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Two-Port Networks-1

Explore the fundamentals of two-port networks, including port variables, linear elements, and characterization possibilities with z and y parameters. Learn about reciprocity, symmetry, impedance, and admittance matrices.

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Two-Port Networks-1

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  1. Two-Port Networks-1 D.C. Kulshreshtha Two-Port Network-1

  2. Thought of the Day HAPPINESS is found in DOING; Not merely in POSSESING. Two-Port Network-1

  3. To be Discussed • Multi-Port Networks. • Two-Port Network. • Six Possibilities of Characterization. • open-circuit, impedance, or z-paramters. • Equivalent Circuit Using z-parameters . • Conditions for Reciprocity and Symmetry. • Short-circuit, admittance, or y-paramters. • Equivalent Circuit Using y-Parameters. • Conditions for Reciprocity and Symmetry. Two-Port Network-1

  4. Port • A port of a network consists of two terminals — one for the entry of current and other for its exit. • The currents in the two terminals of a port are equal. • ‘Porte’ in French means ‘door’. Two-Port Network-1

  5. Two-Port Network The port variables are port currents I1 and I2 and the port voltages V1 and V2. Note the reference directions of currents and voltages. Two-Port Network-1

  6. Assume linear time-invariant elements. • May contain dependent sources but not independent sources. • We need two linear equations in port-variables to characterize such a two-port network. • Two can be taken as the independent variables and the remaining two as the dependent variables. • The choice is just a matter of convenience for a given applications. Two-Port Network-1

  7. Six Possibilities • Open-circuit, impedance, or z-parameters. • Short-circuit, admittance, or y-parameters. • Hybrid, or h-parameters. • Inverse hybrid, or g-parameters. • Transmission, or ABCD-parameters. • Inverse transmission, or abcd-parameters Two-Port Network-1

  8. Two-Port Network-1

  9. OPEN-CIRCUIT, IMPEDANCE, OR z-PARAMTERS ImpedanceMatrix Two-Port Network-1

  10. 1. Input driving point impedance, 2. Reverse transfer impedance, Two-Port Network-1

  11. 3. Forward transfer impedance, 4. Output driving point impedance, Two-Port Network-1

  12. Equivalent Circuit Using z-parameters It is just a picturization of the defining equations. Two-Port Network-1

  13. Alternate way of drawing the equivalent circuit. Two-Port Network-1

  14. Conditions for Reciprocity A network is said to be reciprocal, if Two-Port Network-1

  15. Condition for Symmetry A two-port network is said to be symmetricalif its ports can be interchanged without changing the port voltages and currents. Two-Port Network-1

  16. SHORT-CIRCUIT, ADMITTANCE, OR y-PARAMTERS Admittance Matrix Two-Port Network-1

  17. 1. Input driving point admittance, 2. Reverse transfer admittance, Two-Port Network-1

  18. 3. Forward transfer admittance 4. Output driving point admittance Two-Port Network-1

  19. Equivalent Circuit Using y-Parameters Picturizing the defining equations, Two-Port Network-1

  20. Alternatively, Two-Port Network-1

  21. Conditions for Reciprocity and Symmetry Two-Port Network-1

  22. Review • Multi-Port Networks. • Two-Port Network. • Six Possibilities of Characterization. • open-circuit, impedance, or z-paramters. • Equivalent Circuit Using z-parameters . • Conditions for Reciprocity and Symmetry. • Short-circuit, admittance, or y-paramters. • Equivalent Circuit Using y-Parameters. • Conditions for Reciprocity and Symmetry. Two-Port Network-1

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