented with Awards of Appreciation for their achievements and dedications to improve the quality of life and status of all women. Further, the Commission wi'1 join thousands of other women's organizations throughout the nation to commemorate Women's History Month. The Luncheon will be held in the Grand Hall of the Music Center's Dox'othy Chandler Pavilion. Contributions from participants and sponsors will cover the costs of the program and Luncheon. The Commission looks forward to your Board's continued support for this important annual event. endorsement and participation at the event in recognizing our honorees, sponsors, and community supporters and in celebrating the Nomen's History Month. encouraging, toward These We will be honored to have your RNf15 OFJAN 04 1994
Board of Supervisors December 20, 1993 Page 2 LOS THE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS that your Board authorize and endorse its Ninth Annual Awards Luncheon on March 7, 1994 and all future Awards Luncheons in March to commemorate Nomen's History Month. Very truly yours, n +~i. ~.~„~f,,'~~~( MYRA,'B. RIDDELL President ANGELES COMMISSION COUNTY FOR THEREFORE, WOMEN, n Chief Administrative Officer County Counsel Internal Services Department cc ".
AGN. NO. MOTION BY SUPERVISORS HILDA L. SOLIS AND JANICE HAHN March 7, 2023 Celebrating Women’s History Month 2023 Women’s History Month is a month-long celebration in March that recognizes women throughout history and their accomplishments and contributions to society. This celebration traces its beginnings to Sonoma, California. In 1978, the school district held a weeklong celebration of women’s contributions to society and culture throughout history. Two years later, in 1980, President Jimmy Carter made the first presidential proclamation declaring Women’s History Week. Six years later the event was expanded to proclaim the entire month of March, Women’s History Month. Women throughout history have made invaluable contributions both within and outside of government and in society and culture. This is illustrated by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, which is comprised of all women, and the first female Los Angeles City Mayor. And it is exemplified each day through the County of which over 50% are women. There are myriad ways women have made this County the beacon of progress it is. Women have dedicated their lives to the benefit of their communities and continue to MOTION SOLIS ___________________________ MITCHELL ___________________________ HORVATH ___________________________ BARGER ___________________________ HAHN ___________________________
sacrifice to advance rights for all. We saw this firsthand during the COVID-19 pandemic where women, particularly women of color, were often on the frontlines ensuring residents received healthcare and other supports. It is then imperative that we not only as a Nation, but also as a County, recognize the contributions women have made. WE, THEREFORE, MOVE that the Board of Supervisorsproclaim March 2023 as Women’s History Month in Los Angeles County. WE FURTHER MOVE that the Board of Supervisors proclaim March 8, 2023 as International Women’s Day in Los Angeles County. # # # HLS:ew
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 W (AACL) Michael A. Ayele P.O.Box 20438 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia E-mail : waacl13@gmail.com ; waacl1313@gmail.com ; waacl42913@gmail.com Request for Records Hello, This is Michael A. Ayele sending this message though I now go by W. You may call me W. I am writing this letter to file a request for records with your office.i The bases for this records request are [1] the commemoration of Women’s History Month in the United States of America (U.S.A);ii [2] the statements made by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secret Service (USSS) in March 2022 about the “involuntary celibate community” of the U.S.A;iii [3] the February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill, which sought to provide legal cover for the “involuntary celibate community” of the U.S.A for the purpose of normalizing misogyny and sexism in the U.S.A;iv [4] the decision of Cable News Network (CNN) (through Michael Smerconish) to praise the February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill for the purpose of normalizing misogyny and sexism in the U.S.A. v I) Requested Records What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] the decision of Congress to pass Pub. L. 97 – 28 and thereby request for the President of the U.S.A to proclaim the week beginning March 07th1982 as “Women’s History Week;” [2] the decision of Congress to pass Pub. L. 100-9 and thereby designate the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month;” [3] the decision of Congress to pass resolutions between 1988 and 1994 for the purpose of asking and authorizing the President of the U.S.A to proclaim the month of March as “Women’s History Month;” [4] the decision of the Joseph Biden – Kamala Harris White House Administration to proclaim the month of March 2023 as “Women’s History Month;” [5] the decision of your local/state/federal government (through some sort of proclamation or via other means) to recognize the month of March as “Women’s History Month;” [6] the manner in which your local/state/federal government should commemorate “Women’s History Month;” [7] the systemic sexism and misogyny that exist in U.S society; [8] the decision of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) United States Secret Service (USSS) to recognize that (i) the origins of the “incel” label date back to the 1990s, when a Canadian woman created an Internet peer support forum for people, who wanted a sexual relationship, but were unable to find a partner, (ii) the term “incel” is often used to describe men, who feel unable to obtain romantic or sexual relationships with women, to which they think they are entitled; [9] the decision of Olivia Wilde to identify Jordan Peterson as a “pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community” of the U.S.A; vi [10] the decision of the Hill (as a news outlet) to provide legal cover for the incel community of the U.S.A on (or around) February 22nd 2023 by criticizing women for (i) graduating high-school, attending a U.S college/university and graduating from that U.S college/university at a higher rate than women of previous generations, (ii) narrowing to the best of their abilities the income disparity between men and women, (iii) Updated.: March 08th 2023 MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 1
