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Embrace Pope Francis's call to be stewards of creation, protect Earth's beauty, show tenderness to all living things, and inspire hope for a sustainable future. Let's care for our common home together.
that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Prayer for our Earth ~ Laudato Si’ “Go, you aresent… to be stewards ofcreation”
with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Prayer for our Earth ~ Laudato Si’ “Go, you aresent… to be stewards ofcreation”
theworthofeachthing,tobefilledwithaweandcontemplation, torecognizethatweareprofoundlyunitedwitheverycreature… Prayer for our Earth ~ Laudato Si’ “Go, you aresent… to be stewards ofcreation”
inthewholeuniverseandinthesmallest ofyourcreatures. Youembracewithyourtendernessallthatexists. Prayer for our Earth ~ Laudato Si’ “Go, you aresent… to be stewards ofcreation”
istheforcethat reawakensustonewlifeandinstills inusthecourage tolooktothe futurewithHOPE PopeFrancis Allittakes isonegoodperson torestoreHOPE PopeFrancis “Go, you aresent… to be stewards ofcreation” “Go, you are sent… to be stewards of creation”
meanstouseoureyestoseetheother,tolistentothechildren,thepoor,thosewhoareafraidofthefuture.meanstouseoureyestoseetheother,tolistentothechildren,thepoor,thosewhoareafraidofthefuture. To listen to the silentcry of our common home … Tenderness meanstouseourhandsandourheart tocomforttheother,totakecareofthoseinneed…” WordsfromPopeFrancisTEDTalkApril2017 t“Go, you are sent… to be stewards of creation” e stewards ofcreation”
Papatūānuku~MotherEarth,OurHome TheprotectionofEarth’svitality, diversityandbeautyisasacredtrust. TheEarthCharter “Go, you aresent… to be stewards ofcreation”
if we lose the experience of the forest, the butterflies, the song of birds, if we can’t see the stars at night. ThomasBerry the worth of each living thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognise that we are profoundly united to every living creature. Prayer for our Earth ~ Laudato Si’ “Go, you aresent… to be stewards ofcreation”
Care for our Common Home Requires • “simple daily gestures • which break with the • logic of violence, • exploitation and selfishness, • and make themselves felt • in every action that seeks • to build a better world” • 8th Work of Mercy ~ Pope Francis “Go, you aresent… to be stewards ofcreation”