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Understanding Abnormal Psychology: Biological Approach and Treatments

Explore the biological models of dysfunctional psychology, including causes of abnormal behavior, diagnosis procedures, and various treatments such as drug therapy, ECT, and psychosurgery. Learn about advantages, problems, and the medical model's impact on mental disorders.

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Understanding Abnormal Psychology: Biological Approach and Treatments

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  2. What actually is abnormality?

  3. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 1. Biological Approach Assumes causes of dysfunctional behavior can be found in the body (i.e. neurotransmitters, genetics, etc.) Therefore: The onset, distribution, course, treatment, and all related features of disorders can then be viewed as parallel to what occurs in physical diseases

  4. a) Approach to “illness” MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d 1) Identify syndrome 2) Establish etiology 3) Seek treatment b) Bio-genic or Bio-medical model 1) Neuroanatomy: size or shape of brain structures may be abnormal, causing symptoms of mental illness 2) Chemical:excess or deficiency of one or more chemical elements of the body has been studied as a cause of mental illness 3) Genetics: genetic influence on abnormal behavior. Methods: family studies, twin studies & adoptee studies 4) Infection: caused by disease or infection (impairment of mental function by syphilis)

  5. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d C. DIAGNOSIS 1. CLINICAL ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES a. NeuropsychologicalTests • CAT (Computer Axial Tomogram) scan • EEG (Electroencephalogram) • PET (Positron emission tomography) scan • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) • Blood tests b. Clinical Questions • Does the family have a history of that behavior? (genetic cause) • Does the disorder seem to have a link with some illness or accident? • Is the behavior made worse by events that could be construed as having a physiological effect?

  6. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d TREATMENTS There are three major kinds of biological treatments 1. Drug Therapy Psychotropic drugs discovered in 1950s - Act primarily on the brain & can help alleviate symptoms of mental disorders a) Antianxiety drugs: reduce tension & anxiety • Benzodiazepines (valium) -most widely prescribed -do alleviate anxiety but are addictive, overused & misused -without other support therapies not a long-term solution

  7. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d D. TREATMENTS, drug therapy, cont’d b) Antidepressants: help lift spirits of depressed • MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors) • tricyclics • Fluoxetine hydrochloride (tradename Prozac) • Success rates: • MAOIs 50% • Tricyclics & Prozac 65% • BEST WHEN: • Drug treatment combined with cognitive therapy

  8. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d D. TREATMENTS, drug therapy, cont’d c) Antibipolar drugs: help stabilize moods • Most effective: lithium • Helpful in 70 – 80% d) Antipsychotics: alleviate confusion, hallucinations & delusions • Also called neuroleptic drugs because of side effects • Phenothiazines (block dopamine metabolism • Clozapine (acts on serotonin) • Chlopromazine (thorazine) • Haloperidol (Haldol) • TREATMENT NEEDS TO BE: • Drug treatment combined psychotherapy & support programs

  9. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d TREATMENTS cont’d 2. ECT a) Developed in 1930s • Used primarily on depressed patients • Used IN THE PAST on schizophrenics b) Helps approximately 70 – 80% of depressed patients c) Used as last resort d) Ethically questioned: no-one really knows WHY it works e) Side effects: minor loss of memory & mild confusion

  10. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d TREATMENTS cont’d 3. Psychosurgery a) Developed in 1930s by Moniz • Lobotomy, leucotomy • Used at first on depressed patients & later on schizophrenics b) 1940 “transorbital lobotomy” developed by Freeman c) Used as last resort d) Side effects: seizures, extreme listlessness & in some cases death e) Today’s procedures more precise but only used in extreme circumstances

  11. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d E. ADVANTAGES 1. Psychological processes have a biological basis 2. Research produces new information quickly 3. Some mental disorders have been revolutionized by drug treatments

  12. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d F. PROBLEMS 1. Narrow view of abnormal functioning. Not everything can be reduced to biological causes. 2. Evidence often incomplete. Many studies done on animals and this makes information uncertain. 3. Genetic explanation not conclusive. Is it genes or does being in the same family expose you to the same conditions? 4. Drugs used to treat disorders often have severe side-effects. 5. Drugs do not help everyone

  13. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Biological Approach cont’d F. PROBLEMS cont’d 6. Some drugs can be addictive which can lead to other problems 7. There are ethical issues with some of the treatments

  14. QUIZ: The psychology of dysfunctional behavior & The Medical Model 1. Discuss the difficulty in assessing dysfunctional behavior. 2. Describe & Evaluate two treatments for a dysfunctional behavior within the biological approach.

  15. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 2. Behavioral (Learning) Approach Assumes causes of dysfunctional behavior can be found Therefore: The onset, distribution, course, treatment, and all related features of disorders

  16. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Behavioral Approach cont’d QUESTIONS • How was the behavioral model conceived? • What are the three explanations of abnormal behavior according to the behavioral model? • Give two strengths of the behavioral approach & treatments (your own words) • Give a BRIEF description of the four behavioral treatments in the behavioral model. • What do behavioral theorists believe about our behavior? • Give two weaknesses of the behavioral approach & treatments (your own words)

  17. QUIZ: The psychology of dysfunctional behavior & The Behavioral Model 1. Discuss the difficulty in assessing dysfunctional behavior. 2. Discuss how the classical conditioning, operant conditioning & modeling explanation of abnormal behavior differ? 3. Describe & Evaluate two treatments for a dysfunctional behavior within the learning (behavioral) approach.

  18. MODELS OF DYSFUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: Behavioral Approach cont’d QUESTIONS • What is the main idea behind Ellis’ Rational Emotive Therapy? • What are Beck’s “automatic thoughts” and how do they affect a person’s behavior? • In your own words, explain what you think is the greatest strength & the greatest weakness of the cognitive model. • According to Beck, _________ thought patterns are _________ and can cause great _________ or __________ for the individual. • According to the cognitive model, what is needed to understand human behavior? • How do Ellis’ RET & Beck’s Cognitive Therapy compare?

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