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 having higher standards and expectations when entering into a romantic relationship, (iv) not doing enough to prevent the mass-shootings that occur in the U.S.A, (v) not doing enough to prevent the suicide committed by white men living in the U.S.A; [11] the decision of CNN (as a news outlet) to provide legal cover for the “incel community” of the U.S.A by praising the February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill that went on to criticize women for (i) graduating high-school, attending a U.S college/university and graduating from that U.S college/university at a higher rate than women of previous generations, (ii) narrowing to the best of their abilities the income disparity between men and women, (iii) having higher standards and expectations when entering into a romantic relationship, (iv) not doing enough to prevent the mass-shootings that occur in the U.S.A, (v) not doing enough to prevent the suicide committed by white men living in the U.S.A; [12] the significant efforts of the Hill and CNN (as news outlets) to define the “gender role” of women in the 21st (twenty first) century; [13] the formal/informal opinion of your local/state/federal government on the subject of the “gender role” of women in the 21st Century. II) Request for a Fee Waiver and Expedited Processing The requested records do/will demonstrate that [1] Women’s History Week has been commemorated in the U.S.A since March 07th1982; [2] Women’s History Month has been commemorated in the U.S.A since March 1987; [3] the DHS (USSS) is a federal agency of the U.S government, which has in March 2022 published a report in which they have recognized that (i) the origins of the “incel” label date back to the 1990s, when a Canadian woman created an Internet peer support forum for people, who wanted a sexual relationship, but were unable to find a partner, (ii) the term “incel” is often used to describe men, who feel unable to obtain a romantic or sexual relationships with women that they believe is due to them; [4] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W is a Black man, who has interpreted the March 2022 report published by the DHS (USSS) to mean that (i) women shouldn’t be held responsible for the November 02nd 2018 shooting carried out by racist and sexist Scott Paul Beierle, (ii) women shouldn’t be held responsible for the May 23rd 2014 mass-shooting that took place near the campus of University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), (iii) women shouldn’t be held responsible for the violence committed against them on account of their gender, (iv) women shouldn’t be held responsible for the suicide committed by white men; [5] the Hill is a news outlet, which has on February 22nd 2023 provided legal cover for the incel community of the U.S.A by criticizing women for (i) graduating high- school, attending a U.S college/university and graduating from that U.S college/university at a higher rate than women of previous generations, (ii) narrowing to the best of their abilities the income disparity between men and women, (iii) having higher standards and expectations when entering into a romantic relationship, (iv) not doing enough to prevent the mass-shootings that occur the U.S.A, (v) not doing enough to prevent the suicide committed by white men living in the U.S.A; [6] CNN is a news outlet, which has on (or around) February 26th 2023 praised the February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill that has gone on to criticize women for (i) graduating high-school, attending a U.S college/university and graduating from that U.S college/university at a higher rate than women of previous generations, (ii) narrowing to the best of their abilities the income disparity between men and women, (iii) having higher standards and expectations when entering into a romantic relationship, (iv) not doing enough to prevent the mass-shootings that occur the U.S.A, (v) not doing enough to prevent the suicide committed by white men living in the U.S.A. MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 2
