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Mobile Broadband in Africa and the Middle East: LTE Profit Drivers and Outlook, a Telecom Insider Report by Pyramid Research, tackles the question of how LTE is positioned in Africa and the Middle East and what its growth drivers and consequences for mobile broadband are. It reviews the existing LTE deployments and assesses uptake vis--vis (and along with) 3G adoption and rollouts. We analyze the current circumstances and expectations for mobile broadband in AME by using three main pillars: revenue drivers (services, devices, pricing models), cost (regulations and deployment models) and structural dynamics (socioeconomic and competitive characteristics).
Mobile Broadband in Africa and the Middle East: LTE Profit Drivers and Outlook To buy this Report Visit http://www.jsbmarketresearch.com
Summary Mobile Broadband in Africa and the Middle East: LTE Profit Drivers and Outlook, a Telecom Insider Report by Pyramid Research, tackles the question of how LTE is positioned in Africa and the Middle East and what its growth drivers and consequences for mobile broadband are. It reviews the existing LTE deployments and assesses uptake vis--vis (and along with) 3G adoption and rollouts. We analyze the current circumstances and expectations for mobile broadband in AME by using three main pillars: revenue drivers (services, devices, pricing models), cost (regulations and deployment models) and structural dynamics (socioeconomic and competitive characteristics).
Reason To Buy This Report: • This Insider Report provides a comprehensive examination of service provider business models around LTE in Africa and the Middle East market to help executives fully understand market dynamics, determine what works and what doesnt, formulate effective product development plans and optimize resource allocation and return on investments. • This Insider Report provides a five-year forecast of LTE uptake in Africa and the Middle East, developed using Pyramid Researchs rigorous bottom-up modeling methodologies, to enable executives to effectively position their companies for growth opportunities and emerging trends in demand for their products. To know more about this report click here – http://www.jsbmarketresearch.com/telecommunications/r-Mobile-Broadband-in-Africa-and-the-Middle-East-LTE-Profit-Drivers-and-Outlook-113157
Mobile Broadband in Africa and the Middle East Executive summary Introduction Drivers of profitability Conclusions
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