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 In my judgment, the facts presented in my request for a fee waiver and expedited processing are not the sort to bolster public confidence in the activities of the U.S government because of the way the DOJ (FBI) and the DHS (USSS) processed the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) FOIA request on the subject of the November 02nd 2018 shooting carried out by racist and sexist Scott Paul Beierle.vii It is also my judgment that the facts presented in my request for a fee waiver and expedited processing are not going to bolster public confidence in the misogynistic and sexist propaganda that were recently broadcasted on CNN and the Hill, which formed in part the bases for my records request: I would actually strongly advise you to beware of the February 22nd 2023 article as well as the CNN broadcast of (or around) February 26th 2023. As a Black man with a U.S college degree (who has previously corresponded with the DOJ and the DHS about the November 02nd 2018 shooting carried out by racist and sexist Scott Paul Beierle), I would like to take this opportunity to [1] denounce violence committed against women irrespective of their racial backgrounds, their sexual orientations, their national origins, their religious affiliations and/or their disability status; [2] denounce discrimination on the basis of gender that is committed against women; [3] denounce the way news outlets such as the Hill and CNN opted to define and shape what the “assigned gender role” of women should be in the 21st century. As a representative of the media and a member of the general public, I (personally) really don’t know when it became the “assigned gender role” of women [1] not to try to do well in formal academic settings; [2] not to try to do their best to (i) graduate from high-school, (ii) attend a U.S college/university, (iii) graduate from the U.S college/university they are attending, (iv) bridge the income inequality gap between men and women; [3] to prevent shootings such as the one that took place on November 02nd 2018 by perhaps being more lenient towards racist and sexist Scott Paul Beierle; [4] to take responsibility for the suicide of white men; [5] to prevent the suicide of white men. Anyways, the core issues presented in this records request are as follows. 1) Have you had conversations about the decision of Congress to pass Pub. L. 97 – 28 for the purpose of requesting the President of the U.S.A to proclaim the week beginning March 07th 1982 as “Women’s History Week?” Have you had conversations about the decision of Congress to pass Pub. L. 100 –9 for the purpose of designating the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month?” Have you had conversations about the decision of Congress to pass resolutions between 1988 and 1994 for the purpose of asking and authorizing the President of the U.S.A to proclaim the month of March as “Women’s History Month?” Have you had conversations about the decision of the Joseph Biden – Kamala Harris White House Administration to proclaim the month of March 2023 as “Women’s History Month?” If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 2) Does your local/state/federal government recognize the month of March to be “Women’s History Month?” If yes, have you had conversations about the manner in which Women’s History Month should be commemorated in your local/state/federal government? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 3) Have you had conversations about sexism and misogyny on the occasion of Women’s History Month? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 4) Have you had conversations about the “incel community” in the U.S.A for the MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 3
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 purpose of Women’s History Month? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 5) Have you had conversations about what the “assigned gender role” of women should be in the 21st Century? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 6) Is it the opinion of your local/state/federal government agency that women should be criticized for (i) graduating high- school, attending a U.S college/university and graduating from that U.S college/university at a higher rate than women of previous generations, (ii) narrowing to the best of their abilities the income disparity between men and women, (iii) having higher standards and expectations when entering into a romantic relationship, (iv) not doing enough to prevent the mass-shootings that occur in the U.S.A, (v) the suicide committed by white men living in the U.S.A? If yes, will you promptly disclose the formal/informal opinion formulated by your local/state/federal government, where you have discussed holding women accountable for (i) the suicide committed by white men living in the U.S.A, (ii) the mass-shootings perpetrated in the U.S.A by white men? 7) Have you ever held conversations about arresting and prosecuting women for (i) the suicide committed by white men living in the U.S.A, (ii) the mass-shootings perpetrated in the U.S.A by white men? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? 8) Have you had conversations about the sexist February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill? Have you had conversations about the decision of CNN to praise the sexist February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill? If yes, will you promptly disclose those records? This records request should be expedited because it puts into question the government’s integrity about the way that people are treated in the U.S.A on account of their gender, their racial backgrounds, their national origins and their disability status. My request for a fee waiver should be granted because [1] I have identified operations and activities of the federal government in concert with U.S city/county/state government as well as news media outlets such as the Hill and CNN; [2] the issues presented are meaningfully informative about government operations or activities in order to be ‘likely to contribute’ to and increase public understanding of those operations or activities. Under penalty of perjury, I hereby declare all the statements I have made to be true and accurate. Be well. Take care. Keep yourselves at arms distance. W (AACL) Michael A. Ayele Anti-Racist Human Rights Activist Audio-Visual Media Analyst Anti-Propaganda Journalist MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 4
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 Work Cited iPlease be advised that I have previously disseminated a vast number of documents (obtained through records requests) using the means of various digital publishing platforms such as Anyflip.com, Archive.org, Calameo.com, Edocr.com, Fliphtml5.com, Issuu.com, Medium.com, Pubhtml5.com, Scribd.com, Speakerdeck.com, SlideServe.com and YouTube.com. These documents have been made available to the public at no financial expense to them. As a member of the media, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the records you disclose to me could be made available to the general public through the means I have mentioned above or other ones. On December 10th 2021, I have launched a website on Wordpress.com for the purpose of making the records previously disclosed to me by the U.S government further accessible to members of the general public interested in the activities of their elected and non- elected representatives. You can find out more about the recent publications of the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) here.: https://michaelayeleaacl.wordpress.com/ iiWomen’s History Month had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week.” Throughout the next five years, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions designating a week in March as “Women’s History Week.” In 1987 after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9 which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.” Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month. Since 1995, presidents have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.” These proclamations celebrate the contributions women have made to the United States and recognize the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields. Women’s History Month.: https://womenshistorymonth.gov/about/ During Women’s History Month, we celebrate the countless women who have fought tirelessly and courageously for equality, justice, and opportunity in our Nation. We also reaffirm our commitment to advancing rights and opportunities for women and girls in the United States and around the world. We are mindful that we are building on the legacy of both recognized trailblazers and unsung heroines who have guided the course of American history and continue to shape its future. The full participation of women is a foundational tenet of democracy. Women — often women of color — have been on the frontlines, fighting for and securing equal rights and opportunity throughout our country’s history as abolitionists, civil rights leaders, suffragists, and labor activists. Women continue to lead as advocates for reproductive rights, champions of racial justice, and LGBTQI+ equality. Throughout history, these women have opened the doors of opportunity for subsequent generations of dreamers and doers. As community leaders, educators, doctors, scientists, child care providers, and more, women power our economy and MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 5
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 lead our Nation. As first responders and service members, they stand watch over our lives and liberties. As innovators, entrepreneurs, and essential workers in every industry, they represent the very best of America. But despite significant progress, women and girls continue to face systemic barriers to full and equal participation in our economy and society. Last year, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, stripping away a constitutional right from the American people and the ability of millions of women to make decisions about their own bodies, putting their health and lives at risk. Disparities persist in economic security, health care, and caregiving responsibilities, especially for women and girls of color. Those who perform critical work, including those who care for our children and our families, are too often overlooked, underpaid, and undervalued. Ours is the only Nation in the world established upon a profound but simple idea — that all people are created equal. My Administration is committed to upholding that idea and to making its promise real for every American. That is why I created the Gender Policy Council to advance gender equity and equality across the Federal Government. (…) This month, as we continue our work to advance gender equity and equality, let us celebrate the contributions of women throughout our history and honor the stories that have too often gone untold. Let us recognize that fundamental freedoms are interconnected: when opportunities for women are withheld, we all suffer; and when women’s lives are improved, we all gain. Let us strive to create a Nation where every woman and girl knows that her possibilities know no bounds in America. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2023 as Women’s History Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month and to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023, with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. I also invite all Americans to visit WomensHistoryMonth.gov to learn more about the vital contribution of women to our Nation’s history. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-seventh. A Proclamation on Women’s History Month 2023. White House.: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential- actions/2023/02/28/a-proclamation-on-womens-history-month-2023/ iiiIn the late 1990s, a Canadian woman created an Internet peer support forum for people who wanted a sexual relationship but were unable to find a partner. It was intended to be a safe place to seek support for those who felt sexually deprived due to social awkwardness, marginalization, or mental illness. She popularized the term “involuntary celibacy” as a nonjudgmental way for lonely people to identify as a group. Over time, the term would be shortened to “incel.” This forum, along with similar communities, was intended to be positive and focused on providing support for overcoming one’s “incel” status. As the community grew, the ideas expressed in the forums changed and by the early 2000s, some of the more dominant voices were young heterosexual men with vindictive and aggressive views MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 6
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 toward women. Though the original developer took down her website, the community continued to spread across other forums. Today, the term “incel” is often used to describe men who feel unable to obtain romantic or sexual relationships with women, to which they feel entitled. The term is used to describe one online subculture that exists within the “manosphere” – a network of blogs and forums frequented by groups including incels, men’s rights activists (MRSa), Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), and pickup artists (PUAs). Although these groups are known to promote male- dominant views, some members express extreme ideologies involving anti-woman hate, sexual objectification of women, and calls for violence targeting women. Hot Yoga Tallahassee: A Case Study of Misogynistic Extremism. United States Secret Service.: https://www.secretservice.gov/newsroom/reports/threat-assessments/behavioral-case- studies/details-0 iv As a matter of principle, the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) unequivocally condemns violence committed against women irrespective of their racial backgrounds, their sexual orientations, their national origins, their religious affiliations and/or their disability status. The AACL also condemns discrimination on the basis of gender. It is the judgment of the AACL that the February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill about the reasons why “most young men are single” is sexist and misogynistic because of its tone-deaf nature and its intention to assign women a gender role because they are women. The AACL strongly advises caution and recommends for people to think about their own biases on the subject of what “women’s assigned gender role” is before reading the February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill, which you can access here.: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/most-young- men-single-most-110000268.html vAs you are likely aware, it’s not the first time that CNN has had conversations about the pervasive culture of systemic sexism and misogyny (in the U.S.A) by questioning why women are attending colleges/universities at a higher rate than the generation of women before them. In other words, it’s not the first time that CNN have legitimized as something “good” the culture of systemic sexism and misogyny in the U.S.A. About a year ago, a New York University (NYU) professor was brought on to CNN to encourage women to lower their standards and their expectations on what to expect from their romantic relationships after graduating high school, attending a U.S college/university and graduating from that U.S college/university. A year after that incident, which I have previously denounced, the same CNN journalist (who has held that conversation with that NYU professor) has gone on to praise the February 22nd 2023 article published on the Hill, which normalized sexism in the U.S.A by providing legal cover to the “involuntary celibate community” of the U.S.A. For the reasons mentioned above, the AACL strongly advises caution and recommends for people to think about their own biases on the subject of what “women’s assigned gender role” is before having unleashed upon them the sexism and misogyny that is being promoted by CNN, which you can access here.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK4y6C1Uuhw MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 7
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 The Department of Justice (DOJ) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have disclosed limited records of Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri) August 29th 1986 invitation to then-Director William Webster. These records were disclosed by the FBI following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) on or around October 12th2021. It’s the 2nd (second) time the Department of Justice (DOJ) have referred the AACL to the National Archives Records Administration (NARA) on issues not unrelated to the rape and murder of Jeanne Ann Clery. The recent FBI disclosure show that Westminster College had extended an invitation to William Webster to “deliver the 1987 Commencement Address on Sunday, May 17, 1987 at 2:30 P.M.” The August 29th 1986 letter was signed by Westminster College former President J. Harvey Saunders. On October 31st 1986, William Webster accepted the invitation of Westminster College, acknowledging his formal and informal ties to Westminster College as well as Callaway County. The rape and murder of Jeanne Ann Clery continues to leave several key questions about Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 unaddressed. These questions include but are not limited to the following. 1) What are/were colleges/universities in the U.S.A obligations pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972? Were colleges/universities throughout the U.S.A required by law to denounce violence committed against women irrespective of their racial backgrounds, their sexual orientations, their religious affiliations and their national origins following the enactment of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972? If yes, were colleges/universities required to inform their students what constitute appropriate sexual boundaries pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972? 2) Did colleges/universities throughout the U.S.A begin informing their students what constitute “affirmative and effective consent” following the enactment of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972? If not, when did colleges/universities begin to inform their incoming freshmen/transfer students about the concepts of “affirmative and effective consent?” Did colleges/universities throughout the U.S.A begin teaching the concepts of “affirmative and effective consent” to their incoming freshmen/transfer students following the rape and murder of Jeanne Ann Clery (dated April 05th 1986)? If yes, why have colleges/universities throughout the U.S.A fixated on the rape and murder of this Caucasian woman by a Black/African American man to inform their incoming freshmen/transfer students about what constitutes “affirmative and effective consent?” 3) Are colleges/universities discussions pertaining to what constitutes “affirmative and effective consent” consistent with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 if they are first informing their incoming/freshmen students about the rape and murder of Jeanne Ann Clery? Are colleges/universities discussions pertaining to what constitutes “affirmative and effective consent” consistent with their academic integrity policy if they are first informing their incoming freshmen/transfer students about the rape and murder of Jeanne Ann Clery? 4) Were there forces out there in the 1970s and the 1980s looking for a case where a Black man rapes and murders a Caucasian woman for the purpose of enacting a law similar to the Jeanne Clery Act? Was the enactment of the Jeanne Clery Act the result of racist and sexist individuals coming together for the purpose of [a] preventing racial minorities from climbing the social ladder through academic education; [b] cracking down on interracial relationships particularly between a Caucasian woman and a Black/African American man; [c] not applying the same standards in circumstances where a Caucasian man sexually assaults a woman from a MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 8
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 racial minority (as in the case of Brock Turner and Chanel Miller following her rape on January 18th 2015 at the campus of Stanford University)? Approximately 5 (five) Months After the April 05th 1986 Rape and Murder of Jeanne Ann Clery. Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W Official Website.: https://michaelayeleaacl.wordpress.com/2021/12/10/jeanne-clery-april-1986-and-michael-ayele- aacl-january-2010-in-review-affirtmative-and-effective-consent-in-question-title-ix-doj-fbi-cia- dhs-westminster-college-fulton-missouri-index/ viAs part of promotion for a totally under-the-radar film called Don't Worry Darling, Olivia Wilde explains to fellow director and interviewer Maggie Gyllenhaal who Jordan Peterson and the incel community are. Specifically that Chris Pine's character is based off the former: WILDE: Terrifying. We based that character on this insane man, Jordan Peterson, who is this pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community. You know the incels? GYLLENHAAL: No. WILDE: They’re basically disenfranchised, mostly white men, who believe they are entitled to sex from women. GYLLENHAAL: Oh, right. WILDE: And they believe that society has now robbed them—that the idea of feminism is working against nature, and that we must be put back into the correct place. Read more GYLLENHAAL: Well, they must be psyched. Things are going really well for them. WILDE:Yeah, they’re actually succeeding in many different ways. But this guy Jordan Peterson is someone that legitimizes certain aspects of their movement because he’s a former professor, he’s an author, he wears a suit, so they feel like this is a real philosophy that should be taken seriously. GYLLENHAAL: Wow. Olivia Wilde explains who incels are to Maggiel Gyllenhaal in Interview Magazine.: https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/124177757.html viiOn (or around) March 15th 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) United States Secret Service (USSS) had published a report about the November 02nd 2018 shooting in Tallahassee, Florida. On (or around) March 16th 2022, agency officials representing the DOJ confirmed that they had settled a lawsuit filed against them for the February 14th 2018 mass- shooting in Parkland, Florida. MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 9
REQUEST FOR RECORDS 03/08/2023 For very obvious reasons, the Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL) is deeply concerned about the decision of the FBI to take some responsibility for February 14th 2018 mass-shooting in Parkland, Florida but not for the November 02nd 2018 shooting in Tallahassee, Florida. The AACL unequivocally denounces gun related violence committed in the U.S.A and/or elsewhere in the world. The AACL acknowledges that systemic chauvinism, discrimination, misogyny, racism and sexism is very much fueling the U.S.A gun violence public health epidemic. The AACL unequivocally denounces the systemic chauvinism, discrimination, misogyny, racism and sexism that is plaguing U.S society. About the November 02nd 2018 Shooting in Tallahassee, Florida Motivated by Misogyny and Sexism. Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W Official Website.: https://michaelayeleaacl.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/michael-ayele-aka-w- analysis-of-misogynistic-extremism-march-2022-in-perspective-and-context-index/ MICHAEL A. AYELE (A.K.A) W 10